Computer Class Procedures and Guidelines
Student Name (PRINT) ______ID #______Date______
Circle Grade: 6 7 8 Circle period: 1 2 3 4 Circle Section: A B C
Kindly review student requirements with your parent, then sign + return it to your teacher.
1. Upon arrival, place all belongings on table + take your seat + log on + begin your task!
2. Bring your planner and something to write with to class every day!
3. Students are not permitted to work on other subjects; surf or visit unauthorized sites or unacceptable applications.
4. Must observe the district’s code of conduct + classroom polices in the Burnet student handbook.
5. ALWAYS raise hand + await permission to speak and always ask permission to leave your seat.
6. No gum, candy, food, drinks, makeup, hair brushes, etc. allowed in classroom.
7. Students must follow SAFE Internet practices; and respect equipment, classmates + teachers.
8. ALWAYS observe – Give me 5 principles...which are
Eyes on speaker---Lips closed—Ears listening ---Hands/feet quiet---Body straight
9. Students MUST visit class catapult web page regularly and share it with your parents.
10. School electronic device policies are in effect at all times.
11. LOG ON: (If prior PC user did not log off, kindly log off for them).
12. You are responsible for proper use of assigned computer and organization of work area.
13. Username: last 2 digits of graduation year; 1st initial 1st name, last name. Password: 10456
14. Completed work must include: Your Full name_Grade _Period __Date __Assignment Name __
15. FIVE (5) minutes before the end of each class period: A Save your work + log off! B. Clean + clear your work area. ALL your work must be saved in your common M drive under Lorenzo. During last five minutes of class write s in your day planner “what you learned” and “what you did” on this day
16. Your work may be displayed in the class room.
17. Grading Point Policy: Tests/Projects/Activities: 100 points; Quizzes/Participation /50 points; keyboarding/10 points. All work is assigned a date! Lateness will result in a loss of points
Missed classes for Band, Orchestra, Chorus, G & T must complete missed work.
PARENTS- Please provide email address ______+ daytime phone #______
and visit parent portal on Genesis:
Parents sign here______authorizing us to permit web use.
Student sign here______(to accept preceding guidelines/procedures)
Contact Mr. Lorenzo at 908-851-6490 extension 5497 or via email: .
Thank you!
School Year 2015-16 CC Harrell, Drayton
Revised 12/1/15