Community Relations Manager Danny Perry from the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company presented a $8,376 grant to the Township Fire Department to purchase a location system. Mr. Perry said the donation was awarded by Capacity Coverage Company of New Jersey, Inc. and the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company. Mr. Perry gave a background of their mission. Mr. Marc Weinraub of Capacity Coverage and a Mahwah resident said he has great respect for the first responders that protect our Township and that he was privileged to live here.
Mr. Ken Kiel from AAA gave a brief demonstration of the system, which gives a designated fire official the ability to locate all firefighters inside a structure and allowing them to respond to any distress signal.
The meeting was called to order at 8:13PM by Council President DaPuzzo who read the Open Public Meetings Act Statement as prescribed by law. Notice was advertised in The Record on July 11, 2008 stating this meeting would be held in the Municipal Offices, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey on Thursday, January 22, 2009 at 8:00PM.
Notice of this meeting is posted on the Municipal Bulletin Board. The minutes of this meeting shall be available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office.
Salute to the Flag.
Present: Councilmembers Alderisio, DaPuzzo, DiGiulio arrived at 8:12PM, Hermansen
arrived at 8:10PM and Larson
Absent: Councilmembers Kidd and Roth
Also present were Mayor Richard J. Martel, Business Administrator Brian Campion, Township Attorney Terry Paul Bottinelli, Township Engineer Kevin Boswell, Township Engineer’s Associate Michael Kelly, Township Utility Engineer Gerard Spiesbach, Deputy Municipal Clerk Jan Fox.
On a motion by Hermansen, seconded by Alderisio, the meeting was opened to the public at 8:14PM. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Bill Laforet of 69 Armour Road stated he is voicing his concerns before Council on behalf of the Mahwah Municipal Alliance which is a support group for what the Police Officers have been doing for many years. He said he had concerns about potentially cutting the three Police Officers and putting the DARE Program, Junior Police Academy and Youth Leadership Academy at risk. He asked the Council to consider the consequences. Mr. Laforet said a lot of children would be affected by the loss of these beneficial leadership programs in the Township.
DaPuzzo explained that the Council just received the Budget last week and there have not been any Budget hearings yet so there have been no determinations yet. DaPuzzo gave a
Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2009
brief description about the state mandate from the Governor. He said the state law prohibits the Township’s tax levy from rising more than four percent. He further stated, with salaries up 3.5 percent, a reduction in the revenues due to the economy, and reduced state aid the Township normally receives, the budget is only $250.00 under that cap. DaPuzzo said every department has taken a certain amount of cuts and anything put into the Budget has to be taken away from another area. After meeting with Administration, he said that one Police Officer position has been put back into the budget. DaPuzzo mentioned that when Council has the Budget Meetings they will go through the book page by page and try to minimize any disturbance to any service. DaPuzzo stated that the Council has always been given a very workable budget by the Mayor. This evening the budget hearings will be scheduled. Budget Hearings are open to the public and will be posted.
Mr. Albert Kidd of 851 Darlington Avenue reminded everyone that 15,000 jobs have disappeared in the state and there is a two billion dollar deficit. He feels wherever cuts can be made they should. Mr. Kidd said although the Township’s taxes are reasonable he has some questions on spending.
Mr. Kidd asked why the Township would put more money into reactivating the case on Olney Road by hiring an Engineer by evaluating the road. DaPuzzo answered that there has been no determination made on Olney Road nor has there been an approval of additional funds. The Township Attorney stated this issue is still being investigated as to what the Township wants to do.
Mr. Kidd’s second question was if the Municipal Pool made any money this past year. DaPuzzo stated that the Pool broke even. Certain Capital Expenditures that may happen would work into a negative. The day to day operations of the pool are even or a little in the Black. The Business Administrator agreed with DaPuzzo that they it is even.
Mr. Kidd asked how much it cost to call Texas to have the lighting on the fields turned off. DaPuzzo said the call to Texas is toll free. There is a maintenance agreement we pay for the year but he does not know how much it is. The Business Administrator said this figure would be listed on the vendor list.
Mr. Kidd said asked the purpose was of having the hydrogen vehicle display. DaPuzzo answered it was an informational seminar for the Council and to get the public involved. He said he would like to see putting in a Municipal shared services fueling station and possibly getting Northern Bergen County to put together fleets of Hydrogen fuel cell cars.
This would all be from grant money and hopefully politicians would get involved to push for legislation to get fueling stations.
Mr. Kidd asked what the trade-in value was for the pick up truck. The Business Administration said they went by the book value and this vehicle required about $8,000 of repairs.
Mr. Gary Corrado of 30 Olney Road said he recognizes how difficult times are and knows the Township has some hard decisions to make. He said his son participated in
Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2009
the Police Community Outreach Programs and he sees the positive effect it has on his son. He further stated these programs are a tremendous benefit to the young children and for the community. The Officers have done a wonderful job and hopes these programs do not disappear. In reference to Olney Road, he stated he is glad that the Township is going to take a hard look at it as it is a dangerous situation there.
Hermansen commented that he has attended some of the programs the Police Officers have done for the children. No one on the Council believes that these programs are not fantastic. At the same time, we are under constraints. Hermansen said DaPuzzo has met with Administration and the Chief of Police trying to get ideas how we can figure out ways to make things work. The Council will continue to do that as they know how positive these programs are. DaPuzzo said they are getting closer to something everyone can work with.
A resident said her son developed a special bond with two Police Officers, Officer Weber and Officer Curtis and that would not have been possible if there were not these programs. She said she has concerns with the economy the way it is crime will be on the rise would not feel protected with three less Officers. She suggested merging some of our resources with other Townships. DaPuzzo stated we have already done that.
Mrs. Denise Furman of 22 Olney Road said she came from Brooklyn where they did not have programs such as ours. She said it makes such a difference when there are programs to help young teenagers to stay on the right track. The DARE Program has added so much value to her son. Mrs. Furman understands the difficulties and the tough decisions the Township has to make in the Budget. She suggested ideas of some way to meet in the middle with the goals.
Mr. Dennis Burns of 253 Mahwah Road said his daughter enjoyed the programs over the years and hopes she will be able to continue in them. He read a letter to Council that his daughter wanted to write expressing how she felt about the programs and hoping they will not be eliminated.
Mrs. Petukh of 2334 Oliver Court thanked Officer Curtis and all the other Officers for engaging in these programs. When she heard these programs could be in danger she thought it was a joke. She feels it may be advisable to check what the cost comparison would be for the Police Officers to be in the schools for the whole year to watch the children compared to hiring outside people checking on the children. She feels we also could get some perspective by comparing our costs to other Townships.
Mr. James Tecchio, an Instructor at the Junior Police Academy and Youth Leadership Academy and said it has been the best experience of his life. He will never do drugs and will never drink. You cannot put a price on a kid’s life. He also stated he admired the Police Officers as they make a great sacrifice and he wants the programs to stay in place.
On a motion by DiGiulio, seconded by Hermansen, the meeting was closed to the public at 9:02PM. All in favor. Motion carried.
Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2009
Any Councilmember with questions on the Bills and Claims was asked to confer with
Administration prior to the Public Meeting.
ENGINEERING (Boswell-McClave)
1a. Corporate Drive Improvements - Section 2; Proposal for Design and Construction Management Services
The Township Engineer’s Associate explained the construction plan started last fall in
Section I. Due to the weather they will resurface Section 1 in the spring. He said the
Township has received a State Aid Grant for the work improvements on Corporate
Drive, Section 2 in the amount of $200,000.00. He provided the Council with a tax map
showing where the proposal for Section II will start and how they will continue until the
grant is exhausted. The Township Engineer’s Associate said due to the current funding
in place they are only requesting that the Design Engineering Services be approved for a
fee not to exceed $13,000.
The Business Administrator mentioned that the grant has not been placed in the
temporary budget, as yet, but once it is done they will approve the balance of the
construction part.
The Township Engineer’s Associate said on the section by Route 17, the applicant has
agreed to resurface this section as part of their project. They also agreed to improve the
curb line as you turn from Route 17 onto Corporate Drive.
Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting
1b. Resurfacing of Stage 5 Sanitary Sewer Roads; Proposal for Design and Construction Management Services
The Township Engineer’s Associate said at the Township’s request they
have provided their proposal to prepare their construction plans and specifications for the
resurfacing of Stage 5 Sanitary Sewer Roads. This is also to provide for the construction
inspection of resurfacing of the sanitary sewer roads that were completed in the fall
of 2008. They listed the roads that will be included in the project. He said they will perform the design services for a fee not to exceed $17,000.00 and will perform the construction management services for a fee not to exceed $51,000.00. The Township Engineer’s Associate commented that they consistently come in under the budget appropriated for them.
Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
1c. Rezoning of Lot 119 and Portions of Lots 118 and 120 in Block 173; Edison Road and Fairmount Avenue
The Township Attorney said he prepared an Ordinance with an attached Exhibit A
with a corrected description from a clerical error.
Ordinance shall be introduced at the Public Meeting
Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2009
1d. Authorization to Sign Developer’s Agreement (OTO Development)
The Township Engineer’s Associate said this is the Robbie Music Barn site and they are
recommending the Council approve the Resolution and the Township execute this
Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting
1e. Verbal Progress Report
Masonicus Brook and Winters Pond: The Township Engineer’s Associate said the
Mosquito Commission would like to get into Masonicus Brook for Stream Cleaning and
Restoration of Winters Pond . They cannot get in there while the pond is frozen but the
Mosquito Commission has brought their equipment to the site so as soon as the pond
is melted they can do there exploratory work.
Revisions to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps: The Township Engineer’s Associate
said on the recommendation of Council President DaPuzzo they contacted the Army
Corps. of Engineer’s to obtain whatever information they have on Masonicus Brook.
They did provide the flood study they have performed in this area. The Township
Engineer’s Associate stated they are reviewing the study so that can assist in providing
the flood maps.
2a. Proposal for Corrosion Control
The Township Utility Engineer stated they are submitting a Proposal that they had
recommended to the Township in June 2006. At that time they had submitted a
Corrosion Control study to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection with
a number of things to be done at various well sites. The state conditionally approved the
plan but indicated they wanted to step up the timeframe. After going back and forth with
communication with them and Administration, the Township Utility Engineer
said they have put together an implementation plan for some interim facilities that