Master Gardener County Annual Report Form

Name of County/Local MG Group:

Submitted By:

1. Financial Report (Please complete the requested information below. Send a copy of your annual budget or audit report if available.)

If you have completed 2014 County Master Gardener budget or year-end audit report please submit a copy. However, to streamline and simplify reporting, please complete the following information. Because Master Gardener county/local group funds are “public” dollars and the state MG office is ultimately accountable for funds raised for MG work – local or statewide -- it is necessary that this information is on file at the state office. If additional information is needed about funds held by your county/local MG program, we will contact you.

Balance in county Master Gardener checking account or a county Extension budget line for MG program generated funds as of 1/1/14:

Total income generated in 2014:

Primary sources of income include:

Total Expenses in 2014:

Balance in county Master Gardener checking account or a county Extension budget line for MG program funds as of 12/31/14:

Balance of any other assets/investments (CD, savings, etc.) as of 12/31/14: ______

2. One County Program Highlight

Please highlight one major 2014 educational project undertaken by your local program. Please respond to each question below regarding that project. You can keep it brief, just a sentence or two for each response. We may follow up on some of the highlight projects and hope to work with you to develop a short feature story that can be used to communicate the impact of Extension Master Gardener programs across the state. We will use stories not only for annual report, but for features on the website and elsewhere.

Name of Highlight Project:

Number of Master Gardeners involved:

Number of participants reached and whether adult or youth or both:

Organizations or other programs you partnered with:

What you intended to achieve by doing this project:

What you did; what happened:

What was the outcome:

Ways that you can document you where successful or had impact:

3. Programs Outcomes in EMG special focus areas

We continue to focus and report on Water Quality/Environment, Youth, and Food Access related programming. If your EMG program conducted education in these areas, please check any of the following that apply. Use the optional spaces to add text that describes more fully the extent and impact of your work or projects you want to report that are not included in the check lists.

A. Environmental: Please check any of the following that describe your 2014 EMG educational efforts related to environmental education.

___ We conducted educational programs, demonstrations or participated in planning and/or maintenance of rain gardens or shoreline management projects

How many participants? ______

___ We conducted classes about composting/yard waste reduction or demonstrated composting techniques.

How many participants? ______

___ We conducted educational classes or direct consultation on invasive plants, insects, or disease. What invasive species? ______

How many participants? ______

____ We conducted educational classes, programs or other projects related to increasing pollinators or other pollinator issues.

Please describe:

How many participants? ______

Optional: Describe any other water quality/environmental related educational effort undertaken that you want to share:

B. Youth: Please check any of the following that describe your 2014 EMG educational efforts with youth.

B1. One-time events (youth participate in an education experience with EMGs that is one day long or less)

___ We conducted sessions for a conservation or school field day.

How many participants? ______

___ We conducted a one-time garden education training for 4-H (e.g., project day, fair judging, etc.)

How many participants? ______

___ We conducted a one-time garden education class or activity for a school.

How many participants? ______

___ We conducted a one-time garden education class or activity for youth from an organization other than 4-H.

How many participants? ______

Optional: Describe any other one-time events with youth that you want to share:

B2. Multiple-session events (e.g., youth participated more than one time. The educational experience with EMGs is in a multiple-session or ongoing program that is conducted on more than one day.)

___ We conducted a Junior Master Gardener program, either with another organization or independently.

How many participants in the JMG program? ______

___ We conducted a multiple-session garden education program with or through 4-H.

How many participants? ______

___ We conducted a multiple-session garden education program with Extension Nutrition Education.

How many participants? ______

___ We conducted a multiple-session garden education program with a school.

How many participants? ______

___ We conducted a multiple-session garden education program with a youth organization other than 4-H.

How many participants? ______

Optional: Describe any other multiple-session events with youth that you want to share:

C. Food Access: Please check any of the following that describe your 2014 EMG educational efforts related to Food Access (e.g., creation of or education at community gardens, establishing farmers market, etc.).

___ We conducted one-time classes on home garden food production.

How many participants?

___ We conducted a multiple-session class series on home garden food production.

How many participants?

___ We created and/or maintain, alone or in partnership with another organization/group, one or more community gardens where individuals or families can grow their own food.

How many participants?

___ We maintain a demonstration food garden at a community garden or other location and use the garden to teach people how to grow their own food.

How many participants?

___ We created, or partnered with another organization, to establish a farmers market where people have greater access to fresh garden produce.

___ We maintained a garden where produce was donated to a food shelf.

How much produce was donated? ______

Optional: Describe any other events or projects related to food access that you want to share:

4. Other Specific Program Areas

Please check below any that apply:

Did your Extension Master Gardener group work in any of the following areas?

a. Organize and host a 2014 Horticulture Day (a one-day event with multiple workshops, speakers, etc.?

____ Yes If yes, how many non-MG attended? ______

If yes, how many MG from your group organized or attended it?

b. Provide education for any Habitat for Humanity projects?

____ Yes If yes, how many homes did you assist with? ______

or, how many families to you assist with? ______

c. Conduct any horticulture therapy projects (working with special needs individuals, programs with elder care residents, etc.)

____ Yes If yes, describe in a sentence or two what you did:

d. Produced articles or productions for local media (newspaper, TV, radio, etc.)?

____ newspaper articles: how many? ______

____ radio shows: how many? ______

____ TV shows: how many? ______

e. Check any of the follow that apply to your Extension Master Gardener group:

____ We maintain a county phone line to answer consumer horticulture questions.

____ We have regular information booths to answer questions.

If checked, how many booths? (1 booth every week) ______

If checked, at what type of location? (e.g., fair, farmers market, etc.) ______

____ We have a county EMG Facebook page. If checked, list the URL:

____ We have a county EMG website. If checked, list the URL:

____ We have a twitter account. If checked, what is your handle: @______

____ We maintain a blog site. If checked, what is the URL:

____ We have produced YouTube videos. If checked, list YouTube channel (account name): ______

f. List or describe anything else you would like to report about your county 2014 EMG program accomplishments:

Suggestions for how the state office might best support you in meeting local program needs or goals?

Thank You for submitting your county/local Extension Master Gardener Group 2014 Annual Report.

Return completed form by February 1, 2015 to .

If you have questions regarding the how to complete the report, please contact the state office team through the above email address or calling the state office at 612-625-9864.

University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer.