May 27, 2014
Meeting called to order by Fader at 7:05 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance: Valois, Fader, Tomaro, Means, Carroll, Dilmore and Makatura.
Valois moved to accept Minutes of April 22, 2014, Kilbuck Township Workshop and Board of Supervisors Meeting. Tomaro 2nd, approved 3-0.
Public Comment:
Banks statements, list of bills and finance reports submitted for review.
Ordinance prepared and advertised for the sewage agreement between Kilbuck Township and Ben Avon Heights for properties located in Kilbuck Township. Ben Avon Heights will bill directly through Jordan Tax Service. Rates will be the same as Ben Avon Heights residents.
Executive Session held in the Workshop Session to discuss potential legal action against a property owner.
Report Submitted.
o Traditions of America grading plan submitted and discussed in the workshop.
Emsworth Fire Department – report submitted.
Ben Avon Fire Department – report submitted through
Ohio Township Police Department – report submitted.
Dilmore met with Sullivan of Ohio Township regarding the fire hydrant locations for Traditions of America. West View Water said placement is at Traditions of American’s discretion.
Planning Commission:
Minutes provided.
Valois moved to accept the resignation of Mary Witul, as a member of the Kilbuck Township Elected Auditors. Tomaro 2nd. Carried 3-0.
Discussion followed that a replacement is needed. Announced at the meeting. Resident of 4 Ben Avon Heights Road was present and discussion followed.
Kristen Henningson discussed the problem with West View Water breaks on Courtney Mill Road above her home. Two breaks in the last 5 months causing extreme damage to the road.
Valois moved to have the Secretary draft a letter to WV to have immediate action to repair Courtney Mill Road. Tomaro 2nd. Carried 3-0.
Valois moved to accept the April 8, 2014 Minutes of the
Kilbuck Township Planning Commission. Tomaro 2nd.
Carried 3-0.
Valois moved to accept Ordinance #O-14-02, an Ordinance authorizing an intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with Ben Avon Heights Borough, with respect to a joint use of a sanitary sewer line, serving properties in both Kilbuck Township and Ben Avon Heights Borough. Tomaro 2nd. Fader abstained – sewer line effects his property.
Carried 2-0.
Valois moved to authorize the Secretary to advertise for the 2014-2015 salt and snow removal contract. Tomaro 2nd.
Discussion followed on regarding the length of the snow removal contract. Suggested a term clause. Walt’s Landscaping submitted a letter of interest to extend the current contract.
Fader 2nd. Carried 3-0.
Valois moved to accept the List of Bills as submitted for May 27, 2014 in the amount of $12,305.01. Tomaro 2nd . Carried 3-0.
Valois moved to accept the List of Bills as submitted for May 27, 2014 in the amount of $44.56. Fader 2nd. Tomaro abstained – real estate overpayment to Tomaro.
Carried 2-0.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting regular Township Meeting, June 24, 2014, Workshop at 6:00pm, Township meeting at 7:00 pm.
Fader moved to adjourn to 7:20 pm. Tomaro 2nd. Carried 3-0.
Carroll stated that a motion was need to approve the Traditions of America plan.
Fader moved to reopen the meeting. Tomaro 2nd. Carried 3-0.
Valois moved to approve the new plan as submitted by Traditions of America with variations met and approved by Kilbuck Township Planning Commission. Fader 2nd. Carried 3-0.
Fader moved to adjourn at 7:25. Tomaro 2nd. Carried 3-0.
Harry W. Dilmore
Lorraine Makatura
Recording Secretary