TOWN OF WILSON’S MILLS - Zoning Compliance/Site Plan Approval Process
The following is a brief summary of the Town of Wilson’s Mills application and review process for any type of building, renovation or any land development or land disturbance activity on a property. This process is known as approval of a Zoning Compliance or Site Plan.
The Town of Wilson’s MillsZoning Ordinance requires that “it shall be unlawful to begin any excavation, removal of soil, clearing of a site, or placing any fill on lands contemplated for development, or begin any construction, moving, alteration, or renovation, except for ordinary repairs of any building or other structure, including accessory structures and signs, until the Planning Director has issued for such action a Zoning or Land Use Compliance, certifying that such development complies with the applicable provisions of the Town of Wilson’s MillsZoning Ordinance”.
The issuance of a Zoning Compliance is the first step in applying for other land development related permits such as a grading permit, building permit or sign permit.
- Application Submittal: The person seeking a Zoning Compliance or Site Plan Approval will need to complete the Town’s application form and attach all required information. Town staff will review the application and determine if the application is complete. If an application is incomplete, the staff will notify the applicant of deficiencies.
When an application contains all the required information, the staff will review the application and take the following action:
Approve the application, approve the application, with conditions; or deny the application.
2. Commercial projects after staff approval most projects will need Planning Board review and approval and final approval from Town Council. Building permits are issued by Johnston County Inspections.
3. Plans that require a private well or a septic system with septic tank and drainage lines there must be approval from Johnston County Environmental Health.
Contact Information:
Johnston County Environmental Health Department
309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577
Greg Bennett
4. Plans that require water service connection to existing water lines must be approved by Johnston County Public Utilities. If project needs to connect to sewersystem that approval also comes from Johnston County Public Utilities.
Contact Information:
Johnston County Public Utilities
P O Box 2263
309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577
Phone 919/209-8333
Fax 919/934-7174
Chandra Coats –
6. The approval from Johnston County Environmental Health and Johnston County Public Utilities must be in writing before a Zoning Compliance can be issued by the Zoning Officer of the Town of Wilson’s Mills.
Contact Information:
Town of Wilson’s Mills
P O Box 448
Wilson’s Mills, NC 27593-0448
Phone 919/938-3885 ext 22
Fax 919/938-0955
Fleta A. Byrd –
7. Land Use Permit Fees: The following fees are established by the Town Council and apply to the review and issuance of a Zoning Compliance/Site Plan as follows:
Zoning Compliance – Business/Commercial/PUD $200
Sign Permits – Freestanding/Ground/Pole $ 30
Sign Permits – Wall/Other $ 50
Sign Permits – Outdoor Advertising $100
8. Development plans that require a site plan are all commercial, industrial and multi-family projects. Also Planned Unit Developments, manufactured home parks, conditional uses and other situations determined by Zoning Officer or planning board. A site plan shall require the seal of a professional engineer, architect, or landscape architect (surveyors may seal plans for projects that do not include any engineering). A site plan shall consist of the following elements.
Site Plan Requirements:
- Location map that shows the project in relation to the larger planning area
- Names, addresses and telephone numbers of owners, mortgages, and professionals who are responsible for the development.
- The name of the development
- Date of plan preparation
- North arrow, legend and scale
- Environmental features – a site plans shall show existing and proposed features including:
- Natural cover (wood, pastureland)
- Streams, ponds, rivers
- Historic sites
- Fragile environmental areas
- The location of significant trees (eight inches or greater)
- Contour lines shown as dotted lines at no more than two-foot intervals
- The location, size, and dimensions of all recreational areas and open space.
- Dimensions and layout of all parking and loading areas including handicapped spaces
- Public and private streets and alleys, including planned points of ingress and egress. Driveway approval procedures as required by the NCDOT
- Stormwater structures and conveyances
- Utilities, including water, sewer, electric, power, and telephone
- Location and dimensions of all structures, including freestanding signs (included number of dwelling units in building and height and number of stories of structure
- Lighting plan
- All sidewalks, trails, and pedestrian paths
- Landscaping plan
- Legal features
- Zoning of property and adjacent properties
- Property lines
- Project phase lines
- Street rights-of-way
- Utility easements (water, sewer, electric, power, stormwater, telephone
- Lot dimensions
- Sign detail required
- Manufactured home parks shall also provide the following:
- Location of all manufactured home spaces with dimensions
- All recreation and convenience areas (parks, laundry facilities)
- Location of park office
- Location of dumpsters and sanitation facilities
Checklist for Commercial Site Plan Review:
_____ 1. Completed application
_____ 2. Complete plans 3 complete sets of standard copies and 10 8 ½ x 11 copies
_____ 3. Compliance fee
_____ 4. Review by staff ______date ______
_____ 5. Review by Planning Board ______date ______
_____ 6. Review by Town Council ______date ______