Town of Putney
P. O. Box 233
Putney, Vermont 05346
Putney Selectboard
Monday, September 22, 2003 DRAFT VERSION
The Putney Selectboard convened the meeting at 6:00 P.M., Monday, September 22, 2003.
Selectboard Members Present: Dave Hannum, John Nopper, and Regina Rockefeller
Selectboard Members Absent: None
Others Present: Philip Bannister, Anita Coomes, Tom Goddard, Larry Hyde, and Barbara Taylor
1. Approve Selectboard Minutes of 9/8/03
Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, to accept the Selectboard Minutes
of 9/08/03 as written. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
2. Sign the Verizon order
A Verizon order has been received regarding the replacement of a pole on River Road South. Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, authorizing the signing of this order. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
3. Appointment of Larry Hyde to act as Grant Administrator for planning grants
John Nopper made the motion, which was seconded, to appoint Larry Hyde as Grant Administrator for planning grants. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
4. Approval of grant application to Windham Regional Commission for Citizen Survey regarding village growth
John Nopper made the motion, which was seconded, to approve the grant application to Windham Commission for Citizen Survey. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
5. Water System Update
Larry Hyde reported that letters were mailed out Friday, 9/19/03, to the list of community members along the proposed water system route. This letter included a return due date of
October 1, 2003 to commit to the project. A survey was mailed to people living above the proposed route on Kimball Hill that had indicated an interest in accessing the water system. This letter included right of way information in the event the proposed route is extended.
Larry said that the borings had been accomplished and with that an historian (possible engineer) was reviewing the route for possible sites. One such historic place was located between Hildamarie Hendricks and the Huseby house. Larry expects a report to be issued with a fee.
Regina Rockefeller said she received many telephone calls since the last meeting regarding the Selectboard decision on the water system. Those she spoke with assumed it was approved due to the town vote. Many people she spoke with encouraged the Board to verbalize their decision. Regina felt it would open the Board up to a possible suit if it wasn’t approved. Regina felt that the Board was trying to ensure the project could proceed by questioning the proposed budget and not create a taxpayer burden. Provisions in the process should allow for billing end users. She was aware that some VT Dept. of Labor & Industry permits had been issued with the assumption the system was to be installed.
Regina Rockefeller felt the Board needed to publicly state their position on the water system. Dave Hannum said the Board is fiscally responsible and needs to have the responses from the 259 ERU’s with commitments. Regina said the calls from the Water Committee agreed with Dave Hannum. Regina expressed her disappointment in the Committee. Their charge was to do an accurate survey and she felt that was not completed. Regina also felt that Dave Hannum’s statement at the last Board meeting came across in a negative manor prompting many of the telephone calls. Dave said he did not mean it to come across negatively. Regina felt a statement from the Board could dispel these negative feelings.
John Nopper agreed the Board needed to sign off on the project. John also feels in order to show due diligence in this project, it requires that everything be in order for it to proceed. He agreed it was a positive project but he would not feel right abdicating yet until all the issues have been addressed. For example, concerns surrounding operating issues. John said he is almost in agreement but is still not ready to sign off on the project. Regina Rockefeller agreed there were questions needing to be answered with regard to numbers and budgets. John said something dramatic could swing the decision. Regina agreed if something happened to the grant that would be an example of dramatic.
The following statement was proposed:
The Selectboard is in favor of the proposed water system, and they are in the process of insuring that the proposed water system is accomplished in a fiscally and operationally manner that will not place any burden on the taxpayers of the Town who will not be served by the proposed water system.
Discussion continued regarding the Town of Putney’s liability regarding the water system. John Nopper said the Board’s responsibility to administer this project properly is satisfied in the proposed motion. Tom Goddard spoke regarding Regina’s comment on permits. Tom said some have been permitted until the new water system comes through. If the user did not commit, signing on, they would have to follow through with the compliance issues.
John Nopper made a motion, which was seconded, to move the statement as noted above. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
6. Discussion of appointment of new member to the Fire Department Planning Committee
Larry Hyde said Malcolm Jones, Jr. had asked to sit on the Fire Department Planning Committee. Larry said Malcolm is aware of the next meeting date tomorrow.
John Nopper made a motion, which was seconded, to add Malcolm Jones, Jr. to the list of Fire Department Planning Committee members. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
7. Town Manager Report
Larry Hyde reported that pool bids had gone out in today’s mail (9/22/03). These bids will included all but electric, water and sewer hook up labor & materials ($15,475), which covers the in-kind portion. The bids are due in by Wednesday, October 15, 2003.
Larry Hyde said that Kevin Smith, Wright Engineering, is leaving the firm as of October 14, 2003. Kevin has been working hard to complete the project. Larry mentioned his concern with the final cost. Larry said the State does not require generators but they are recommended. Larry has decided to include the generator only at the plant in the final plans.
Larry said the Fire Dept. Planning Committee met this week. He felt they were eager to discuss the crux of the problem and work within the 45-day deadline. Regina Rockefeller said the committee appreciated the facts and figures from Tom Goddard. Larry Hyde explained to the Board that Tom Goddard had put together statistics giving them a better idea of how the fire department works. Tom Goddard mentioned how sad it was that the community is really unaware of this information. Tom said he hopes to be able to educate folks as time goes on.
Larry Hyde said the Putney Listers would attend the 10/6/03 SB meeting. Rescue, Inc. will also be at the 10/6/03 meeting to present their upcoming year financial request.
Larry reported the generator at the Central School is now on line. He estimated the cost to connect the school sewer pump to the new generator system would be $22,223. Dave Hannum requested that Larry send this information on to the school as the pump station belongs to the school. Dave Hannum thanked Larry Hyde for getting this generator up and running.
Larry reported the Conservation Committee has met several time and are working on several projects.
Larry Hyde detailed the status of several projects – black topping of Taylor Road, the culvert project on Old Rte 5 is underway and the sand delivery by Zaluzny is almost complete. The materials have also been delivered for the roof project at the Highway garage.
Regina Rockefeller asked if the cable had been buried going up Holland Hill. Larry Hyde said he is still waiting for paperwork. Without the final draft, the work cannot start.
8. Coming Events
Larry Hyde reminded the Board of the Potluck Dinner at the Community Center 10/3/03. He also mentioned the First Annual African Dance & Film Festival (October 10 – 13) at Neuman Hall. Larry said due to the restrictions on the building, the activities must be held inside. The building allows only films, dances and inside recreation but no weddings & special events. This was a decision from the court. This Festival does comply with the court requirements. Larry Hyde was unsure how many would attend, perhaps about 100. Larry felt the building was permitted for 150. He said there is parking of up to 90 cars. Parking is not allowed on the driveway or Old Depot Road. Larry said he would give the information to Tom Goddard.
9. Pool Finances
None Available
10. Review record of orders drawn for payment of Town expenses
None Available
11. Monthly budget reports
None Available
12. Review Next Meeting Dates
October 6, 2003, 6 pm
October 20, 2003, 6 pm
November 3, 2003, 6 pm
13. Other Business
Regina Rockefeller, following up a request of Peter Shumlin, met with Green Mountain Power engineers to explore the possibility of burying the electric lines in the center of town and going up Kimball Hill. The lines must be 10 feet from the water line. There would also be issues with crossing the bridge as well as dealing with other cables such as Adelphia, etc. It was determined that each resident would be required to change their wiring. It would also means the Town would be without electricity for a time period. Dave Hannum agreed it did not seem to be fiscally responsible to decide to bury the lines at this time. Regina felt it could take about two years to develop enough grants to cover the cost. Dave Hannum felt they didn’t need to go further since they couldn’t justify the cost. Regina agreed it would prove very costly to each homeowner. Regina said she would discuss her findings with Peter Shumlin and he can decide if he wants to take it further.
Dave Hannum brought up the issue of a dog bite that occurred 9/20/03. Dave said it was a Health Board issue. Pictures were provided to the Board of the bite that took place two days ago. Since the dog (Chow) was over 60 pounds, it was taken to Windham Veterinary Clinic. Discussion continued regarding safety issues with children in the area. In the event the owner does not claim the dog from the Veterinary Clinic then the dog reverts back to the Town of Putney.
Dave Hannum suggested they seek counsel from the attorney. John Nopper asked if they needed to warn a Board of Health Meeting. Dave suggested they convene a Board of Health Meeting on 9/29/03 at 6:00PM. Dave assumes all parties must be invited. He suggested contacting the Sheriff’s Office for any information needed. Larry Hyde suggested the letters be sent certified. Regina Rockefeller suggested Larry call the attorney to discuss time limits. Larry also mentioned that Mary Jones was bit this afternoon by another dog. John Nopper asked if the person who was bit needed to go through the rabies shots. Regina again voiced concern for a child who might receive a bite from this same dog.
Executive Session: Personnel
David Hannum asked the Selectboard to enter into an Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue.
John Nopper made the motion, which was seconded, that the Selectbaord enter into Executive Session under 1 VSA 313(a)(3) to discuss a personnel issue. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
The board entered into the Executive Session at 6:50 P. M. and emerged from the Executive Session at 8:10P. M.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.
file: sb minutes 92203