PO BOX 233

PUTNEY, VT 05346


Putney Board of Selectmen

October 3, 2005


The Town of Putney Selectboard met on Monday, October 3, 2005 at the Putney Town Hall at 7:00 PM.

Board Members Present: Lyssa Papazian, John Nopper, Regina A. Rockefeller

Others Present: Chris Ryan, Town Manager; Tom Goddard, Fire Chief; Peter Shumlin, Laura Campbell

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Chair, John Nopper.

Minutes of September 12th & 21st

Accepted as submitted

NIMS training -Tom Goddard

T. Goddard briefed the Board on the need for training in National Incident Command protocols, in light of grant eligibility being tied to ‘timely implementation” of certification for local officials: most Homeland Security grants will fall in this category.

T. Goddard suggested October 25, 11-1, as training date for first session on Level 1.

T. Goddard assured Board that there was some overlap with Putney’s Emergency Operations Plan. Also, some grant funds may be available through LEPC for conducting a simulated major incident training.

Housing Loan program

Board voted unanimously to proceed with Brattleboro Land Trust proposal to merge remaining funds from Putney housing Loan Fund into regional fund, to be administered by BLCT, with understanding that these funds would be earmarked for Putney projects in the first years of the program.

Tavern Green – Peter Shumlin

P. Shumlin addressed Board on proliferation of commercial advertising on town right-of way in front of Shumlin property. In P. Shumlin's view, he retains actual ownership of land underlying ROW, and Town should not assign rights to third parties for commercial purposes.

Board agreed with this position, and moved the following policy statement regarding Tavern Green “ Agreeing with the this presumption of ownership rights of abutters to the Town’s Right of Way, the Board agrees that the abutting owners are the proper individuals to set a policy concerning its use for private purposes. This in no way affects the town’s control over the right of way for legitimate municipal purposes.”

Winter Sand Bid

The Board awarded the bid for winter sand to Bazin Bros., at a price of $9.50 per yd. for 4000 yds. The material will be delivered to the Town Garage by October 31. The Board noted that sand should be used as economically as possible in the coming winter maintenance season, due to increase in cost over budgeted amount.

Treatment Plant Bid update

As the single bid from Penta Corp. was above the available budgeted amount, Otter Creek Engineering is negotiating for adjustments to the cost on the Town’s behalf.

C. Ryan will keep Board informed as to possible date for awarding contract, pending successful renegotiation.

Town Plan

Board approved dates of Nov. 7th & 21st for public hearings on amended Town Plan.

Hi Lo Biddy bridge update

Construction proceeding smoothly –Zaluzny Excavating will be out of sensitive stream areas in advance of October 15 state deadline. Stone work is progressing more quickly than anticipated.

Fire Station update

Work is progressing on schedule – completion date of early January is likely, ahead of contract date of Feb 14. Changes to original budget have amounted to an additional $6400, which is still covered by contingency fund in budget.


Office Reorganization

C. Ryan informed Board that 8 applications had been received for Administrative Assistant position; interviews are being scheduled. C. Ryan informed Board that Geoff Gaddis and Lindley Speers had agreed to serve as Auditors until the 2006 election. Board appointed both unanimously.

Certified Local Government Program

Board discussed briefly, and agreed that further action would be tabled at present, with intention to keep on agenda as pending business.


Board was given overview of rate structure for vision care, which could be purchased as an additional rider to Town Health Insurance policies. As cost savings over current arrangement appeared to be substantial, Board unanimously approved further research into costs of best reasonable offering, and C. Ryan and R. Rockefeller will present to board at next meeting.

Warrants: Treasurer Anita Coomes, Treasurer

The Board approved the following warrants:

·  Payroll through 9/30/05 -$5,478.69

·  Payroll through 9/23/05 -$5,614.14

·  Payroll through 9/16/05 -$5,497.53

A.  Coomes informed Board that approximately $3000 in additional White-Whitney funds were available for FY 06 – Board considered possibility of potential fuel assistance needs in Putney for coming winter, and asked C. Ryan to speak with M. Mrowicki about additional information on Whitney Fund Committee’s criteria for approving fund requests, with intent of making any fuel funds available with minimum of red tape

Executive Session

8:40 PM; Board voted unanimously to enter executive session to discuss personnel issues.

Board returned to open session at 8:55

Board voted unanimously to approve a proposal by Town Manager to adjust hourly rates of full-time Highway employees.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Ryan

Town Manager