Subject: Precalculus Northwest School of the Arts

Unit: 0 Lesson Topic: Modeling Length of lesson: 80 min. Day: A3 - 8/29/12

Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s): NCSCOS 2.01: Use functions to model and solve problems; justify results.
Understanding (s)/goals
1.  Students will understand that relations and functions can be represented numerically, graphically, algebraically, and/or verbally
2.  Students will see the value of getting to know their fellow classmates and its affect on developing a collaborative classroom climate. / Essential Question(s):
1.  What do you think will make you successful studying Precalculus this year?
2.  What do you think of when you think of Precalculus? What are your expectations of this class?
Student objectives (outcomes): Students will begin to develop relationships with at least one student that can potentially become a “study buddy”.
Students can describe 3 mathematical ways to model information and be able to describe the Zero Factor Property.
Analyze functions represented through formulas, graphs, data, and verbal descriptions.
Students will practice problem solving skills
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
After reviewing the examples in the powerpoint for 1.1 students should be able to successfully complete problems #21,23, 31, 35 / Other Evidence:
Completion of warm up.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Warm Up will review basic factoring methods that can be used.
Powerpoint on Lesson 1.1 On Modeling, Pizza Problem and Exploration 1 followed by problems #21,23,31,35 in Section 1.1 in Textbook, (pp. 76-77) in 7th Edition. Different pages in 8th Edition.
How Did I Differentiate My Lesson?:
I provide students choices on how to present their findings from the problem and exploration. Higher level students can work on grapher error responses at the end of the 1.1 section.

Differentiation Student Engagement Teacher Input Critical Thinking Lesson Effectiveness

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