May 3, 2010

Regular Meeting

Town of Pine Bluffs

Laramie County, Wyoming

PRESENT: William Shain, Mayor; Bill Cushing, Council Member; Michael Ragsdale, Council Member; Alan Curtis, Council Member; Mark Fornstrom, Council Member.

STAFF: Donald Taylor, Police Chief; Brian Yeomans, Police; Catherine Cundall, Clerk/Treasurer; Alex

Davison, Attorney; John Marquardt, Airport Manager.


Mayor Shain called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with all members present. Guests were welcomed to the meeting and the assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Councilman Fornstrom moved to approve the agenda, with additions, Councilman Cushing seconded and motion carried unanimously.


Councilman Fornstrom moved to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2010 Regular Meeting, Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously.


Councilman Curtis moved to approve all vouchers presented for payment, Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Subway / meals / 26.96
Richard Hillhouse / training expenses / 45.34
Sonja Carlson / cell phone charges, meals / 51.30
Paetec / phone service / 51.80
Champion Broadband / service / 62.50
WY Surplus Property / desk / 65.00
Rose Bros. / repairs / 108.55
Jeff Kukowski / mileage / 117.18
Capital Lumber / recreation supplies / 119.76
Public Safety Division / police equipment repair / 134.00
Olivia Lundy / mileage / 146.16
Bill Cushing / mileage / 185.64
Bryan Cushing / repairs / 200.00
Texas Trail Market / supplies / 277.59
Casper Star Tribune / advertising / 348.52
LCCC / CPR/First Aid training / 400.00
Patton & Davison / legal fees / 512.00
FVC / fuel / 639.40
Hawkins / water treatment chemicals / 962.00
First American Title Co. / Butler property deposit / 1,000.00
RT Communication / phone service / 1,542.95
Pine Bluffs Sinclair / fuel and service / 1,950.86
First American Bank / meter project retainage / 7,926.80
WY Bank & Trust / water bonds payment / 15,887.50
Aztec Construction, Co. / meter project pay request #5 / 71,341.19
Construction Specialists / daycare project pay request #4 / 164,376.23


Don Taylor was introduced as the new Chief of Police for Pine Bluffs. A public reception will be held on May 17, 2010 to introduce him to the community.


Aero-Spray presented to Council a proposal to lease the soon to be acquired Butler property at the airport. This would be used for operation of him aircraft repair business. He would like a 4our year lease and compensate the Town $700.00 per month, with this going towards repairs to the building. Council discussed with John Marquardt, airport manager, both proposals they had received. Councilman Cushing moved to accept the proposal from Circle S Aviation for a three year lease of the Butler Hangar for operation of his spraying business for $600.00 per month plus the cost of the repairs to the building. Councilman Fornstrom seconded and motion passed with 4 ayes (Shain, Cushing, Fornstrom Ragsdale) and 1 abstain (Curtis).


Work will begin on preparing encroachment licenses on the lot owned by the Town in the Simkins Addition for adjoining property owners. Councilman Fornstrom moved to authorize preparation of an encroachment license, for compensation of $3,000 to $4,000, Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously.


To show support for the Senior Center Councilman Fornstrom moved to modify the doors at the Senior Citizen Center to comply with Fire Marshall’s regulations, Councilman Cushing seconded and motion carried unanimously.


Rick Wagner asked Council what options would be available for organizations that use the community center to prepare food now that the remodel of the center will have a “warm up” kitchen only.


Councilman Curtis moved to approve the Change Order for the Daycare Project, Councilman Fornstrom seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Cushing moved to waive the community center rental fees for the Golden Prairie School Reunion, Councilman Curtis seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Cushing moved to reappoint Cate Cundall to a 3 year term on the Eastern Laramie County Joint Powers Board, Councilman Fornstrom seconded and motion carried unanimously.


Council discussed the proposed 2010-2011 Budget with anticipated receipts totaling $24,014,704.00. The proposed budget does not include salary increases but does not anticipate any employee layoffs or furloughs. Mayor Shain challenged all department heads to increase revenue and decrease expenses if raises are to be considered. Items identified by Council, but not included in the budget yet were archeological site repairs and building maintenance. Council would also like to see discretionary funds included and expenditures reduced. Fees will be reviewed and adjusted if necessary. Councilman Curtis moved to approve on First Reading Ordinance 10-01 - ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2011. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF PINE BLUFFS, WYOMING, LARAMIE COUNTY, WYOMING THAT THE FOLLOWING SUMS OF MONEY ARE ANTICIPATED AS REVENUE AND APPROPRIATED TO DEFRAY THE EXPENSES OF THE TOWN OF PINE BLUFFS. Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried with 5 ayes. The second reading of this ordinance will take place at the May 17, 2010 Regular Meeting and the Budget Hearing and Third Reading will take place at the June 7, 2010 Regular Meeting.


Councilman Ragsdale moved to participate in the WAM-JPIC Employee Health Insurance Plan, Councilman Curtis seconded and motion carried unanimously.


Councilman Ragsdale moved to approve the building permit for Mark Fornstrom-612 East 6th-Storage Shed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Curtis. Vote – 4 ayes (Shain, Ragsdale, Cushing, Curtis) and 1 abstain (Fornstrom).


Ronnie Smith reported that no applications were received from students for the Mayors Youth Council at this time. Applications will continue to be accepted.

Councilman Curtis inquired on the status of the signage for the school zone on Main Street.

Officer Yeomans reported that Officer Hillhouse’s canine partner recently placed third at training. A written policy for drug dogs is nearing completion and will soon be ready for Council consideration.


There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.


William Shain, Mayor



Catherine Cundall, Clerk/Treasurer