Kurt Zemba

March 5, 2015

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March 5, 2015

Kurt Zemba


Town of Old Lyme WPCA

52 Lyme Street

Old Lyme, CT 06371

Re:Old Colony Beach Club, Miami Beach and Old Lyme Shores Beach Associations Sewer Project

Dear Kurt:

It is encouraging that the Town of Old Lyme and the Old Lyme Water Pollution Control Association (OLWPCA)are recognizing the challenges of wastewater renovation in the shorefront communities. This letter serves as anupdate regarding our wastewater program, and a request for the OLWPCA and The Town of Old Lyme to join us in our project to clean up the Long Island Sound and preserve our Town’s natural resources for posterity.

Old Colony Beach Club Association (OCBCA), Miami Beach Association (MBA)and Old Lyme Shores Beach Association(OLSBA) (hereinafter referred to as “The Associations”) continue to be committed to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP)-approved regional solution to convey wastewater from TheAssociations through East Lyme and Waterford’s infrastructure and have it treated at New London’s Piacente WWTP.

There are some key points we wanted to share with you and others via copy of this letter:

  1. The Associations have the authority under Public Act legislation to move forward with this type of project.
  1. Two of The Associations (OCBCA, OLSBA) are currently under Consent Order from the State of Connecticut DEEP to rectify an existing community pollution problem with a definitive timeline for construction of our wastewater infrastructure, and the third is expecting to enter into a Consent Order with the DEEP imminently.
  1. We, as The Associations, have each created our own WPCAs with legal and binding authority to construct wastewater solutions. We are in the process of coordinating a regional WPCA to construct, operate and maintain public sewer infrastructure, which we would invite the Town to join at its discretion.
  1. DEEP has approved the recommendations from The Associationsrespective Wastewater Facilities Plans,which we are in the process of deploying. We have already begun the design process, and are planning Association-wide enhancements including green infrastructure, roadway, storm drainage and public water (hydrants and year round drinking water) improvements are part of our projects.
  1. The Associations’ residents have overwhelmingly voted to bond the regional public sewering solution to East Lyme as the most cost effective long term wastewater renovation alternative.
  1. The Associations have received tacit approvals from the downstream communities and have correspondence between their attorneys and ours related to the wastewater conveyance and treatment intermunicipal agreements which we plan to finalize in the coming weeks. We intend to incorporate flexibility into those intermunicipal agreements to handle flows from the Town, if desired, in the future.
  1. We have developed a Memorandum of Understanding between The Associations to have our communities partner in the negotiations with downstream municipalities and project costs for a shared force main beneath Route 156 and a centralized pump station. In the future, we are hopeful that the OLWPCA and Town will commit to share costs with us for design, construction and operation of the common force main along Route 156, the centralized pump station and other infrastructure improvements downstream.
  1. The Associations plan to incorporate flexibility into the design for the Town’s properties as defined in the Coastal Wastewater Management Plan latest revision December 2014 to connect to the public sewering system, should the Town choose to move forward at some future time.
  1. The DEEP, Old Lyme’s First Selectwoman and OLWPCAare on the record assuring us in a public forum on many occasions that the Town and its WPCA would not impede The Associations’ projects, and for that we are appreciative.

Thank you and we look forward to continued collaboration with you and the Town of Old Lyme throughout this process.

Frank NoeJames Zanavich


Old Colony Beach Club Association WPCAOld Lyme Shores Beach Association WPCA

Scott Boulanger


Miami Beach Association WPCA

c: Bonnie Reemsnyder, First Selectwoman, Old Lyme

Mary Jo Nosal, Board of Selectman, Old Lyme

Skip Sibley, Board of Selectman, Old Lyme

Betsey Wingfield, Bureau Chief,Bureau of Water Protection & Land Re-Use, State of CTDEEP

Denise Ruzicka, Director of Water Planning and Standards Division, State of CT DEEP

Dennis Greci, Supervising Sanitary Engineer, Municipal Facilities Section - Bureau of Water Protection & Land Re-Use State of CTDEEP

Carlos Esguerra, Sanitary Engineer, Municipal Facilities Section - Bureau of Water Protection & Land Re-Use State of CTDEEP

Doug Whalen, President, Old Colony Beach Club Association

Mike Girard, President, Miami Beach Association

Paul Rowean, President, Old Lyme Shores BeachAssociation

Kurt Mailman, Associate, Fuss & O’Neill Engineers