Spring Term 2 Week 1 Newsletter
Focused, hardworking, happy children!!
Dear Parents / Carers,
Gledhow’s World Book Day
As the first week of Spring 2 draws to a close, we are looking forward to our World Book Day celebrations on Friday 3rd March. As detailed in the recent PSA update, we’d like to use the day both to inspire children’s interest in reading and to raise funds for the library.
You and your children can support as follows :
1. Coming to school dressed as a character from a book - children can come dressed as a favourite book character for a donation of 50p to £1.
2. Dedicating a book or two for the new library -the new library needs more than 3,000 books. Our PSA are planning more fundraising for books, but Gledhow families can also help by donating their own good quality books to the library. Don’t forget to write the donor’s name inside in pencil so it can be transferred onto the bookplates the PSA will be glueing into each donated book.
3. Do the Book Treasure Trail - the PSA will be organising a fun Book Treasure Trail for children and their parents and carers at the end of the school day. It will hopefully be on the field and around the new Gledhow grounds if the weather holds - start in KS2 playground after school. Just £1 to enter, including your reward of a hot chocolate (tea, coffee) and biscuit at the end.
4. Buy a great book from the second hand book stall.
5. Pledge your support for the new library by making a donation that will pay for a book, a collection of books or even a whole shelf of books – details on the day !!!
We are looking forward to a great day, led by our ever enthusiastic team of PSA volunteers.
Reception Stay and Play
Our Reception team are organising some 'stay and play' drop in sessions for Reception parents to come in and access their children's classrooms. See the letter dated 24/2/17 in bookbags for booking.
The sessions will run from 9:15 am to 10.00 am on the following dates : Tuesday 28th March, Wednesday 29th March, Thursday 30th March, Tuesday 23rd May, Wednesday 24th May and Thursday 25th May.
Parents will drop their children off in the morning as usual, go to the annexe for a tea or coffee (served by Mrs Lak), then come down to the Reception classes (giving teachers the chance to complete the register). Children and parents will then be involved in a range of play activities directed by staff.
Class Assemblies
Please note that our first class assemblies will be taking place soon – see School Calendar on the website for all details. In March, there will be three Class Assemblies : 4SB on Wednesday 15th March at 10.45am, 1SH on Wednesday 22nd March at 9.45am and 1AB on Wednesday 29th March at 9.45am. Parents, grandparents and carers are all invited !!! Over the coming term and a half, every class from Year 1 to Year 5 will be inviting parents, grandparents and carers to come into school and watch their amazing class assemblies. There will also be a Year 6 production – more details to follow.
Sickness and Absence
This tends to be the time of year when there is quite a lot of sickness and diarrhoea around. Can we just remind you that at Gledhow Primary School for many years we have followed the ‘48 hour rule ‘for diarrhoea and vomiting’. In that respect, we are simply following NHS guidelines and Public Health England Guidance 2016, which recommends that children should be kept away from school, nursery or childcare settings for 48 hours ‘from their last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.’ (Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and other Childcare Settings 2016, p6).
Maths Calculation Workshop
Finally, can we thank Mrs Limbert for leading our excellent Maths Workshop on the school’s Calculation Policy, attended by a large group of highly engaged and enthusiastic parents in one of our beautiful new build classrooms last Tuesday evening. The Calculation Policy is a fantastic document for helping your children with Maths and can be found on our website in the Policies area within Parent Information. The Powerpoint presentation Mrs Limbert used is available on our Home Page if you wish to access or review the information.
Finally, please note several new dates in the diary below !!!
Mark Trudgill, Sue McCann, Louise Jeynes, David Bickley
Dates for Your Diary New items are underlined
Friday 3 March Gledhow Primary’s World Book day
Wednesday 8 March 5SL Haworth Residential
Monday 13 March PSA AGM 7.30pm at Gledhow Sports and Social Club
Wednesday 15 March 5RK Haworth Residential
Friday 24 March Red Nose Day, Spelling Bee, Mother's Day Shop
Tuesday 28 March Reception Stay and Play (1)
Wednesday 29 March Reception Stay and Play (2)
Thursday 30 March Reception Stay and Play (3)
Friday 31 March School closes for Easter
Tuesday 18 April School Opens Summer 1
Monday 1 May School Closed-Bank Holiday
Tuesday 2 May School Closed- Training Day
Dates for Your Diary New items are underlined
Monday 8 May Year 6 SATS Week
Tuesday 23 May Reception Stay and Play (4)
Wednesday 24 May Reception Stay and Play (5)
Thursday 25 May Reception Stay and Play (6)
Friday 26 May School closes for Half Term
Monday 5 June School opens- Summer 2
Thursday 8 June Class Photos by Tempest
Wednesday 14/15/16 June Year 4 Malham Residential- one night ONLY
Saturday 24 June Roundhay Primary Schools Fun Run in Roundhay Park
Saturday 1 July Gledhow Summer Fair goes Carnival
ACHIEVEMENTS 24 February 2017
The following children featured in this week’s ACHIEVEMENT ASSEMBLIESfor work or activities achieved in and out of school:
Nursery / Nursery pupils have a Star Jar which is filled with rewards earned by Individuals or groups. When the jar is full, the whole Nursery receives a reward.
RAC / Ayda Voong and Jacob Harris
Always Club: Angus Thomas / RLW / Felix Hobman and Martha Marriott
Always Club: Poppy Wearing
RKJ / Usmaan Sadiq and Romilly Hall
Always Club Cameron Coates / 1AB / Louis Marshall and Lydia Lampadarios
Always Club: Max Webber-Cross
1SH / Haris Akhtar and Mia Somerville
Always Club: Haris Akhtar / 1SS / William Brown and Jude Preston
Always Club: Sam Simon
2PG / Lucas Fitzgerald and Adam Ghani
Always Club: Lily Robinson / 2VW / Jamie Smith and Sabrina Tran
Always Club: Mollie Armstrong
3LF / Zaara Khan and Arthur Lane-Barry
Always Club: Nur Al Din Ahmed / 3KG / Aniah Chaudry and Darcey Blacker
Always Club: Ellie Bowers
4DB / Edward Gleisner and Ayen Barzin
Always Club: Makaii Gallagher / 4SB / Jake Clipsham and Phoebe Cooper
Always Club: George Crocombe
5RK / Iqra Akbar and Theo Downham
Always Club: Ed Sumner / 5SL / Zaki Butt and Hana Idris
Always Club: Zaki Butt
6EC / George Ventress and Matilda Charlett
Always Club: Ahmad Afzal / 6KW / Zaynah Hussain and Nat Shaw
Always Club: Sam Cook