Town of New Gloucester
7:00 p.m.
Monday, February 7, 2011
At the Meetinghouse
Chairman, Steven Libby, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Chairman, Steven Libby; Vice-Chairman, Nathaniel Berry; Selectmen, Linda Chase, Mark Leighton and Joshua McHenry; Town Manager, Sumner Field; and Recorder, Sharlene Myers.
Board of Selectmen – 7:00 p.m., Monday, February 7, 2011 at the Meetinghouse
A. Adjustments to the Agenda
A. Representative, Ellie Espling
Ellie Espling, State Representative, updated the Board on what is happening in Augusta. She said all bills were due to the Legislature by January 7th, and have now been dispersed to the various committees to begin their work. She said to look up any bills, go to Maine.gov, enter in the Committee name and it will display all bills that particular Committee is reviewing. Ms. Espling said the Legislature has been working on the Supplemental Budget. She said the State has received more revenue than anticipated and discussions are taking place on how they will be dispersed. Ms. Espling also discussed the Smart Meter issue. She said the meters are a great tool in managing your power usage but there are growing concerns pertaining to the safety of them. She said citizens have asked for the choice of having these meters installed.
B. Other
John Shattuck, resident, spoke to the Board about the PACE program. Mr. Shattuck recommended the Town make this program available to the citizens of New Gloucester. He said the program offers reasonably low interest loans, secured by your property, for energy efficiency improvements to your home.
4.59 To See What Action the Board Wishes to Take in Regard to the Energy Efficiency Plan & Energy Efficiency Grant
Paul First, Town Planner, said the draft Energy Efficiency Plan was developed by staff and a citizen workgroup with funds from the Town’s $10,000 Efficiency Maine planning grant. He said the plan is based on energy audits of municipal buildings and a streetlight inventory. Mr. First said the funding for the Energy Efficiency Plan is anticipated to come from a $36,225 grant from Efficiency Maine, a $4,350 Town match (12%) and $1,600 in residual planning grant funds. He said the plan details an estimated savings of $8,959 annually. Mr. First said there will be an Energy Efficiency Workshop on March 10th, 7:00 p.m., at the Community Building where residents can learn about the Energy Efficiency Plan and how to save energy and money at home.
Mr. Berry moved and Mr. Leighton seconded a motion to approve the process to go forward with the Energy Efficiency Plan and to use the Plan as a working document. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
Mr. Berry moved and Mr. Leighton seconded a motion to accept the $36,225 grant from Efficiency Maine, contingent on approval of $4,350 matching funds at the 2011 Town Meeting. The source of revenue for the $4,350 will be determined by the Board of Selectmen prior to the meeting. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
4.60 To See What Action the Board Wishes to Take in Regard to the Adoption of the PACE Program
Mr. First said the Pace Program is a low interest loan program available to home and small business owners to finance the cost of qualified energy improvement on their property. He said the loan stays with the property and could be conveyed if the property is sold. He said the loans should be fairly easy to acquire. Mr. First said the Town must adopt the enabling ordinance to join the program before offering to the residents. Efficiency Maine does offer a model ordinance, which needs to go through the process of approval with the Board of Selectmen, then, if necessary, go to legal review, a public hearing and finally, approval at Town Meeting.
No action required.
4.61 To See What Action the Board Wishes to Take in Regard to a Beano Application from the Amvets Post #6
Mr. McHenry moved and Mr. Berry seconded a motion to approve, with recommendation by the Code Enforcement Officer, the Beano Application for the Amvets Post #6. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
4.62 To See What Action the Board Wishes to Take in Regard to a Game of Chance Lucky Seven Application from the Amvets Post #6
Mr. McHenry moved and Mr. Leighton seconded a motion to approve, with recommendation by the Code Enforcement Officer, the Game of Chance Lucky Seven Application for the Amvets Post #6. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
4.63 To See What Action the Board Wishes to Take in Regard to a Game of Chance Dice License Application from the Fraternal Order of Eagles #4131
Mr. McHenry moved and Mr. Leighton seconded a motion to approve, with recommendation by the Code Enforcement Officer, the Game of Chance Dice License Application for the Fraternal Order of Eagles #4131. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
4.64 To See What Action the Board Wishes to Take in Regard to a Letter to the Public Utilities Commission and others concerning Smart Meters
Mr. Libby said he asked the Town Manager to draft a letter to the Public Utilities Commission concerning Smart Meters and giving citizens the right to choose if they want them installed. He said he has received phone calls and residents would like more information on the safety of the meters.
Mr. Field read the drafted letter (a copy is attached with the minutes).
Mr. McHenry said he is strongly opposed to sending a letter. He said this is a State issue, not a Town issue, and the Board does not routinely send letters of position to Augusta. He said there is no concrete evidence that the Smart Meters are a health hazard.
Mr. Berry moved and Mr. Leighton seconded a motion to send a letter to the Public Utilities Commission concerning Smart Meters and citizen’s right to choose. The motion carried on a vote of 4-1, with Mr. McHenry opposing.
4.65 To See What Action the Board Wishes to Take in Regard to an Update on Assessing
Debby Parks, Code Enforcement Officer, read a memo to the Board (a copy is attached with the minutes) concerning Assessing. Ms. Parks said she is learning a lot from Mike O’Donnell, of O’Donnell Associates, when he is in the office. She said there are two levels of certification: certified assessing technician and certified assessor’s agent. She said she is hoping to take the class/tests sometime this fall to be a certified assessing technician.
No action required.
V. APPROVE FY11 WARRANTS and PAYROLLS #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30 and #31
Mr. Leighton moved and Mr. Berry seconded a motion to approval Warrants and Payrolls #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29 and #30. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
Mr. Berry moved and Mr. McHenry seconded a motion to approval Warrants and Payrolls #31. The motion carried on a vote of 3-0-2, with Mr. Libby and Mr. Leighton abstaining.
a. Barbara Seaver, Registrar of Voters, 2-year term
Mr. Berry moved and Mr. Leighton seconded a motion to appoint Barbara Seaver, Registrar of Voters, for a 2-year term. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
b. Resignation of Jerry Dewitt from the Cable TV Committee
Mr. McHenry moved and Mr. Leighton seconded a motion to accept the resignation of Jerry Dewitt, from the Cable TV Committee, with regret. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
A. Approve Minutes of the December 6, 2010, Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
Mr. Berry moved and Mr. Libby seconded a motion to approve the Minutes of the December 6, 2010, Board of Selectmen’s meeting, with the following changes: 1) page 6, section 9, under A. Joshua McHenry, second sentence, should be a hyphen between the word here and on; and 2) page 6, section 9, under A. Joshua McHenry, last sentence, remove the letter “c” between the word Trail and corridor. The motion carried on a vote of 4-0-1, with Mr. Leighton abstaining.
B. Approve Minutes of the January 10, 2011, Special Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
Mr. Leighton moved and Mr. McHenry seconded a motion to approve the Minutes of the January 10, 2011, Special Board of Selectmen’s Meeting. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
A. Selectmen
Joshua McHenry – no comments.
Mark Leighton – update on George Carman, Lungs for George. He said he had his lung transplant and is doing well.
Linda Chase – said she wishes George Carman good luck in his health. She said he is sitting up and using Skype on the computer to talk with his daughter. She said she would also like to thank the Public Works Department for all their work during the frequent snow storms.
Nathaniel Berry – said he wishes George Carman best of luck and a speedy recovery. He said he understands he is sitting up and talking.
Steven Libby – no comments.
B. Town Manager
Mr. Field said he received a letter and application from the Department of Transportation concerning the Radar Speed Trailer loan program. He said he completed the application, submitted it and is awaiting a response. He said last year, the Town applied but was not selected. He said those who were able to use the Speed Trailer last year, can not reapply this year, so our chances of obtaining the use of this trailer for a two-week period is better than the year before.
Mr. Field said he received a check from Time Warner Cable Television for $43,000, per the Cable TV Franchise agreement.
C. Boards, Department Heads, and Committees
A. Per M.R.S.A. 31 Title 1, Chapter 13 § 405, 6. A. Discussion or consideration of the employment, appointment, assignment, duties, promotion, demotion, compensation, evaluation, disciplining, resignation or dismissal of an individual or group of public officials, appointees or employees of the body or agency or the investigation or hearing of charges or complaints against a person or persons . . . (Assessor’s Agent)
Mr. Leighton moved and Mr. Berry seconded a motion to enter into Executive Session at 8:22 p.m. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
The Board returned to open session at 8:56 p.m.
Mr. McHenry moved and Mr. Leighton seconded a motion that the Board of Assessor’s pay Debra Parks Larrivee $1,500 through June 30, 2011, appropriated weekly. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
Mr. McHenry moved and Mr. Leighton seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:58 p.m. The motion carried on a vote of 5-0.
Approved April 4, 2011
Steven M. Libby, Chairman Nathaniel L. Berry IV, Vice-Chairman
Linda D. Chase, Selectman Mark A. Leighton, Selectman
Joshua J. McHenry, Selectman
February 7, 2011 Minutes
Board of Selectmen’s Meeting