Rev. 4-13-16

JMA260Video Final Project Guidelines

Fall 2016

Promotional DVD/ Commercial/Your Own Topic

Points: 235

This is a final project, so you MUST do all the work yourself. Don’t ask the GA or me for specific help. He (or I) may refer you to class notes. There is nothing here that we didn’t cover in class.

  • You may do either a commercial DVD or a promotional DVD, or a video of your choice
  • You will hand in a DVD with menus and titles
  • You will addHTML 5 video to your client web site (See last step below)
  • Make all web links be active with suitable content (-10 points for each link not working)
  • Do not use the menu/submenus we used in class (-30 if you use them)

Here is a table that shows the grading.Look at the DVD and web site requirements

Done / Points / Step
 / 10 / The entire DVD is at least 30 seconds long
 / 5 / At least 3 still clips (jpegs OK)
 / 5 / Stills fit in frame or zoomed
 / 10 / Video 720x480
 / 10 / Your voice plays (voice over, NOT a video) for at least 10 seconds…
 / 10 / Music plays during entire video
 / 10 / Music Fades out at end
 / 10 / Ending credits that roll and contain YOUR NAME,
 / 10 / Transitions between still clips: One must be dip to black (5 of the 10 points)
 / 10 / You must use a pananimation on at least one image, and a zoomanimation on another
 / 15 / DVD has a main menu with working buttons, one goes to a submenu, one to your resume.
 / 10 / Motion menu buttons
 / 10 / After playing, go back to the main menu
 / 10 / Submenu has at least 4 chapter points
 / 10 / Chapter names MUST be relevant
 / 10 / Main Menu displays when DVD inserted
 / 10 / The DVD itself must have an original name (Look at the DVD drive name in “My Computer” to see the name you assigned)
 / 20 / Create a new page on your Weebly Site and embed your video on the page. Specific instructions and HTML code will be given on the class website to accomplish this. You will need the video to be in somewhere in the pub folder of your Z: drive for it to be counted as “hosted” for coding purposes.
 / 50 / Create a resume with InDesign, following the template and instructions given on the class website. Save your resume as a PDF and place it on the same Weebly page as your video.
  • Turn the DVD in to Dr Shepherd (Room 539) , or, if he isn’t available, turn the DVD in to the main office, room 544 by 12:00 (Noon)
  • Be sure to have your name on the DVD-use a Sharpie
  • Use Blackboard to submit the URL of your Weebly page.