July 13, 2015
Present:Mayor Carney / Absent:
Councilman Weekes
Councilman Kramer
Councilman Hawver
Mayor Pro Tem Williams
Councilwoman Hawver-arrived late.
Others in Attendance: Clerk/Treasurer Elvira Birrueta, Admin. Ranger and attorney Sara Watkins.
Staff Report / Admin. Ranger provided the staff report.
Naches Valley School District K-4th Grade
Public Works
Review Vouchers & Treasurer report
Other Business
Adjourn; 6:59 p.m.
Rick Carney, Mayor / Naches Valley School District: Bonlow Drive (Phase III) Granite has begun construction and the project contract is for 80 days.
a) Ecology Grant for Vactor and Sweeper: The Department of Ecology sent notice acknowledging that the Washington State Legislature passed and the Governor has signed, the operating budget for the 2015-17 biennium. Therefore, the grant is again available. Admin. Ranger will meet with HLA and Dep. Of Commerce on 7/14/2015 to discuss the agreement.
b) Urban Growth Management: In coordination with YVCOG and the Town of Naches, Staff will start the Planning Commission Meetings in August. Shawn Conrad from YVCOG will be attending the meeting and discussing the process with the Planning Commission Members.
c) SIED application- The Town staff is looking into submitting a SIED application for water/sewer extension in the West end of the Town in the future.
d) TIB application for Shafer Avenue and Naches Avenue- Admin. Ranger will meet with TIB and HLA on July 16th to discuss the projects priorities and possibilities of submitting an application to acquire funding.
e) Yakima County Wide Planning Update 2015-2040: Nothing new.
f) Urban Growth- Yakima County population projection:
g) Depot Advisory Committee: One member was present and reported on the previous movie in the park. It was noted that the event was successful with many people in attendance. The Committee thanked Councilman Williams and his wife for volunteering. The Committee noted there would be no events in August. Town Admin. Ranger indicated that the Town recently received applications from four people who also wished to serve on the Committee, but due to the fact that the applications just arrived, they were not in front of Council for tonight. Those applications will be in front of Council for consideration at the August meeting.
h) Washington State Auditors entrance meeting was July 6th, and the auditors are still here conducting the single federal, which includes financials. The Town also asked them to include accountability since they were here conducting the audit.
General maintenance is being done, and public works employees are helping on the Bandstand project. Public works also replaced the meter on Well No. 1 for a better read on water consumption since it had not being replaced since 1976.
Staff provided the Voucher report to Council and reviewed the list. Clerk Birrueta provided the treasurer report for June 2015.
Councilwoman Hawver, announced that Ryan Pennington from the Depot Advisory Committee came to her regarding concerns and issues with the Committee and he wasn’t sure who to go to. There was discussion as to how the committee functioned, and a reminder to council that they were the only ones who could make any final decision on what is done and/or what activities can be held at the Depot. The advisory committee is only asked to provide advice to council. It is not required to volunteer or run events. It was reiterated that if any committee member had issues, that the member could come directly to a council meeting and discuss those issues at either study session or during the proper time at a meeting.
With no further business to discuss at the Council Study Session, the meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m.
Elvira Birrueta, Clerk