September 16, 2013

Present: Jay Grant, Ron Batchelder

Meeting called to order at 7:10 P.M.

Minutes of September 9 approved as written.

The Chair reviewed the Town Calendar.

Old Business:

1. Chase the mover will be here on Wednesday @ 9 a.m. to move the safe from the Town Hall to the Municipal Building. The old piano will be moved to the dump. Andrea Cheeney will meet them at the Town Hall and open the municipal building for them. Motion: To discard the old piano that has no value. (Jay/Ron) 2-0

2. Town office will be closed on Wednesday, September 18 – will be open on Friday, September 20th from 9 to 11 a.m. Jay will take orders to treasurer after tonight’s meeting so that Bob can type and post the minutes.

3. A motion to the Board of Tax and Land Appeals regarding the Merrell Current Use Assessment has been filed by the Town Attorney on behalf of the Town.

4. Cemetery Land Donation: An application has been filed with the Planning Board Chairman to add the proposed donation to the upper cemetery. The Planning Board will have a preliminary discussion on Wednesday. Planning Board will notify abutters. Bob Fant has Town Funds to pay the postage.

5. The Board signed a letter to a municipal building tenant with a notification of a violation of a lease agreement.

6. The Board reviewed a list of questions to be answered for the Fairpoint Tax Lawsuit. Bob Cunniff will work on the answers which will be reviewed by the Selectboard, signed by the Board Chair, and then submitted to the Town’s attorneys.

7. Papers have been served on the Town by Attorneys for Fairpoint appealing their 2012 tax assessment. They were sent to the attorneys representing the Town in the lawsuit.

8. Brook in front of the Town Building has been tested. E coli are present. A letter will be sent to an abutter asking that better manure management practices be used to protect the brook. Jay will do a test of the municipal building water to make sure that it is safe.

9. Food Shelf: Jay spoke with Marylou Huffling this past weekend. There has been a meeting in Alstead to start the process of a building in Alstead for the food shelf. The next step will be a set of architect’s drawings so that the Food Shelf can begin to apply for grants and to fundraise. The move of the Food Shelf from the municipal building to a new home in Alstead is probably four to five years in the future.

New Business:

1. The Board signed a Forest Fire Bill.

2. The Board reviewed and approved orders.

3. The Board reviewed insurance values on Town Buildings and equipment. The Board approved the values; Bob Cunniff will sign the form and submit it to Primex Insurance.

4. The Board reviewed a proposal from Town Clerk, Angela Esslinger, to purchase a program for the on line registration of vehicles. The Board has several questions:

Will there be a need to purchase any new hardware?

Who pays the credit card fee?

Any effect on the hours the Town Clerk works or is open?

It was noted that both Charlestown and Acworth use this program, the Board would like to know what other Towns in NH use the program.

Once answers are received to the Board’s questions, they plan to let the Town decide the issue with a warrant article to raise the necessary funds for the software. ($1,800 the first year, $350 a year there after).

Motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. (Ron/Jay)

Respectfully submitted by Robert Cunniff