Town of Hamden Town Board Meeting of April 4, 2018


Superintendent Dibble brought the new truck to the meeting for viewing. The highway crew has been brooming, drawing sand and fixing potholes. Culvert pipes are in need of replacing and the roads have been damaged from the snow plows.

A resolution was adopted to sell a Ford F-350, 2008 one- ton truck with plow and sander through Auction International Service and pictures will be sent to them for the on line auction.

The County Board of Supervisors have voted to have the DCDPW building a hybrid between Page Ave Delhi and the Bishop property in Hamden. The McFarland site was narrowly defeated.

The assessor has received two bids for the town wide revaluation to take place in the Town of Hamden. Interviews will be set up and results brought to the next meeting in May.

Richard Smith reported on the AED for the Town Hall. He went on-line and got a price of $1,650 for a unit with extra batteries, and a cabinet. This price is just an estimate. We must have medical personnel to report to and could use Dr. Dohner as he is the town physician. Richard hopes to have someone come to the next meeting to talk about an AED. Wayne will bring an application for an O’Connor grant to help with the cost.

The Town advertised for bids on trucking highway materials delivered to the Town Highway garage andawarded the bid to Cobleskill Stone Products and to be delivered from their Howe’s Cave and Schohaire Plants to the town barn at $8.65 per ton. Highway Superintendent has the right to choose the County bid if it is less than above bid.

The Supervisor has received a request from Delaware Opportunities and the Wastewater Treatment Plant for a flood proofing analysis. The supervisor is sending a letter to the CWC for $5,000 each in funding to do a flood analysis on those properties. We are looking to see what needs to be done and recommendations on how to go about implementing changes at these facilities.

Chris Bodo our dog control officer was hired to do a dog enumeration in the Town of Hamden. Chris will be paid $2 for every unlicensed dog and mileage at the rate of $.50 per mile. The enumeration will start on May 1 and will take 3 to 4 months to complete.

Supervisor Marshfield sent a Resolution to the DCDPW on improvements to State Route 10 highway. Several other supervisors also signed the resolution and the resolution should come before the Board of Supervisors on April 26th. This would be sent to the NYSDOT and requesting the pavement be replaced or maintained.

Jill Ogden would like to use the Town Hall to host a class one night a week for 9 weeks. It was decided to charge a fee of $25 per week for use of the hall.

We received notification from the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency services that they have started making payments from Winter Storm Stella. It is also being decided if New York State will be picking up any portion of the non-Federal share.

Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield

Delaware County Board of Supervisors Meeting of April 11, 2018

A resolution was adopted to allocate funds to each of the County Departments for County Insurance and to supplement the insurance reserve account. Total allocation was $621,194.00.

A resolution was adopted to award a low bid for a tractor and road side mower to Monroe Tractor and Implement Co. of Binghamton for $85,380.

A resolution was adopted to authorize the submission of an application to NYS Office of Community Renewal for a community development block grant. This submission of a grant request would be for the Catskill Food Company which would create 5 new full time jobs. Exact dollar amount of the grant was not revealed when asked.

A resolution was adopted as Delaware County requests that an alternative land acquisition proposal be included in the NYCDEP April Filtration Avoidance Determination Report on town level assessments to the NYS Department of Health. This would allow communities the opportunity to provide enhanced protection of environmental sensitive land in a manner that will not change future population patterns.

A resolution was adopted to urge DEP, DEC and DOH for no further open space land acquisition in Delaware County. We should begin to focus toward protection of environmentally sensitive lands which directly protect the quality of the NYC drinking water supply and not to purchase lands just to have open space.

Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield

Delaware County Board of Supervisors meeting of April 25, 2018

A resolution was approved to accept $170,800 from the NYS Public Safety Answering Points Operations Grant Program. This money is to be spent on dispatcher salaries and PSAP equipment maintenance.

A resolution was approved to accept a grant from the A. Lindsay and Olive B. O’Connor Foundation for $5,000. This is to be spent on costs of publishing educational materials about bicycle safety, drug abuse, domestic violence, fraud awareness, etc. This is to be spent between 4/4/18 to 4/4/21.

A State Environmental Quality Review Act Negative Declaration determination

was recommended for three communications tower sites of Downsville, Fishes Eddy, and Lookout.

A construction bid of $1,220,610 was approved to be given to Sky Climber Tower Solutions, from Delaware, Ohio. These are for the communications towers sites being, Downsville, Fishes Eddy, Lookout (Tompkins), Margaretville, and Mt. Pisgah in Andes. The funding will come from the bond that has been issued to the County.

The low bid award for a new pole barn was awarded to DJ Bender General Contractor, LLC of Delhi for an amount of $49,000. The County received a grant previously from the State Homeland Security Program for the funding to house equipment used in disasters.

A resolution was approved in the amount of $299,732 for lead abatement at the old DPW garage. The bid was awarded to NRC NY Environmental Services, Inc. from Syracuse. This abatement needs to be done prior to any demolition.

The board gave DPW the approval to dispose of a very small piece of land and sell it to Liselotte Puberi of Middletown for $10. This property was purchased in 1912 in anticipation of improving a portion of State Route 30.

A resolution was approved in support of asking the State DOT to upgrade NYS Route 10 driving surface from Stamford to Deposit.

A public hearing was set for May 9, 2018 at 12:45 pm for the purpose of reviewing

the eight year agricultural district number 14 in the Towns of Meredith and Franklin.

Dean Frazier spoke to the board and announced his retirement from the County in July. Dean is the Commissioner of Watershed Affairs and we all wish him well.

Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield