Tuesday July 05, 2016 – 7:00 P.M.


Board Members Present Board Members Absent

Mayor Jane Newberry Trustee David Cook

Trustee Michael Butts-7:04 p.m.

Trustee Tyler Stevens- 7:04 p.m. Town Attorney

Trustee Cameron Thorne Not in Attendance

Trustee David Pearlman

Trustee Chris Quinn Public Works

Michael Cullinane

Interim Town Clerk

Renee Price


1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Newberry called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Trustee Thorne led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Additions, Deletions or Corrections to the Agenda

Additions: 4c. Line Item Adjustment – Public Works – Water Truck Rental

8. Brief Report – Mayor Newberry

M/S Agenda accepted as amended Newberry/Thorne Motion carried unanimously

3. Consent Agenda

Approve Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes for – June 21, 2016

Bring into Record, Approved PC Minutes – June 14, 2016

Approve Bills Payable Run from June 21, 2016 – July 05, 2016 = $4,437.50

Consent Agenda was approved as submitted

M/S Newberry/Thorne Motion carried unanimously

4. New Business

a. 2015 Audit - Josh Chesebro and Steve Hochstetter

Steve and Josh reported that the Audit had run smoothly with no major issues this year. Recommendations were made in their professional opinion regarding internal control policies and deficiencies but acknowledged that the Town had already taken measures toward the end of 2015 to address some of the deficiencies that had been identified. A final report will be issued to the BoT and for the public’s review. The BoT will vote whether to except the Audit as submitted at the July 19, 2016 BoT meeting. The cost of the Audit was briefly discussed and it was learned that the firm planned on charging the town $11,000.00 for this year’s audit. Mayor Newberry thanked any Board members, Renee and Cindy Tompkins for their work on the audit this year and acknowledged the above and beyond efforts that were made. Renee stated that Cindy Tompkins from Calhan should be acknowledged for her help and kindness in assisting with the audit this year. Cindy stated that the adjustments the auditors made would not be considered significant by her auditor’s standards.

b. STR Survey

Mayor Newberry presented this survey at William Alexander’s request and stated that this was for informational purposes only and for the Board to read when possible because it dealt with Short Term Rentals.

c. Line Item Adjustment – Water Truck Rental

Trustee Thorne stated that the Water Truck that was used for prep work in doing road maintenance was not available this year so approval was needed to move $2400.00 from Street & Materials to Equipment Rental in order to rent a water truck for this year’s applications. The road work is to begin around July 15th.

M/S Thorne/Newberry made a motion to approve moving $2400.00 from Street & Materials to Equipment Rental. Motion carried unanimously.

Trustee Thorne also stated that because Public Works had not received any applicants from the “freebie” sights for the P.W. Job Openings, he made a motion that a line item be created for “Public Works Job Search” with an amount of $250.00 to be moved from Part Time Salaries to this new line item in order to pursue advertising for these positions in other venues. M/S Thorne/Newberry Motion carried unanimously

Regular Meeting of BoT was closed at 7:46 p.m.

Workshop was entered into at 7:46 p.m. Regarding a Possible 2% Lodging Tax increase to be added to the November 2016 El Paso Co. Ballot

Workshop was closed at 8:23 p.m. and the Regular BoT Meeting was re-convened

If you would like to hear and see the discussion on the workshop, please go to


a. Administration Job Search Update – Trustee Butts stated that Clay Brown from DOLA had an individual in mind to come in as an Interim Town Manager Contract worker that Mr. Brown would be pursuing a grant to help offset the cost in paying this salary. A date was yet to be set for another Admin Committee meeting but possible meeting dates of July 18th or 19th. Date to be posted once confirmed. Trustee Stevens made a motion to instruct the Admin Committee to bring forth a proposal with more details regarding the Town Administrator Position. This will be discussed at the next regularly schedule BoT meeting. M/S Stevens/Newberry

b. Marshal Job Search Update- Mayor Newberry stated that the application process was closed June 30th, that 9 applications had been received and will be reviewed by the Marshal Search Committee. A date for the Committee to meet is yet to be set but Mayor Newberry was hopeful that after looking through the applications that 5 phone interviews would soon be conducted. She also stated that the Applications were available in Town Hall for review.

6. Public Input – Items not listed on the Agenda

Public Comment Welcome, please limit comments to 3 minutes.

If questions or requests are presented, they will be referred to a

designated Trustee for further investigation

Mike Lohman – Cascade Resident stated that this year at Bronc Day, a Pie Contest would be taking place. He stated that whether it was a taste testing or a throwing pie contest was yet to be determined. He also stated that there would be 4 judges for this event. The cost is $1 per slice and the money raised will be going to help local food banks and future costs of Bronc Day.

Kathryn Guthrie – Stated that a dance would be taking place the evening of Bronc Day from 7-10 p.m. at the Sally Bush Community Center and more promotion about this would be forthcoming.

7. Correspondence – PC Draft Minutes – June 28, 2016

Mayor Newberry at William Alexander’s request asked the BoT if a Special Use Permit was required for the extension of the Dewey Mountain Trail that will go across a residentially zoned area. Mr. Alexander feels strongly that this is a non-conforming use and asked the Board to consider. In conjunction with the minutes, Mayor Newberry asked that this be added to the next board agenda on Tues., July 19th. Mr. Bratton stated that the town attorney had already ruled that this was not a non-conforming use and a special use permit was not required. Mayor Newberry will check with the Town Atty. before the next meeting and Mr. Bratton stated he would bring a letter stating that the extension is not considered a “non-conforming” use in extending the trail on a residentially zoned property.

Mayor Newberry read an email from Gail Gerig- Mayor Newberry noted that no votes or response was necessary but Ms. Gerig had asked that this email be read and be entered into the minutes of tonight’s meeting. Her questions were directly asked of Trustee Quinn, Trustee Stevens, Trustee Cook and Trustee Butts. She questioned why the Water Truck the town used to own was deemed unusable and was successfully used for years? 2. Who authorized the sale of the water truck? 3. Who determined the sale price and 4. Who was the Town’s representative at the time of the sale? It was also noted that according to information from a meeting in Sept. 2014, the town’s water truck was sold for $2,000 and that the truck that was sold is now up for sale for $5900.00.

8. Reports

Mayor Newberry – Representative Terry Carver would like to meet with Town Council regarding Federal and State Mitigation and Flooding issues. The Mayor would like this to be added to an August or September 2016 Board Agenda.

Mayor Newberry also noted that a former forester would like to speak to the town regarding the health of our trees, and conduct a presentation to the town regarding pine beetles. This would be at no charge to the town. She would also like to get grants written for planting young trees to replace old trees that will have to come down sooner or later. This will also be a future agenda item.

Trustee Butts would like a future Agenda Item added as well for Gazebo Rental Reimbursements.

Trustee Butts also confirmed in conversation with the Board that the Audit will be approved at the next Board of Trustee Meeting, July 19th along with the cost of the Audit and if necessary, a budget amendment be done to pay for it. Renee stated that the Audit would have to be approved at the next meeting as it is due to the state no later than July 30th.

Renee – On Vacation July 23rd – August 7th

We are still awaiting an additional lifeguard application that should be forthcoming.

Finally, Mayor Newberry noted that Jim VanScoten had graciously stepped up to help Michael in Public Works for a specific time period with the roads around town and thanked him for his willingness to help.

ADJOURNED: 8:41 p.m.


Mayor Signature


Renee Price – Interim Town Clerk