February 18, 2014

Members present: Loretta Lawrence-Chair, Sally Torrey, Steve Gutowski, Jim Benoit and Jim Warden

Others present: Bob McNary, Bessie Sessions, Bill Sullivan, Carl Cole, Mike Muir

Carl Cole spoke to the board as a Lister. He wants to make sure the board understands the body of work that the current Assistant Clerk/Treasurer does regarding the grand list and lister duties.

Bill Sullivan asks about extending the existing municipal water line with the West Ferrisburgh Water District #1 an additional 1000 feet along Kellogg Bay Road. The line currently ends by Mrs. Elzinga’s home. This would extend it to Ferry Road. John Bull has been notified and suggested that Bill speak with the Selectboard about it. There will be no additional hydrants. Steve Gutowski moves to allow the water line to be extended along Kellogg Bay Road an additional 1000 feet, to Ferry Road, seconded by Jim Warden. So voted.

Public Comment:

Carl Cole speaks about the Union Meeting Hall. There is enough money in the budget to bring the building up to code for 50 or fewer people. Labor and Industry will be going through the building on Thursday to see what additional items need to be completed to allow more than 50 people to use the building at one time.

Mike Muir asks the board about the status of the boundary issues at the Union Meeting Hall. Loretta Lawrence responds that the attorneys are working on the quit claim deeds.

Bob McNary asks about the status of the radiator repair and water leak. He is told that they have been repaired. He asks why we are having so many problems with the new building and wonder if Breadloaf should be looking at the roof quality issue and why the stone wall is bulging. Jim Benoit that suggested that we invite Breadloaf to a future meeting. The board also discussed getting the site plans out and reviewing them with Silas Towler, before we actually invite Breadloaf Construction to any meeting. The Board needs to know exactly what the specific questions for Breadloaf are before meeting with them.

Old Business:

Jim Benoit talks about needing to keep the sidewalk open to the Community Center for upstairs access. Discussion ensued. Jim Warden will talk with Bill VanderWeert and J. P. Poirier to see if a high school student can keep the sidewalk shoveled for the rest of this winter. It will be added to the March 3rd meeting agenda for further discussion.

The lawn mowing specs were gone over and revised. They lawn mowing bids will be opened at the March 18th meeting. The specs will run in the paper starting February 27th.

Jim Benoit moves to approve the request for rental of the downstairs meeting room for the Gage Cemetery Association, waiving the rental fee, for May 4th from 1:45 pm to 4:00 p.m., seconded by Jim Warden. So voted with Sally abstaining.

Charlene Stavenow was not up for reappointment to the Zoning Board since her appointment doesn’t expire until 2016. Sally Torrey moves to appoint Mike Delaney and Alyth Hescock to the Zoning Board for a 3 year term, to expire in 2017, seconded by Steve Gutowski. So voted

Steve Gutowski moves to appoint Bob McNary to the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC), to the Energy Committee as chair, and as fence viewer, all for a one year term, seconded by Jim Benoit. So voted.

Jim Warden moves to approve the February 4th meeting minutes as written with the amendment on the 2nd page, under the last paragraph before the executive session, to read as follows “Loretta asked Pam if Chet had written a thank you letter to Liam Murphy in regard to the donated painting. Pam stated that she did not know, but would check with Chet and get back to Loretta. The Board asked Loretta to write a thank you letter to Liam if Chet had not already done so.”, seconded by Jim Benoit. So voted.

Sally Torrey moves to approve the warrants as written, seconded by Jim Benoit. So voted.

The first 8 absentee ballots were sent out without the space for a write-in under Treasurer or the words write-in under each office. Loretta and Pam will contact the Secretary of State’s office to see if there is a problem, and if so, how to correct it.

Jim Warden mentions that he will get with Silas Towler to get the movie screen and coat rack purchased.

Mike Muir asks about the parking at the town offices and is told that it is on hold.

The meeting is adjourned at 8:29 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Cousino