KerryAreaBasketballBoardRulesandRegulations2016-2017 Table ofContents

Thefollowingrulesapplytoallseniorandjuniorplayersandclubsunlessotherwisespecifiedwithin theruleorindicatedbybeingineithersenior-specificorjunior-specificrulessections.



Thefollowingrulesapplytoallseniorandjuniorplayers teamsandclubsunlessotherwisespecified withintheruleorindicatedbybeingineithersenior-specificorjunior-specificrulessections.


1.1.All Clubs must register all their teams with Basketball Ireland as outlined in Basketball Ireland Regulations, paying the relevant fees as confirmed by the association each year. Clubs who fail to register with Basketball Ireland cannot participate in KABB competitions. Clubs wishing to enter a team in any of the KABB competitions must apply by completing in full the KABB Club Registration Form.

1.2.At the discretion of the KABB executive, a senior and juvenile bond shall be payable at the beginning of the season. An additional bond may be payable by a club or team which has not satisfactorilyfulfilleditsobligationsandcommitmentstotheKABBduringthepreviousseason.This bond may be refunded at the end of theseason.


2.1.Club Registration must be made on the appropriate form sent out by the KABB Secretary and returnedtotherelevantpersonbeforethedeadline,determinedandadvisedinwritingbytheKABB secretary. Failure to return the correctly completed form by this date may result in a late registration fee of€50.00

2.1 (A) Any club name change must be sanctioned by the executive of the KABB

2.2.On the Registration Form Clubs should forward their home court game times and days for all teams to the Secretary prior to the determined deadline. Failure to do this will result in Clubs forfeiting home venue for all League and Cup fixtures pre-Christmas. The Club remains responsible forthecostoftheappointedvenueandmusthavetableofficialspresentatthevenue

2.3.AllpaymentstotheKerryAreaBoardtobemadebycheque/drafttoBasketballIrelandorthe Treasurer of the KABB as notified to the clubs prior to payments being paid. No cash registration fees will beaccepted.

2.4.Teams may apply to play in a division at the start of the season. The Board will have the final decision which division teams are gradedinto.

2.5.Clubs must get written permission from the Area board if they wish to participate in any competitions outside the jurisdiction of the KABB. Clubs who fail to get permission are liable of a fineofupto€200andmaybeexpelledfromallKABBcompetitionsatalllevels.

2.6.Allindividualplayers(includingNationalLeagueplayers),clubcoaches,clubofficialsandother members must be registered with Basketball Ireland and with the KABB in order to participate in AreaBoardcompetitions,nationalcompetitionsandotherorganisedactivities.

2.7.Registrationafterthe31stofDecembermaybereceivedbythesecretaryoftheKABBby registered post. Late registration fee of €50.00 applies in addition to the normalfee.

2.8.A player is deemed to be registered for the current season when the registration form and correct fees have been accepted by the KABB. A player must be registered at least 48 hours before a game in which he/sheplays.


2.10.Aclub/teamwhichentersthenameofanon-registeredplayeronascoresheetorplaysanon- registered player on the court shall forfeit the game(s) the player(s) played in and the club/team may be finedalso.

2.11.SeniorteamsmaynametwoplayerstoplayintwoLeagueDivisionsforthesameclub.Clubs must name players in writing at the start of the season which must be approved by the KABB executive. Names cannot be changed during aseason.

2.12.For teams competing in Senior National Competitions, the first five (5) players of all teams competing in Super League/Division 1 League must be named when registering their teams at the start of the season. Bosman/paid players may not be included in the list. These first five (5) are excluded fromplayingCountyLeagueCupandBlitzcompetitions.TheKABBwilldeemwhetherthe

names supplied are satisfactory. The KABB may change names if a genuine first five (5) are not nominated. These first five (5) may play in Cup competitions and in league competitions when playingagainstteamsthatalsoplaySuperLeagueand/orDivision1leaguecompetitions.

2.13.Allclubsmustprovidearegisteredactiverefereeatthestartoftheseason.Therefereemust be active throughout the season; clubs who fail to have a referee available may not be issued with fixtures and may be refused entry to theLeague.

2.14.Amobilenumbermustbegiven to theJuvenilesecretaryby 30thSeptember.Thisnumberwill receive the Prompt Text from EsportsManager.


3.1.All transfers are subject to Basketball Ireland Regulations and those contained herein. All transfersaresanctionedatthesolediscretionoftheKABBExecutivecommittee.

3.2.All eligible juvenile and senior players wishing to transfer at club level must complete the Basketball Ireland transferform.

3.2.1. Transfersforeligiblejuvenileplayersshallrequirethesignatureoftheplayer’sparentor guardian.

3.2.2. Thetransferringplayermustrequestthetransferfromhisorherownclubfirst.

3.2.3 Atransferforaplayerhastobeclearedaminimumof48hourspriortoagameforthe player to be permitted play for his/her new team in thatgame.

3.2.4. Clubslookingforplayerstoplaywiththeirclubmustgetpermissionfromthatplayer’s clubchairman/secretaryfirst,beforetheycantalktotheplayerinquestion.

3.2.5. With-holding of gear by a player is a justifiable reason for refusing atransfer

3.3.In order to comply with the transfer date deadline, players requesting a transfer must have completed the first section of the transfer form and have it lodged with the executive secretary of the KABB by midnight of the 31st ofOctober.

3.4.Once a player has been registered with Basketball Ireland and has been issued with a BIPIN the player is considered to be a member of the club he/she has been registered with for transfer purposes. All players, irrespective of age, must be registered with BasketballIreland.

3.5.No transfer shall be signed by the KABB executive without all sections of the transfer form being fully completed. The BIPIN must be included on all forms if the player has previously been registered with BasketballIreland.

3.6.No transfers shall be permitted at under 16 years anddownwards.

3.7.Rule 3.6 above shall not apply when a player at under 16 is moving from one geographical area to another. A transfer form must be completed in all such cases as per rulesherein.

3.8.When a player transfers from one geographical area to another. The secretary of the outgoing area board, when the transfer has been completed, shall send a copy of the transfer form to the secretary of the incoming areaboard.

3.9.A player shall only be permitted to transfer once in aseason.

3.10.A club can only accept a maximum of three incoming players from any one club in a season. If a club caters for both genders, they can accept a maximum of three incoming transfers from eachgender.

3.11.Where a club cannot facilitate a team within their natural age group, rule 3.10 shall apply. The incoming transfer club may not accept more than the maximum threeplayers.

3.12.Where a club becomes defunct prior to the commencement of the season and/or before the 31st of October. The players of the club may transfer in complaisance with rule 10 above. The transfer form must be completed with the transferring club authorisation section crossed “CLUBDEFUNCT”

3.13.Should a club become defunct after the 31st of October, no players from that club may transfer for the remainder of that season.

3.14.A player that has transferred during the current season to a club that has become defunct may not transfer for the remainder of the season. Rule 3.9 shall apply in thisinstance.

3.15.All transfers when completed by the assigned representative of the KABB shall the forms to the register of Basketball Ireland as per Basketball Irelandregulations.

3.16.When a transfer does not come under the above rules the secretary of the KABB shall submit the transfer to the national area boards committee (NABC) for theirdecision.

3.17.Where the KABB refuses a players transfer within the rules above orfor any other reason .

3.17.1. The player and/ or the players intended club has the right to appeal the decision to the appeals committee of the Kerry Area Board within seven days of the verdict being forwarded to them by the executive secretary of theKABB.

3.17.2. If an appeal is being lodged to the Kerry area board appeal committee the player and/or the players intended club must forward their appeal in writing by registered post witha

€100 bond to the executive secretary of the KABB. If the appeal is lost the bond is forfeited, if the appeal is successful the bond shall bereturned.

3.17.3 The appeals committee shall consist of three (3) members drawn from a panel which shall be notified to the clubs prior to the commencement of the season. No member of theappealscommitteeshallbeamemberofaclubinvolvedintheappeal.

3.17.4 Any outcome of the appeal can be further appealed in writing to the secretary of the national area boards committee (NABC) within fourteen (14) days of the decision of the KABB appealscommittee

13.7.5 When the secretary of the national area boards committee receives an appeal. The secretary will inform the player’s area board of the receipt of the appeal and set a date for the hearing which will take place at the next scheduled meeting of the NABC and/or within twenty eight (28) days of the receipt of the appeal.All parties to the appeal will be entitled to be represented at thehearing.


4.1.IngeneralKABBmeetingswilltakeplaceonthefirstThursdayofeverymonthwherepossible. Clubs will be given adequate notice of themeetings.

4.2.All clubs/teams must have at least one representative at the meetings and no more than two delegates from each club will be permitted to attend Area Board meetings at any one time. Failure of clubs/teams to have a representative at the meetings will mean a fine of €25.00 for the first offence and €50.00 for the second and subsequent offences. One apology per club per season will be accepted. A club which fails to attend two meetings may be expelled from all KABB competitions.

4.3.AClubisonlyconsideredtobepresentatameetingifthatclub’srepresentative(s)hassigned theattendancebookonentryandremainsforthedurationofthemeeting.

4.4.The signing delegate(s) is considered to be the spokesperson(s) and the person(s) eligible to vote on behalf of the club at that meeting. Permission to speak must be requested by raising one’s hand and only those speaking through the chair will be heard. Other attendees at meetings may participateonlywheninvitedtodosobytheChairpersonofthemeeting.

4.5.In the case of the Annual General Meeting, all clubs registered with the KABB will be given adequate notice in writing of the date of the Annual General Meeting. Each club must send one representative and a maximum of two to the AGM of the Board and the signing delegate(s) is consideredtobethespokespersonandthepersoneligibletovoteonbehalfoftheclubattheAGM. Failure to attend the AGM of the KABB will result in a fine of €75.00, which must be paid within 30 days of themeeting.


4.7.All club delegates must be over 18 year ofage


5.1.AllactionsbythesecretaryofaclubparticipatinginKABBactivitiesaredeemedtocarrythefull authority of thatclub.

5.2.Correspondence to the club secretary or representative (i.e. Area Board delegate) shall be deemed, by the Area Board, to have informed the club in full. It is the responsibility of the club secretaryorrepresentativetopasstheinformationontotherelevantpersonnelwithintheclub.

5.3.Any change in club secretary must be notified to the KABB secretary and to all other KABB clubs within seven (7) days of thechange.

5.4.TheattendanceoftheChairperson,Secretary,Treasurer,PRO,AdministratoroftheBoardatany game will be in their official capacity, except, if they are attending in another capacity e.g. referee, playeretc.


6.1.Any monies outstanding to the KABB must be paid in full at the end of each season. Failure may result in affiliation for the following season not beingaccepted.


6.3.In the event of a team going out of existence owing money to the KABB, the registered players ofthatteamwillberequiredtopaytheamountowingequallybetweenthem,(uptoamaximumof one-sixthoftheteam’sdebt),beforebeingallowedtore-registerwiththeBoard.


7.1.The board is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of its members. Every individual member of Basketball Ireland should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the rights, safety and welfare of others and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the BoardandtheguidelinescontainedintheCodeofEthicsandGoodpracticeforChildren’sSportin Ireland.


8.1.Clubs,playersorsupportersmustnotbyanyact,gesture,verbaloutburstorotherwisebringthe gameintodisrepute.ThePenaltyforthisoffenceshallbe;

(A)A fine of up to €1,500and/or

(B)Disqualification/suspensionfromtheAreaboardforaperiodoftimeasmaybedeterminedby the AreaExecutive.

8.2.AbusivebehavioureitherverbalorotherwisedirectedatAreaBoardOfficersshallbeconsidered a serious offence, i.e. bringing the game into disrepute and clubs/individuals engaged in same are liable to suspensions or a substantial fine which will be at the discretion of the Area Board..3. Drug and alcohol abuse is strictly forbidden. The Area Board may require any participant at an event to submit to drugs testing. Any person refusing to give the required sample for test purposes shall be dealt with as if the test proved to bepositive.

8.4.Ifaplayerenteredonthescoresheetisfoundguiltyofdrugoralcoholabusehis/herteamwill face disciplinary action by the AreaBoard.


9.1.AllClubsareresponsiblefortheconductoftheirmembersandsupportersandshallbesubject tothedisciplinaryactionoftheAreaBoardforinfringementsbythem.

9.2.Thecommitteeshall,subject to theseregulations,havethepowertodisciplineanyclubor individual in connection with the activities ofthe Board.

9.3.Intheeventofaplayerorcoachbeingdisqualifiedfromanygameunderthejurisdictionofthe KABB,thatplayerorcoachshallautomaticallybesuspendedforaminimumoftwo games.These

suspensionstakeeffectimmediatelybutcanbeappealedtotheKABBwithin72hoursofthe incident.

9.4.In the event of an incident happening in a game not relating to 9.3 above which shall come to thenoticeoftheboard,eitherthroughareferee’sreport orthroughacomplaintbeingmadetothe committeebyanymemberoftheboard,thefollowingproceduresshallapply:

9.4.1.The club and player in question will be notified within seven (7) days of the board beingnotifiedofthecomplaintandgivendetailsofthecomplaint.

9.4.2.Theclub/playerinquestionwillbeaskedtorespondtotheofficialcomplaintandthe committeewilldecidewhethertheyneedtoproceedwithafulldisciplinaryhearing.

9.4.3.Thedate,timeandplaceofthehearingshallbecommunicatedto allpartiesbythe General Secretary of the KABB giving a minimum of 48 hoursnotice.

9.4.4.The disciplinary committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members of the Executive committee. No member of the disciplinary committee shall be a member of a club or team involved in the disciplinary matterconcerned.

9.4.5.Any player, coach, team or club shall have the right to appeal any decision reached by the disciplinary committee. The player, coach, team or club shall have seven (7) days to appealfromthedateoftheverdictbeingforwardedtothembytheGeneralSecretaryofthe KABB.

9.4.6.If an appeal is being lodged, the club/player in question must forward their appeal in writing by registered post with a €100 bond. If an appeal is lost the bond is forfeited. If the appeal is successful the bond shall berefunded.

9.4.7.The appeals committee shall comprise of three (3) members drawn from a panel which shall be notified to the clubs prior to the commencement of the season. No member oftheappealscommitteeshallbeamemberofacluborteaminvolvedintheappeal.

9.4.8.AnyoutcomeofanappealcanbefurtherappealedtotheNationalGoverningBodyas perBasketballIrelandRegulationsoncetheKABBappealmechanismhasbeenexhausted.

9.5.The team captain signing the score sheet shall appeal a game. Signing the score sheet automaticallymakesanappealandabondof€100.00isrequiredeveniftheappealistakenno further.


9.7 If a commissioners report or a referees report includes any item that may result in disciplinary action against a club or its players. A copy can be requested by the club concerned and the technical administrator of BasketballIreland.


10.1.Allteamsarerequiredtowearmatching uniformswhicharecorrectlynumbered(asperFIBA guidelines). Shorts a different colour to the top are acceptable so long as everyone is dressed the same.




11.1.All adult games shall run for four quarters of 10 minutes each. The length of quarters in juvenile games is specifiedin the relevant juvenile rules.

11.2Therewillbeaoneminutebreakbetweenquarters,exceptbetweenquarter2and3when there will be a five-minutebreak.



11.5.Thehometeammustprovideastopclock,anofficialBIscorepadandasignalforthetable (e.g.whistle).


11.7.Agamerefereemustbeatrained,licensedandregisteredrefereewiththeKerryOfficials Association and BasketballIreland.

11.8.Thehometeammustprovidesufficienttimeforwarmupforthevisitingteam,(minimumfive minutes).

11.9.Ifoneorbothteamsarenotonthecourtwithsufficientnumberofplayerswithin15minutes ofthescheduledstarttimetheoffendingteam(s)forfeitsthegameandincursanycosts.

11.10.Iftheappointedmatchofficialsdonotarrivewithin15minutesoffixedgametimethegame can be a) Rescheduled or b) Played with new match officials on the night with agreement of both teams.


11.12.BothSeniorteamsplayingshallshareequallythe expensesoftheappointedmatchofficials and can pay before the game or duringhalftime.

11.13.Score sheets must be completed intriplicate:

White copy: - Sent by home team to the Administrator within 48 hours of the game. If a club is claiming a Forfeit the score sheet must be clearly marked 20-0 and Forfeit. Failure to return score sheets will result in a fine as follows; €25.00 persheet,

Pink copy: - Given to the winning team, Yellow copy: - Given to the losingteam.

The home team is responsible for the correct layout of score-sheets. A fine shall be imposed on the hometeamforanincorrectlycompletedscoresheetforeachoffence(i.e.Game/timeplaceetc).The fine is €5.00 for eachoffence.

11.14.The home team will reply to Esports Manager on 087-9911692 with results of the game immediately after the game has finished in the format provided by the Esports Manager Prompt Text: Home Team, Score, Away Team, Score and Competition. The prompt text will be sent prior to thegameasperdetailssuppliedbyhometeamontheFixturessectionof

11.15.UponreceiptoftheEsportsManagermobilenumbereachClubwillbeissuedwithapassword which will allow them to change their home games on Esports Manager on Itistheresponsibilityofthehometeamtochangethefixtureontheinternet.


12.1.Allclubs/teamswhoparticipateinKABBcompetitionsmustcomplywithanytournamentrules issuedbythe committeeandtournamentrulesasoutlinedinBasketballIrelandRegulations.

12.2.Any club which wishes to hold a tournament within the KABB jurisdiction must apply for sanction in writing to the committee with the fee of €50.00. The KABB accepts no responsibility or liability for any matters arising at clubtournaments.

12.3.CompetitionsrunbytheKABBtakeprecedenceoveranyothertournaments,otherthanthose run by BasketballIreland.

12.4.Teams or clubs wishing to participate in tournaments outside the jurisdiction of the Area board shall inform the Area board that they intend to part take in the tournaments, where they are on, the date andstandard/grade.

12.5.The first loyalty of players is to the Area Board. Clubs are entitled to be informed of players’ selection for Area/Kerry or any selection on the team. It is however, up to the individual to decide whether they are available toplay.


13.1.All Leagues will be based on home and away arrangements and games will be scheduled at regular intervals as much aspossible.

13.1 (A) Clubs must submit the “home” day and time that each of their teams will be using for the season. This information must be supplied by the date specified by the executive. The executive will issue fixtures based on the information supplied. It is the responsibility of the home team to update Esports with fixture changes.

13.2.Teams must complete half of their games prior to Christmas, except when the KABB determinesotherwise.A fine of €50 will be imposed on all teams who do not obey this rule

13.3.Ifthehometeamcannotfulfilahomegameduetotheunavailabilityofahalltheymustfind analternativevenueorgiveuphomeadvantageandplaytheirgameaway.

13.4.Alterations may not be made to senior fixtures beyond the specified cut-off date in the month preceding the fixture. Allowances will be made for special circumstances including a death in aclub.

Only the death of the immediate family of a player, coach or club executive will suffice. Immediate family is confined to siblings, partners andparents.

13.5.a) A Club can reschedule a game before the cut-offdate

b)A Club can apply in writing to KABB Secretary to reschedule games after the cut-off date forafeeof€50.00pergameprovidedthatthisisreceived5dayspriortotheoriginalfixture. Applicationswillnotbeconsideredwithouttheappropriatefeebeingreceived.

c)Reschedulingwillnotbeconsideredwithin48hoursoftheoriginalappointedgametime. A Club which applies for samewill automatically forfeit the game.

13.6.Teamsfailingtofulfilafixtureshallforfeitthegametotheiropponentsandwillnotreceiveany points for this game. A forfeit will result in the standard fine and the forfeiting team may also incur the costs of the hall and the game officials. A forfeit is when a team fails to fulfil a fixture and does notnotifyboththeKOAandKABBatleast48hourspriortothefixture.

13.7.Teamswhichforfeitareliabletobefined€75.00forthefirst offenceand€150.00forthe secondforfeit.

13.8.Teams which give a walkover are liable to be fined €50 for the first offence and €100 for the second walkover. A walkover is when a team does not fulfil a fixture, but gives more than 48 hours notice of it not fulfilling thefixture.

13.9.Clubs/teamswhohavegiventwoforfeitsandconsistentlyshowdisregardforthefixtures,shall have to re-apply to enter the league the following season. A bond of up €200.00 will be required before that team can participate in the league for thatseason.