Town of EnfieldPlanning Board Meeting and Public Hearing Minutes -
March 1, 2017 - Enfield Community Building
PRESENT:Poney Carpenter, Ann Chaffee, Dan Walker
ABSENT:Steve Givin
OTHERS PRESENT: Alan Teeter, Code Enforcer
Dan Walker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Poney Carpentermade a motion to accept the minutes of the February 1, 2017meeting. Ann Chaffeeseconded the motion. Minutes passed unanimously.
Dan Walker made a motion to accept Henry Hansteen’s application for becoming a Planning Board Member. Motion was seconded by Poney Carpenter. Discussion: Henry Hansteen will not be able to become a member until his membership on the Town Board has ended. Dan Walker will submit Henry’s name to the Town Board for membership on the Planning Board. Motion passed.
- Dan Walker opened the site plan review for the APC Towers and Verizon Wireless, to construct a public utility monopole telecommunications facility on Fish Road. He noted that a public hearing was held last month at the February 1 meeting.
- Dan Walker directed the Board through the SEQR application for the APC Towers telecommunications facility project to be located on Fish Road.
- A motion made by Poney Carpenterto accept the PB Resolution No 2017-1 Reviewed and accepted as adequate a Long Environmental Assessment form part 1 – attached; submitted by APC TowersSite Number : NY1328 Fish Road Tax Parcel No. 8-1-13.4. Ann Chaffee seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
- A motion made by Poney Carpenter to accept PB ResolutionNo. 2017-2 Reviewed and accepted the site plan drawings for the listed project on Fish Road. It was noted that the Planning Board received comments from the Tompkins County Planning Board regarding an existing tower on Podunk road and that the Enfield Planning Board was provided documentation that the Podunk road tower does not provide the coverage that the Fish Road location does. - attached) submitted by APC Towers Site Number : NY1328 Fish Road Tax Parcel No. 8-1-13.4. Ann Chaffee seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously to grant site plan approval for the above Resolution No. 2017-2.
- PB resolution No. 2017-1 : SEQR, APC Towers, Site Name: Enfield, APC Site Number: NY-1328, Fish Road, Tax Parcel No. 8.-1-13.4
Moved By- Poney CarpenterSecond By – Ann Chaffee
- This action is Consideration of Site Plan Approval for the APC Towers Enfield Site Number NY-1328 Cell Tower located on Fish Road, Tax Parcel 8.-1-13.4 in the Town of Enfield. The Project involves the construction of a 119 foot tall monopole telecommunications facility on Fish Road on a leased site. Dale and Florence Laue, Owner; APC Towers, applicant; Matthew T. Kerwin, Agent; and
- This is a Type I Action for which the Town of Enfield Planning Board is acting as Lead Agency in an uncoordinated environmental review with respect to the proposal; and
- The Planning Board, on March 1, 2017, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Long Environmental Assessment form part 1, prepared and submitted by the Applicant; site plan drawings entitled “APC Towers, Site Name: Enfield, APC Site Number: NY-1328” prepared by C&S Companies, dated December 20, 2016; and
- The planning Board on March 1, 2017, has prepared a Long Environmental Assessment Form Parts 2 and 3;
That the town of Enfield Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced action as proposed, based on the information in the SEAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in the SEAF Parts 2 and 3, and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
Ayes: Carpenter, Chaffee, Walker
Nays: none
- PB resolution No. 2017-2 : Site Plan Approval, APC Towers, Site Name: Enfield, APC Site Number: NY-1328, Fish Road, Tax Parcel No. 8.-1-13.4
Moved By- Poney CarpenterSecond By –Ann Chaffee
- This action is Consideration of Final Site Plan Approval for the APC Towers Enfield Site Number NY-1328 Cell Tower located at on Fish Road, Tax Parcel 8.-1-13.4 in the Town of Enfield. The Project involves construction of a 119 foot tall monopole telecommunications facility on Fish Road on a leased site. The Purpose of the project is to provide improved communications services to the Enfield Center Area. ; Dale and Florence Laue, Owner; APC Towers, applicant; Matthew T. Kerwin, Agent; and
- This is an Type I Action for which the Town of Enfield Planning Board, acting as Lead Agency in an uncoordinated environmental review with respect to the project, made a negative determination of environmental significance after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Long Environmental Assessment form part 1, prepared and submitted by the Applicant; and prepared a Long Environmental Assessment Form Parts 2 and 3; and
- The Planning Board held a public hearing on February 1, and has reviewed and accepted the site plan drawings entitled “Site Plan Approval, APC Towers, Site Name: Enfield, APC Site Number: NY-1328, Fish Road, Tax Parcel No. 8.-1-13.4” prepared by C & S companies dated December 20 2016, and other application materials; and
- The Planning Board has received comments from the Tompkins County Planning Department pursuant to a Section 239 review, recommending that an existing tower on Podunk Road be evaluated for colocation; and
- The applicant has provided documentation that the Podunk Road tower location does not provide the coverage that the Proposed Fish Road Location does.
That the town of Enfield Planning Board hereby grants site plan approval for the above referenced action as proposed.
Ayes: Carpenter, Chaffee, Walker
Nays: none
- Attached also to these minutes: Full EnvironmentAssessment Part 2 and 3 for the project and letter dated February 23, 2017 from Department of Planning and Sustainability Tompkins County regarding Fish Road project.
- Dan Walker directed the Board through the SEQR application for the Delaware River Solar, LLC Podunk Road Solar Farm, 236 Podunk Road, Tax Parcel 1.3-10.2.
- A motion made by Poney Carpenter to accept the PB Resolution No 2017-3 Reviewed and accepted as adequate a Long Environmental Assessment form part 1 attached; submitted by the Delaware River Solar, LLC as listed above. Ann Chaffee seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
- PB resolution No. 2017-3 : SEQR, Delaware River Solar, LLC, Podunk Road Solar Farm, 236 Podunk Road, Tax Parcel 1.-3-10.2
Moved By- Poney CarpenterSecond By – Ann Chaffee
- This action is Consideration of Site Plan Approval for the Delaware River Solar, LLC, Podunk Road Solar Farm, 236 Podunk Road, Tax Parcel 1.-3-10.2in the Town of Enfield; and
- The Project involves the construction of a 2MWac ground mounted photovoltaic system on a leased site; Charles Field, Owner; Delaware River Solar, applicant; Peter Dolgos, Agent; and
- This is a Type I Action for which the Town of Enfield Planning Board is acting as Lead Agency in an uncoordinated environmental review with respect to the proposal; and
- The Planning Board, on March 1, 2017, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Long Environmental Assessment form part 1, prepared and submitted by the Applicant; site plan drawings entitled “Podunk Road Solar Farm Site Plan”, dated 1/20/17, prepared by Chazen Engineering; and
- The planning Board on March 1, 2017, has prepared a Long Environmental Assessment Form Parts 2 and 3;
That the town of Enfield Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced action as proposed, based on the information in the SEAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in the SEAF Parts 2 and 3, and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
Ayes: Carpenter, Chaffee, Walker
Nays: None
- Reviewed and accepted the site plan drawings for the listed project on Podunk Road.
- It was noted that the Planning Board received comments from the Tompkins County Planning Board regarding the amount of acreage of forest to be cut down for the project. It was questioned if this “forest” was actual trees or shrubs. Delaware River Solar was asked to provide documentation on the exact amount of forest removal. They are working with the DEC regarding owl and bat activity in the area. It was noted that the land was not a viable agriculture land and that the recommendation for pasture sheep in the area was also not viable. The area is very wet and would create concerns of illness for the sheep if pastured there. Ann Chaffee seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously with changes to be made by Dan Walker regarding forest removal and sheep grazing from Tompkins County Health Department, to grant site plan approval for the above site plan.
- PB resolution No. 2017-4 : Site Plan Approval, , Delaware River Solar, LLC, Podunk Road Solar Farm, 236 Podunk Road, Tax Parcel 1.-3-10.2
Moved By- Poney CarpenterSecond By – Ann Chaffee
- This action is Consideration of Final Site Plan Approval for the Delaware River Solar, LLC, Podunk Road Solar Farm, 236 Podunk Road, Tax Parcel 1.-3-10.2 in the Town of Enfield. The Project involves construction of a 2MWac solar PV Plant on a leased site. The Purpose of the project is to provide solar electric power to benefit customers enrolled in the Community Solar Program; and
- This is an Type I Action for which the Town of Enfield Planning Board, acting as Lead Agency in an uncoordinated environmental review with respect to the project, made a negative determination of environmental significance after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Long Environmental Assessment form part 1, prepared and submitted by the Applicant; and prepared a Long Environmental Assessment Form Parts 2 and 3; and
- The Planning Board held a public hearing on February 1, and has reviewed and accepted the site plan drawings entitled “PV Installation 2 MW AC 236 Podunk Road Farm”, and other application materials; and
- The Planning Board has received comments from the Tompkins County Planning Department pursuant to a Section 239 review, recommending that making maintenance by grazing by sheep be made a condition of approval and that a solar analysis of shading be provided to ensure that tree removal is limited to no more than necessary; and
- The applicant has provided a shading analysis to show that tree removal is limited to no more than necessary;
- The Planning Board has reviewed the site soil conditions and the agriculture member of the board noted that the land was not a viable agriculture land and that the recommendation for pasture sheep in the area was also not viable. The area is very wet and would create concerns of illness for the sheep if pastured there.
That the town of Enfield Planning Board hereby grants site plan approval for the above referenced action as proposed.
Ayes: Carpenter, Chaffee, Walker
Nays: None
- Attached also to these minutes: Full Environmental Assessment Part 2 and 3 for the project and letter dated February 23, 2017 from Department of Planning and Sustainability Tompkins County regarding Podunk Road project.
- Dan Walker directed the Board through the SEQR application for the Commercial Development, the Broadway Group, LLC, 2125 Mecklenburg Road.
- A motion made by Poney Carpenter to accept the PB Resolution No 2017-5 Reviewed and accepted as adequate a Long Environmental Assessment form part 1 attached; submitted by the Broadway Group, LLC listed above. Ann Chaffee seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
- A motion made by Poney Carpenter to accept PB Resolution No. 2017-6 submitted by Broadway Group Site Number : 2125 Mecklenburg Road Tax Parcel No. 005.00-001-012.001. Reviewed and accepted the site plan drawings for the listed project on Mecklenburg Road. It was noted that the Planning Board received comments from the Tompkins County Planning Board regarding septic and well plans. - attached) Ann Chaffee seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously with changes to be made by Dan Walker regarding accepting plans for septic and well from Tompkins County Health Department, to grant site plan approval for the above Resolution No. 2017-6.
- There was a review of the discussion on safety issues mainly, pedestrian traffic, from the February 1 Planning Board meeting.
- Attached also to these minutes: Full Environment Assessment Part 2 and 3 for the project and letter dated February 23, 2017 from Department of Planning and Sustainability Tompkins County regarding Mecklenburg Road project.
Poney Carpenter made a motion and seconded by Ann Chaffeeto adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary