Town of Eldorado – News and Contact Info

Chairman:Gary Miller 922-3564 Town of Eldorado Website –

Supervisor: Dennis Mueller923-1683 Town e-mail:

Supervisor: Bill Averbeck921-9079 Town Office Hours: Mondays 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM

Clerk: Cathy Winters872-0800 Town Board Meetings: 7:00 PM on 4th Monday of Month

Treasurer:Heather VandeBerg948-4238

Assessor: Accurate Appraisal 1-800-770-3927 Welcome Cathy

Highway & Snow Plowing: Mike Pionke @ Town Garage: 872-2093 Welcome to our new Town Clerk, Cathy. Cathy has been

Building Permits: Dave JahnShop: 921-6747 Home: 921-6769 working with Lori Linger since January 2017 as Deputy Clerk.

Building Inspector: Martin Johnson: (920) 685-6755 Lori retired on September 1 and Cathy was appointed by the

Community Center Rental: ContactTown Clerk town board to fill Lori’s term of office which expires April 2019.

Eldorado Fire Station: 872-2366 (non-emergencies) Thank you, Lori, for service to the town. Enjoy retirement!

Call 911 for all emergencies Plowing Snow onto the Roadway

As in the past, the Town Board is again warning residents

That plowing or pushing snow across the road, into the right of

Dog Licenses way or onto the road is illegal and will not be allowed. This will

Dog licenses are required for dogs 5 months old and older. be monitored closely and addressed by the Town Board.

The license fee is $3.00 for neutered/spayed dogs and $8.00 for Marsh Road Gates

unneutered/unspayed dogs. Our current ordinance allows for Gates have been placed on Marsh Road and County I, Church Rd,

up to four dogs per residence. Please be sure to get your dogs licensed, and Dike Rd. The gates may be closed after the close of hunting

to avoid possible penalties and fines. season in January based on weather and road conditions.


The Town Board passed an ordinance regulating the length of lawns, The Town held it’s second Bulky Waste drop this paste spring

grasses and noxious weeds on nonagricultural lands. The new ordinance and it was a success. There are tentative plans for another one

states that lawns, grasses and noxious weeds which exceed 8 inches in in spring 2018. Watch for info to be posted and displayed on the

length will be declared a public nuisance and subject to abatement. Please LED Message Sign in front of the Community Center. There will

be sure to maintain lawns to avoid possible penalties and fines. also be something published in the Fond du Lac Action Advertiser.

We are very fortunate to have our own Volunteer Fire Department and First Responders –

And we are always seeking those who want to give back to the community to become new members.