Chowan County Board Of Adjustment

November 19, 2013

5:30 p.m.

2nd floor training room

Chowan County Public Safety Center

West Freemason Street


Chairman Brian White called the meeting to order. He asked Planner Landin Holland to call the roll. Brian White, Sheri Hare, Ron Andronowitz, and Tanya Parrish were present. Charles Britton was absent.

Mr. Holland administered the oath to everyone who wished to speak on behalf of the application.

Mr. White asked for any corrections to the minutes of the October 29, 2013 meeting.

Mr. Andronowitz moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Ms. Hare seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. (4-0)

Mr. White noted the only item on the agenda, a variance request submitted by Phillip Renick requesting relief from the building lot setbacks within the A-1 zoning district for property located at 3042 Kelly’s Beach Rd.

Mr. Holland presented the staff report. (attached)

Ray Goodwin, contractor for the Renicks spoke on behalf of the application. He gave a brief description of the work proposed by the Renicks. He stated that they intended to demolish the existing home and build a new home on the lot. He stated that there were several trees that would be removed and that the lot would be bulk headed and the old pier would be replaced with a new one.

Mr. Holland stated that he felt that the new home would be a vast improvement over the existing home. He stated that the existing home is also a nonconforming situation as it is located closer to the property lines than is allowed according to the standards in the Zoning Ordinance.

Mr. Goodwin stated that he had spoken with the neighboring property owner, Mr. Atkinson, and that he was not opposing the project but that he wanted to be sure his property was protected. Mr. Goodwin stated that he assured Mr. Atkinson that there would be no damage to his property during the demolishment and construction of the new home.

Mr. Andronowitz asked for clarification that the setbacks shown on the site plan were the closest that any portion of the house would be to the property lines.

Mr. Goodwin stated that was correct.

There being no public comment or board discussion Mr. White asked for a motion.

Ms. Parrish moved that the variance be approved. Mr. Andronowitz seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. (4-0)

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.