Town of Concrete

Town Council Meeting

April 24, 2017

6:00 p.m. Mayor Miller called the meeting to order. Mayor Miller led the gallery in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Council Members: Rob Thomas, Jude Dippold, Mike Bartel, and Ginger Kyritsis.

Ginger Kyritsis made a motion to excuse Marla Reed. Rob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Staff Present: Public Works Director Alan Wilkins, Town Attorney David Day, Clerk Treasurer Andrea Fichter, Town Planner Marianne Manville-Ailles and Town Engineer Cody Hart.

Audience Members Signed In: John Boggs, Gary Garren, Bill Pfeifer, and Lesley DeKrey.

Public Participation: None.

Events Application: None.

Special Presentations: Public Safety: Sergeant Kading stated the March incident report was included in their packets. He stated the calls for March were fairly routine.

He reported on an ongoing investigation into a resident in town who is growing an excessive amount of marijuana, far beyond the allowed legal limit.

Sergeant Kading and Deputy Dills reported on a mentoring program through the Sheriff’s Department that is starting at the Concrete Elementary School. Sergeant Kading stated that after Deputy Dills pitched him the idea, they discussed it with Chief Clark and Sheriff Reichardt, who were both in favor of the idea. He stated a pilot program has now begun. They explained the program and how they will interact with the kids and how the one-on-one mentoring will work. It was stated they are starting with the 5th grade at the moment, but the program could also expand from there.

CRH Engineering-Cody Hart: Cody reported on the two action items on the agenda for this evening. He stated there was one bidder on the South Dillard Avenue project, which was SRV Construction, who is well known in the valley. He stated their main office is in Oak Harbor, but they have a lot of employees in Skagit County. He also reported that TIB has provided approval to award the project and the bid came in within budget.

South Dillard Overlay – Recommendation to Award: Rob Thomas made a motion to approve. Ginger Kyritsis seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Task Order 2017-5 – South Dillard Ave. Overlay Construction Management: Cody reported this is for the construction management phase of the project and is also covered within the TIB funding.

Ginger Kyritsis made a motion to approve. Rob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Miller reported the town received verbal award of the TIB funds for the Airport Way road repairs.

Cody provided project updates:

Water System Improvements – Project is currently still going through the permitting process.

First Street Waterline – DOT utilities is currently reviewing the plans.

Spray Park – Project is also currently in the permitting phase.

Cody also reported that he is working on a couple grant applications. He stated one is for the Secondary Access and one for safety and pedestrian road improvements throughout town. He stated both projects, if awarded, would be 3-5 years out and funded through the STP program. He reported an application for Cedar Street will also be completed this year through TIB. Mayor Miller requested that portion of South Rietze also be included in the application for Cedar Street.

Consent Agenda:

Town Council Minutes: April 10, 2017

Approval of Claims Checks #3343-#3363

Rob Thomas made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the noted change. Jude Dippold seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearings: None.

Old Business: USDA I&I Funding Offer: Andrea stated this is the paperwork the town has been waiting for on the funding award from USDA for the I&I project. She stated this funding is approximately 75% grant and 25% loan.

Ginger Kyritsis made a motion to approve. Rob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

New Business: AWC Budget Workshop – July 13-14, 2017: Andrea asked if anyone is interested in attending this workshop. She stated that Rob Thomas has already stated that he would like to attend. Mayor Miller stated he would also like to attend. Mike Bartel and Jude Dippold both stated they would let Andrea know after checking their calendars. Andrea reported that Marla had stated she would not be able to attend. Ginger Kyritsis stated that she also will not be able to attend this year. Andrea stated that she does plan to attend this year.

Discussion Items: Clean-Up Days: June 23-25 was chosen for this year’s clean up days.

Council Reports: Airport: Mike Bartel: Mike reported the next meeting regarding the fly-in will be held on May 9 at the Pilots’ Lounge.

Parks: Marla Reed: Mayor Miller reported on the tree and shrub planting event that occurred yesterday. He stated that Anja Roozen had spearheaded the event to coincide with Earth Day and that she was able to get many different volunteers of all ages to attend. He stated that she also had a refreshment table set up. He thanked Anja for her hard work on organizing this event, which worked out well for the tree and shrub plantings that were already planned for Silo Park.

Community Garden: Mike Bartel: Mike stated there is a lot of work to be done at the garden. It was stated that he and the mayor will work together to schedule a work party day.

Historic Preservation and Landmarks Commission: Ginger Kyritsis: Nothing new.

Health Care: Jude Dippold: Nothing new.

Economic Development Commission: Ginger Kyritsis: Nothing new.

Department Reports: Planning Commission/Historical Preservation: Marianne Manville-Ailles: Marianne reported SEPAs are out for the water system improvement project and the First Street Waterline project. She stated that she is working with Cody on the HPA for the First Street project and also got the report back from Kelly Bush today on the water system improvement project. She stated that once they get the APE map and project description finalized, they will be able to send this report and other information to the Department of Health to get that permitting finalized. Marianne stated that she has not had an opportunity to read the entire report yet, but what she had read looked complete and thorough.

Marianne also reported on the property at 45519 Main Street. She stated a few years back when survey work was completed for a portion of the Main Street project, it was determined that the sidewalk adjacent to the property was actually on that parcel and not in the town right-of-way. She reported the town had contacted the owners of the property at that time to discuss options, but they were not interested in working with the town at that time. She stated this property now has new owners who are interested in working with the town to resolve the issues with this portion of the sidewalk. She stated that she will be working with David Day to develop an agreement between the town and the property owners.

Marianne also reported on the meeting that was held last week regarding the Airport Binding Site Plan and the survey work. She reported they discussed a good location to move the helipad to and will make the area where the fence is so that the trees along there can be cut. Mayor Miller requested a letter from Marianne explaining why the helipad is being moved and where the proposed location will be at. Marianne stated that primarily helicopters use the runway, but during events or busy times at the airport, the helipad needs to be an area that is more accessible especially for medivac or Search and Rescue if needed. Marianne also explained the need to shift lots A, B, and C due to an issue with the placement of the existing sewer line, which also increases the need to move the helipad from that area.

Marianne also reported on conversations she has had with Commissioner Janicki recently regarding the property near the Baker River Bar, which has had an ongoing dispute regarding property ownership between DNR and George Theodoratus. She started that Commissioner Janicki stated these issues have now been resolved and George is going to begin working to adjust some of his boundary lines prior to donating any land to the town. She also stated that since this property is outside of town limits and not within the town’s UGA, the town will have to get permits through the county for the development of that area for a primitive campground.

Marianne and Alan both discussed the SEPA permitting that is needed through the Department of Ecology to be able to do any type of diversions into the lagoon. She stated she was hoping the town would be able to just amend the original SEPA that was done for the wastewater treatment plant construction, but has been told the town will need to do a completely new SEPA. She also reported that she has been told the town may go through the SEPA process and still not receive approval from DOE for any diversions. Marianne stated that diversions are needed to complete the 6-hour clean. Alan stated the diversion is also needed for when they clean anoxic basin #1 and when the membrane project occurs. Marianne stated that she and Alan are first going to work on a letter to DOE requesting clarification on what would fall under the category of essential maintenance, as well as why the town needs to go through this lengthy process for diversions that it has not had to do in the past. Marianne stated the second thing that needs to be done is the installation of monitoring wells so that data can be collected and included in the documentation to DOE. Alan stated that information will also be helpful for when the town attempts to decommission the lagoon. Cody stated that monitoring wells are also needed for the water spray park project and the cost could be shared between the different projects. Marianne stated the town needs to be diligent in getting DOE all the information they can, which will hopefully get DOE to the point where they can’t say no.

It was the consensus of the council to move forward with the monitoring wells and to have Marianne work with Andrea on the funding side of it.

Marianne also stated that with all the permitting items she has been working on, they have had to put a hold on the Comprehensive Plan update, but will get back to it soon since they only have till the end of the year to get it completed.

Administration/Finance Report: Andrea Fichter: Andrea reported the March Treasurer’s report is in their packets.

Public Works: Alan Wilkins: Alan passed around a sample jar of the effluent that comes from the treatment plant. He stated that technically this water is drinkable.

He also reported that Roslyn, the company that did the blower installation, is coming up tomorrow to look over some electrical items at the plant.

Imagine Concrete: Mayor Miller: Mayor Miller reported the next meeting is scheduled for May 16 at 6:00 p.m. at the Pilots’ Lounge, and is open to the public.

He reported the branding workshop that was held a couple Saturdays ago had been very well attended and had gone well. He stated that Eric Archuletta has typed up all the information that was written on the sheets during the workshop, e-mails they received regarding the workshop, and the information that was gathered during the mini-workshop held during the Chamber of Commerce meeting. Mayor Miller stated this document will go the Economic Development Commission for review and to narrow down the items. Mayor Miller stated that heritage, community, and environment were the top three items that were mentioned. He stated that once the commission reviews, they will form a report and that will then come to the Town Council. He stated that report will be distributed to anyone who wants to see it, to the chamber and to any new businesses or possible new businesses.

Mayor’s Report: Nothing further.

Announcements: Rob Thomas announced there is a community dinner planned for this Wednesday at the high school sponsored by the Farm to School program. He stated he believes it is from 5 p,m, to 6:30 p,m.

Mayor Miller announced there is a community dinner at the Community Center scheduled for May 1 from 6 p,m, to 8 p,m,, and the topic of discussion will be on the chances of earthquakes and how to track activities put on by the Pacific Northwest Seismic Institute.

Rob Thomas also announced the Food Bank board meets again tomorrow to discuss its options. Marianne stated that she has also spoken with someone from the food bank regarding the possible use of the restaurant building on the Eagles Nest property.

Executive Session: None.

Adjournment: Rob Thomas made a motion for adjournment at 7:17 p.m. Jude Dippold seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Jason Miller, Mayor Attest: Andrea Fichter, Clerk Treasurer


April 24, 2017

Minutes prepared by Andrea Fichter

Minutes edited for grammar and spelling by Jason Miller