COLTON, NY 13625


Dear landowner:

It appears your property may contain the invasive plant, Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica). Invasive plants are aggressive non-native species that rapidly reproduce and outcompete native species. Japanese knotweed invades forest edges, stream banks, open or disturbed areas such as yards and roadsides. It can quickly overtake large areas and displace native species. Its root system grows horizontally for 60 feet or more can damage buildings and roadway infrastructure and, also makes it difficult to eradicate.

Knotweed is very difficult to control. Japanese knotweed/bamboo spreads VERY easily and QUICKLY. Cutting it only stimulates the rhizomes (roots). Any cutting fragment can easily sprout roots. Any fragment of a root can create a whole new plant.

  • Don’t cut it and take it to the Transfer Station compost pile. Anyone who takes some of that compost home will be further spreading this invasive species.
  • The most effective way to get rid of Japanese knotweed by injecting the stem with the herbicide glyphosate after the plant flowers, early fall. Do not cut the plant down until the following year.

The Town of Colton has a Knotweed control program. Stem injection or foliar spray treatments of herbicide glyphosate will be performed by certified pesticide applicators Andrea Malik, (also Bti Director for the Town for 30+ years).

On the back side of this letter is a permission form either granting or refusing permission for us to come on to your property and apply herbicides to Japanese knotweed. Also enclosed is a copy of the product label for your review, required by NYS DEC. I can email the product label to you if you prefer.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Andrea Malik 262-2034 office or 212-6259 cell.

Thank you for helping fight this invasive plant.


Andrea Malik

Town of Colton Japanese Knotweed Control Program

___ YES, I grant the Knotweed Control crew permission to visit my property this

Fall to treat Japanese knotweed with herbicides by stem injection or foliar spray




Name ______

(printed) Email______

(for a copy of product label)

Street address______

____NO, I do Not grant the Knotweed Control crew permission to visit my property this

Fall to treat Japanese knotweed with herbicides by stem injection or foliar spray




Name ______


Street address______


Please return to: Colton Town Hall, KNOTWEED PROGRAM Att: Andrea Malik, Colton, NY 13625.

Thank you for your cooperation.