Blake Williams
GIANT KILLER SLUGSDan (Lead)Theater for the New Citydir. Daniel Johnsen
I SQUAT YOU Tom (Lead)Chernuchin Theaterdir. Ana Sofia Paiva
AUTOBAHN (BENCH SEAT) Guy (Principal)Sargent Theaterdir. Cody Magouirk
COWBOYS #2 Stu (Principal) Atlantic Theater Conservatory dir. Glenn Herghenhahn
MACHINALProsecution LawyerAtlantic Stage 2dir. Michael Rau
SUMMIT OR BUST! Tom Chernuchin Theater dir. Laurel Parmet
THE BELLE'S STRATAGEM (reading)FlutterThe Pearl Theater Companydir. J.R. Sullivan
WEIRD BEARD (reading) Mike Primary Stages dir. Cynthia Flowers
TARTUFFEDamisShakespeare Theatre of NJ Tour dir. Mike Donahue
LOVE'S LABOR'S LOST Dumaine Shakespeare Theatre of NJ Tour dir. Abigail Isaac
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM Puck (u/s) Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey dir. Cameron Watson
A LESSON BEFORE DYINGPaul BoninTheater Tuscaloosadir. Tina Turley
TALK TO ME LIKE THE RAINMan (Principal) Allen Bales Theater dir. Steve Burch
THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE Blick Marian Gallaway Theater dir. Philip C. Sneed
CHASING DETAIL Chase (lead)Young America Productionsdir. Kenny Condon
BIG FISHCarnival-goerColumbia Picturesdir. Tim Burton
THE DAYS GOD SLEPTBusiness ManLauren Rayner Productionsdir. Jeremiah Kipp
FEAR OF TOUCHStrangerFangoria “In Fear Of” Web Seriesdir. Jeremiah Kipp
Atlantic Theater Company 2.5 Year Professional Conservatory
The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey 2011 Next Stage Ensemble
Circle in the Square Theater School 2008 Summer Acting Workshop
Alabama Shakespeare Festival Summer Theater Internships ('05 & '06)
University of Alabama: B.A. in Communication Studies; minor in Theatre
Acting: Scott Zigler, Kristen Johnston, Anya Saffir, Jacquelyn Landgraf, Hilary Hinckle, Cynthia Silver, Paul Urcioli
Voice: Katie Bull, Vivian Majkowski, Daniel Sergio, and Francine Zerfas Speech: Susan Finch, John Van Wyden, Charley Layton Film: Lorielle Mallue Monologues: Karen Kohlhaas, Benard Cummings Improv: Josh Lewis
Movement: Kelly Maurer, Donnie Mather, Denise Gabriel (MFA Movement Director at Alabama Shakespeare Festival)
Shakespeare: Charles Tuthill, Philip C. Sneed (Colorado Shakespeare Festival), Bonnie Monte, Brian Crowe, Sybil Lines
Master Classes: Patrick Stewart, Laura Linney, Raul Esparza, John Patrick Shanley, Lizzie Olsen, Neil Pepe, Adam Rapp
2006 National Champion in Dramatic Interpretation of Literature at National Forensics League Tournament
2006 National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts (NFAA) Bowl Award Winner in Dramatic Interpretation
2008 National Champion in Duo Interpretation of Literature at the DSR-TKA National Forensics Tournament
2010 Finalist at AFA-NIET in Dramatic Interpretation of Literature and Dramatic Duo Interpretation
Public speaking, improvisation, clowning, masks, painting, driver's license, skateboarding, singing, poetry
Accents: Standard American, Southern (USA), British R.P., Cockney, Boston, Irish, New York, Russian, Yiddish, German