Town of Carlisle Planning Board

Carlisle Town Hall

66 Westford Street

Carlisle, MA 01741

Tel: (978) 369-9702 Fax: (978) 369-4521


Monday, September 28, 2015

7:30 p.m.

Minutes 9/14/15

Bills Upcoming meetings: Budget October 26, 2015

Proposed staff schedule changes November 9, 2015

CTPC Fall workshops November 23, 2015

Liaison Reports

Old Business

7:45 Continued public hearing for a Definitive Subdivision Plan in accordance with MGL Chap 41-81-U and the Board’s Rules and Regulations for property at 542 & 570 West Street, (Map 6, Parcels 66 & 68-5), consisting of 10.84 acres [Kristen Lilly, 227 Atlantic Avenue, Hull, MA, applicant] (Extension of time to act until 11/16/15 requested by applicant.)

7:45 Continued joint public hearing on request for Scenic Road Alterations to remove a portion of stone wall and up to seven public shade trees adjacent to 542 & 570 West Street (Map 6, Parcels 66 & 68-5) (Request of Meisner Brem Corp.)

Report on status of Zoning Board of Appeals approved Comprehensive Permit under MGL Ch. 40B for development of 20 housing units at 100 Long Ridge Road [Lifetime Green Homes, LLC, applicant] (Approved 8/03/15; appeal to HAC filed 9/01/15)

Report on status of Appeal filed in Mass. Land Court of Planning Board’s approval of Senior Residential Open Space Community (SROSC) Plan Special Permit for development of a 34-acre parcel at 81 Russell Street (Map 8, Parcel 16) [Approved 11/10/14; appeal ton Land Court filed 12/02/14] (Motion to go into executive session may be entertained)

New Business

Receipt of application for Site Plan Review in accordance with Sec. 7.6 of the Zoning Bylaws for development of two group homes and related site improvements at 338 Bedford Road, Map 14, Parcel 21. (Request of Carlisle Affordable Housing Trust)

Notes: Items for which no time schedule is indicated will be taken up at the Chair’s discretion as time allows.

The meeting agenda lists all topics reasonably anticipated by the Chair at the time of posting. Additional topics not anticipated by the Chair

may be discussed at the meeting under the agenda item “New Business”.