Buckle Up PAAction Plan for the 2018 May/June “Click It or Ticket” Joint Seat Belt/Impaired Driving EnforcementDetails
Pennsylvania’s 2018“Clicket It of Ticket” (CIOT) Mobilization: May 14 – June 3, 2018
Seat BeltEnforcement and Impaired Driving Joint Enforcement
Buckle Up PA’s (BUPA)“Click It or Ticket” Action Plan for the 2018 Seat Belt Mobilization includes a combination of enforcement, earned media, awareness and education. Enforcement strategies that are planned include Traffic Enforcement Zones (TEZ) and Roving Patrols to target nighttime drivers, identified unbelted crash roadways, and high-visibility locations utilizing an “enforcement only” and” ZeroTolerance” OP citation approach. The BUPA enforcement plan is designed to increase PA’s seat belt usage rate by optimizing the use of grant funds, focus enforcement and to increase the number of OP citations issued. LEAs will be asked to conduct 50% of their enforcement activities during nighttime hours (2100 hrs. to 0400 hrs.).
The disproportionately higher rates of fatal crashes occurring at night, due primarily to non-seat belt use and high risk driving behaviors. DUI is the single riskiestbehavior between the hours of 2100 and 0400. What is obvious from the data is that occupants who were not restrained at the time of their crash were significantly more likely to die or sustain injuries than those who were restrained.
The 2018 CIOT Seat Belt Mobilization plan includes a coordinated effort to partner with the state’s Impaired Driving Program (IDP). BUPA is proposing to coordinate nighttime SB and Impaired Driving activities in each of its 6 regions with IDP partners.
There were thirty-sevenJoint Operations reported during the 2017 May/June Mobilization and twenty-eight completed during the 2017 Thanksgiving Mobilization. A total of sixty-twomedia events were documented including media releases, PSAs recorded and featured articles all supporting the joint operations.
The goal of this project is to reduce the number of unbelted and impaired crashes and fatalities through coordinated enforcement and public awareness during nighttime hours.
- Mobilization Period: May 14 – June 3, 2018.
- The PA CIOT Mobilization will focus 50% of their enforcement funding on nighttime seat belt enforcement and unbelted crash roadways.
- BUPA will fund up to 350 LEAs for this 3-week mobilization.
- IDP Coordinators and BUPA OP LELs will be asked to plan and coordinate joint enforcement detailsduring the CIOT Mobilization.
- Both projects will distribute CIOT and Impaired Driving materials at every contact.
- Earned media and public awareness materials will be created by BUPA, reviewed by PennDOT and distributed to regional partners and LEA grantees.
- Organized county or regional kickoffs/media events will be encouraged.
- There will not be any consolidation of funding or enforcement time.
- SB and ID enforcement funded LEAs do not have to work the same operation but could simply schedule details at the same time.
- The IDP Coordinator, OP LEL and participating BUPA LEAs will determine the enforcement strategy, scope of operation and use of manpower.
- The NHTSA Border 2 Border Initiative is scheduled for May 21stfrom 1600 hrs.-2000 hrs.and may provide an excellent opportunity for earned media and enforcement events.