Town North Condominium Association
Board Members Present: Tim Brady (41),Peggy Hall (54), Ashley Miller (47), Kay Murphy (5), Nan McNees (34)
Community Property Manager Present: Steve Peschke
Additional Owners Present:Bob & Jemma Dorf (15 & 24), Sondra Henritze (20 & 31), Mike Cavanagh (33), Lynette Sumny (29), Dennis Buxman (40)
Guest: Bob Prescott, Grand Valley Security
Owners by Proxy: Scott Hall (4) [proxy Peggy Hall],
Darryl Grosjean (1), Dianna Beltz (42 & 45), Peter Hopkins (25), Russ Garrity (11) [proxy Tim Brady, Board President],
Bill Wagner (13, 22, 27, 46 & 52), David Eisner (9), James Wagner (2) [proxy Mike Cavanagh]
- Call to Order at 6:01pm
- Roll Call and Certification of Proxies: see signature sheet.
- Determination of Quorum - 25% of 53 units = 13.25% units must be represented.
Owners in attendance (voting units) = 12. Owners by proxy (voting units) = 13 For a total of 25.
25/53 = 47.2%.We have a quorum.
- Introduction of Board Members & Officers completed.
- Grand Valley Security Report – Bob Prescott summarized Town North activity. Town North has less loud music, Grand Valley Security provides 3 nightly security random patrols at $6 each between 9pm and 5am. Their vehicles are marked, they wear police style uniforms, all employees are veterans, Steve gets a weekly report of activities, he lets Steve know right away if a problem. If residents call GVS, they will swing by and take care of the issue at no charge. Steve has notified GVS regarding domestic violence issues. GVS tries to come to Town North after bars close.
- Move to open roster, approved for a late arrival. STEVE IS THIS OK HERE?
- Review & Approve Minutes from last Annual Meeting – Prior Annual Meeting Minutes moved seconded & voted to dispense with reading and approve. Minutes were approved.
- Swimming Pool Project Discussion: Current pool cannot be repaired. Several choices include: replace pool, remove pool, replace with new patio area and others. HOA could pay 2/3 and owners pay 1/3 of new pool. Bill Wagner pool comments read at meeting, he supports pool replacement and suggests a Pool Improvement Task Force. Motion to approve new pool and appoint a committee to obtain costs and bids, turn that information over to Board for decision, seconded. Motion passed. Bob Dorf, Mike Cavanaugh, Peggy Hall, Bill Wagner and Steve Peschke will be on Pool Task Force. This task force must move quickly.
- Property Manager Report – Steve Peschke
- 2016 Capital Improvements Projects completed list handed out. Parking lots will be discussed in Capital Reserve Plan. New carpet looks great, laundry room floors resurfaced with epoxy paint.
- Steve requests owner email addresses, now has Buildium owner portals, owners can get information regarding your payments and can pay online for a fee. If anyone needs portal help, let Steve know. Next
year Steve will review our policies and procedures.
- Financial Review – Ashley Miller, Treasurer
Ashley presented financial reports.
- 2015 Balance Sheet
- 2015 Profit & Loss
- 2015 Budget vs Actuals
- 2015 Capital Projects Completed
- 2016 Operating Budget
- 2016 Capital Reserve Study
Parking lot question, parking lots have been relined but do not need replacement at this time. Question and discussion regarding north areas that are icy. Steve has worked with owners to collect past due fees, this situation is vastly improved. Now have 2 owners with liens, 1 may be current in a couple of months. Discussion of several questions ensued. Peggy moved to approve 2016 financial statements and approve 2017 operating budget as presented, Dennis seconded, passed. Motion to accept the 2017 Capital Reserve Study as presented without the pool information, Dennis seconded, passed.
- Architectural Review Committee – Ashley Miller
New committee for Town North, chaired by Ashley Miller. Current priorities are window replacements and unit doors. Window and door information is on Town North website.
Mike C mentioned that door security is very important for owners and occupants. Mike C also mentioned that having an onsite manager is very helpful for security as well. Mike felt having a security service is also important. Also, important to have Contact Information Verification Form filled out and given to Steve.
Question and discussion regarding Dog weight restriction that was removed by Board in the past.
- Owner Survey –Board is asking for owner suggestions on what improvements are desired.
Homeowner issues for future consideration by the Board:
Smoker trash, suggestion to install a smoker tower by each door.
Bill Wagner emailed some issues…he requests capital expense expenditures over the years. $124,000 spent, with $252,000 remaining – see summary handed out at meeting.
Maintenance expenses in budget, questioning what manager does that is included in salary. Tim will follow up with Bill W. FYI HOA does not provide Steve’s utilities.
Security service of $7000/year discussion ensued regarding owners appreciating our current security and safety.
Suggestion to add a GVS sign by parking lot entrance.
Software is paid by Steve, HOA pays for website information, office supplies paid by HOA, computer hardware paid and owned by Steve.
Steve salary increased recently by $200/month by Board.
Board member nominations or elections, Bill W. is interested. Board will discuss this request. Board is to have a minimum of 3, not to exceed 5 members.
General widespread appreciation voiced for the great work Steve does.
- Motion and Second to Adjourn. Meeting adjourned 7:22 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nan McNees