TOWN HALL MEETING NOTES, February 17, 2010
- President’s Report
- Concord offices
- Everything up and running by
- Rugby materials are still in their old room.
- We have provided a list of all student organization executive boards to have their ID card encoded, so please go see the head of campus security to have them encode the card for access to Concord.
- He is there 9-5pm Mon-Fri
- February 25that noon : school is bringing in a speaker from South Africa-Desk Officerin the Department of State, luncheon in barristers, limited seating. If anyone would like to attend this event, please email Destiny Prater. There is limited seating, so please email her ASAP if you are interested in attending.
- One of the 2L Representatives has resigned for personal reasons since we are so close to the General Election a Special Election will not be necessary.
- Officer Reports
- Recording Secretary
- Organizations Constitutions and Bylaws
- Currently have received one from the following orgs:
- Black law students association
- Brehon
- Democratic Law Caucus
- Environmental law society
- Federalist
- Golf Association
- Health Law Society
- International law
- Intellectual property
- Jewish law students association
- Military law caucus
- Phi Delta Phi
- Republican law caucus
- Rugby
- Student animal legal defense fund
- Womens law caucus
- For those orgs we have not received a constitution or bylaw from:
- The penalty of one missed meeting will be imposed on all organizations who have not submitted either a constitution or bylaw to Ashley Schilgen. An announcement was made back in September regarding this and the original deadline was set for January 12th. At the last meeting on January 27th we warned all organizations that if they did not submit one by the next meeting, it would be considered a missed meeting!! Therefore, if your organizations name does not appear on the list above, a missed meeting will be added to your attendance record.
- Deans Cup:
- Softball game will be held in April. The winning team from the Delaware campus tournament will represent this campus in the game. The date and time will be announced at a later meeting.
- April 10-11
- Corresponding Secretary
- Elections
- They will be held towards the end of March.
- Elections will be held on TWEN.
- All current students will vote so make sure still have SBA as a course on TWEN
- If anyone has any questions about any of the position’s duties, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Executive Board to inquire.
- ABA/LSD Representative
- Diversity Pipeline
- March 13th
- We need witnesses and bailiffs for that day. If anyone is interested please contact any member of the executive board.
- VP Academics/Community Service
- Diversity Week—March 15-19
- Chili Cook Off- March 15th. Anyone in the school can make their own homemade chili. We will have tables lined up on mainstreet where persons can have their chili on display and all students are able to vote.
- Look for an email from Brian Searls and please tell all members about it.
- Fusion- 5pm that week in barristers
- Will have stations set up in barristers that involve different cuisines from different cultures.
- If any organizations are interested in participating, please contact Brian Searls.
- Those orgs who have already kindly agreed to participate:
- Black law
- Justinian
- Budget: The SBA is still determining how much the SBA will allocate to each organization for this event.
- Form letters: a form letter will be drafted that an organization can bring to a local restaurant to see if they are willing to help donate to this event.
- Evening Division Representative
- Monday munchies: all organizations are given $40 dollars to purchase food to be put out in Crown Court
- 3/8- AAJ and MLS
- 3/15-PAD
- 3/22-ELS
- 3/29- CLS
- 4/5-WLC
- 4/12- SBA
- 4/19-BLSA
- 4/26- still open and looking for any org that would like to help
- Student/Faculty Mixer- March 11th (2pm and 4:30pm)
- Ice Cream mixer during the day and will be followed by an appetizer event for the night time students.
- Best way to communicate with the evening division is one on one. If you need anything communicated to the night division, please contact Angie Kogut.
- VP Student/Alumni Relations
- Upcoming Events
- March 11th- Ice cream social
- Diversity pipeline
- Luau – tentative date is April 7th
- Coffee and donut mixer- will hopefully be starting right after spring break. Will be an hour in the mornings for professors and students to be able to interact with one another.
- Class gift fundraisers- dates and events TBD
- Barristers ball- May 13th.It will be located at the Mendenhall Hotel. Hotel rooms are available for $95, just mention widener law school.
- Justinian- wing bowl will be held on feb. 25th at 8:30 in Barristers
- All money will go to Believe in Tomorrow, which is a local charity.
- All donations are welcome before or during the event.
- All organizations who would like to participate, contact Chris Sulof.
- MLS- Tomorrow 2/18 -career panel in barristers at 4:30.
- People are coming to discuss Civilian lawyer positions.
- Quizzo: Monday Feb. at scrimmages.
- 8:30 to register
- Money goes to the class gift.
- AAJ- Mock trial competition
- registration deadline is February 24th
- Tuesday March 16th at 10am: federal court of appeals for Veterans Claims will hear oral arguments at Widener. This is the first time that an event like this has ever been held at Widener University.
- A question and answer session will be held immediately following as well as a luncheon at barristers.
- A TWEN page will be set up if anyone would like to register.
- Brehon – March 17th they will be holding a St. Patty’s day party
- Quizzo- $25 per team (money going to Doctors Without Borders)
- Will be held at barristers
- Health Law Society:
- Are establishing a “journal” which will be distributed among companies and firms within the area.
- Holding a writing competition, rules come out Monday feb. 22nd.
- There will be a cash prize for the winner this year in order to get people interested. Next year, it will be a competition in order to gain entrance into the journal.
- PILA- silent auction Tuesday, march 23rd
- Will be located on mainstreet all day long.
- All persons are welcome to make bids.
- The money raised go to fellowships to students who do internships in public interest law.
- Erica Barhan- speaker who is coming to discuss employment opportunities.
- Next Thursday at 6-8
- Room 273
- Wednesday March 10th- High school students
- Need help from students to give tour guides, helping out with the mock trial course, etc.
- Christian Legal Society-
- Bible study- held every friday
- 8am- is led by a local Christian attorney (girls only, it deals with female issues)
- 12pm: on Fridays which is open to everyone
- Faith and practice event- will like to host a speaker.
- Regular meetings- 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 5:30-7pm in concord commons lounge
Those organizations who were in attendance:
-Black Law students
-Christian legal society
-Democratic law
-Health law
-Jewish law students association
-PHI Delta Phi
-Student Animal Legal Defense
-Women’s law caucus
-Golf Association