Town Hall, High Street Deal, Kent CT14 6TR Tel: 01304 361999
I hereby give notice that a meeting of the Planning Committee will be held in the
Deal Town Hall Chamber on Wednesday 4 June 2014 at 7.15pm. All residents of the Town are welcome to attend and 15 minutes will be set aside to allow members of the public and press to raise issues or questions relating to the agenda.
Lorna Crow - Town Clerk
Date: 28 April 2014 AGENDA
1 / Chairman’s opening remarks:2 / Apologies for absence:
3 / Declarations of interest: To receive any declarations of interest from Members in respect of business to be transacted on the agenda. Where a Member has a new or registered Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in a matter under consideration they must disclose that they have an interest and, unless the Monitoring Officer has agreed in advance that the DPI is a 'Sensitive Interest', explain the nature of that interest at the meeting. The Member must
withdraw from the meeting at the commencement of the consideration of any matter in which they have declared a DPI and must not participate in any discussion of, or vote taken on, the matter unless they have been granted a dispensation permitting them to do so. If during the consideration of any item a Member becomes aware that they have a DPI in the matter they should declare the interest immediately and, subject to any dispensations, withdraw from the meeting. Where a Member is declaring an Other Significant Interest (OSI) they must also disclose the interest and explain the nature of the interest at the meeting. The
Member must withdraw from the meeting at the commencement of the consideration of any matter in which they have declared a OSI and must not participate in any discussion of, or vote taken on, the matter unless they have been granted a dispensation to do so or the meeting is one at which members of the public are permitted to speak for the purpose of making representations, answering questions or giving evidence relating to the matter. In the latter case, the Member may only participate on the same basis as a member of the public and cannot participate in any discussion of, or vote taken on, the matter and must withdraw from the meeting in accordance with the Council's procedure rules.
4 / Minutes of previous meetings:
a) The minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 May 2014 to be signed and agreed. / Attach 1
5 / Clerks Report: Information to note / Attach 2
6 / Public participation: To allow members of the public an opportunity to discuss with councillors items on the agenda. (15 minutes)
7 / Correspondence received:
(i) Email regarding parking in Mill Road / Attach 3
8 / Planning applications received: Decisions required
14/00291 / 1 Silver Street, Deal, CT14 6LB / Installation of 3 replacement windows and rendering/repainting of exterior
14/00427 / 71 Middle Street &, 4 St Georges Passage, Deal, CT14 6HN / Infilling existing internal openings and formation of new opening to St Georges Passage and associated internal alterations
14/00429 / 9 Golden Street, Deal, CT14 6JU / Display of a blue plaque
14/00438 / 9 Golden Street, Deal, CT14 6JU / Display of a blue plaque
14/00470 / Land Adjoining, 41 Cross Road, Deal CT14 9LB / Variation of condition 2 of reserved matters application (DOV/13/00268) - amendments to approved drawings (application under Section 73)
14/00418 / Maxteds Pet Shop, 136 High Street, Deal, CT14 6BE / Conversion of rear store building to shop area with a first floor rear extensions over, a single storey rear link extension and the creation of a terrace area with external staircase with 1.8 metre glazed screen and associated external works
14/00452 / 40 James Hall Gardens, Deal, CT14 7TA / Erection of a single storey side link extension
14/00366 / 1 Godwyn Road, Deal, CT14 6QR / Erection of a single storey front porch extension
14/00395 / 7 Finch Mews, Deal, CT14 7XT / Replace existing pitch roof with flat roof to facilitate a balcony
14/00411 / 17 St James Close, Deal, CT14 9BG / Erection of a single storey rear extension
14/00424 / 103a Middle Street, Deal, CT14 6JN / Change of colour to front elevation to London Stone (beige/grey)
14/00497 / 45 Cross Road, Walmer, Deal, CT14 9LB / Construction of vehicular access and hard standing
14/00414 / 11 St James Close, Deal, CT14 9EW / Erection of a rear conservatory extension
KCC/DO/0134/2014 / Land adjoining the Deal Leisure Centre, Tides, Park Avenue, Deal Kent CT14 9UU / Construction of a new Youth Centre and extension to existing leisure centre car park
/ Attach 4
9 / Tree applications received: Decisions required
14/00422 / Land adjacent Regina House, 9 Sydney Road, Deal, CT14 9JP / Variation of condition 5 of planning permission DOV/92/0669 - to allow tree maintenance (application under Section 73)
14/00047 / Wellington Court, Beechwood Avenue, Deal CT14 9WY / Removal of Pear T24, specific limb removal or light crown reduction to T1, T10, T11, T17, T18, T19 andT20, fell unidentified tree T27, removal of elder shrub at base of T16 and severing/removal of thick ivy growth of boundary wall.
/ Attach 5
10 / DDC decisions: To be tabled on the night
11 / Highways:
a) Highway Road notices: For noting, to be tabled on the night
Date of next meeting: 2 July 2014
Mrs Lorna Crow, Town Clerk