Town Day Notes

  1. Set-up: ribbon for door, sign saying “WELCOME” and directing people to back , open back museum door, set up table with sign-up sheets, check bathrooms for supplies and cleanliness (extra t.p. and towels in rooms) Maybe Doris should check supply closet this week. NEED SIGN & RIBBON
  1. Early arrivals and slow times require sign-up so that person at door can keep track of numbers (10 per tour, including kids) and people will know the time of their tour when tours are called.
  1. All persons signed up for tours will put red sticker on their chests (stickers provided by Doris). People who only want to see the museum can do so without signing up, but they won’t get a red sticker. Time-keeper /tour director will allow only people with stickers into the house.
  1. Person at the door explains that tours are first floor only and for about 15 minutes. Invites people to come back some day for a more complete tour. Mentions opening times/dates for remainder of season.
  1. All guides will have Doris’s cell phone with them on the tour. The time-keeper will call them on this phone to give them a 5-minute warning. They must finish the tour and usher people out of the front door of the house in five minutes, no matter how far into the tour they are.
  1. After ushering people out the door the guide will return to pick up another tour. Each guide will do about three tours an hour. Then that guide should switch with the second guide whose been working in the museum.
  1. While the second guide waits her/his turn to guide they will be on hand in the museum to chat with people who are waiting, help with book sales, and pass out membership brochures. They need to be willing to promote the Historical Society and the JRH. Encourage people to bring other family members and friends back for a full tour.
  1. Guide 2 needs to keep a record of book sales for the purposes of inventory and to keep track of consigned books.
  1. Question! WHERE SHOULD THE CASH BOX BE? Maybe use the one in the kitchen since guide 2 can keep an eye on visitors. Any guide entering the kitchen should close the door when they leave to discourage people wondering in there. IS THERE CHANGE IN THE CASH BOX? DORIS OR STUART NEEDS TO COUNT MONEY THERE BEFORE THE DAY BEGINS.
  1. Another question: Are all books priced, or have some been added to the cart since we priced the books? (ASK FAITH)
  1. Sign-up sheet. Create spaces for as much info as people are willing to give, particularly e-mail and home address, so that we can follow up with Newsletters, program announcements and fund raising. Some people won’t agree, but let’s try. No need for phone numbers.
  1. We should try to relieve Faith of sign-up duties as much as possible so that she can help in the front yard as needed or float in the museum to talk with people and explain exhibits. Do we need more than 4 guides per shift, to wit: one to guide, one to time, one to sign people in, and one to cover museum, book sales, promo. Can we release anyone from their duties? We might need some help cleaning up and straightening out at the end of the day—30 min. max.