Town Board of the Town of Louisville

Local Law No. 1-2013


Be it enacted as follows:

Article 1 - Statement of Authority. The Town Board of the Town of Louisville pursuant to the power granted it under Article 16 of the Town Law and Sections 10 and 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, hereby enacts as follows:

Article 2 - Statement of Purpose and Finding. The Town Board of Town of Louisville hereby finds that there has been a growing request for the installation of outdoor heating appliances within the Town of Louisville. Whereas the installation of these outdoor heating appliances presents certain issues with respect to best burn practices a well as air quality and odor issues for neighboring properties, it is therefore necessary to adopt regulations with respect of these outdoor heating appliances. It is the purpose of this local law to establish the same.

Article 3 - Enactment. The Town Board of the Town of Louisville hereby adopts the following provisions for the regulation of outdoor heating appliances:

Section 1 - Definitions.

An outdoor heating appliance shall be a self-contained unit designed to provide heating to a building or structure which unit is located outside of that building or structure.

Section 2. - Operation

  1. Building permits are required.
  1. The use of such outdoor heating appliance must meet all installation and operating instructions supplied by the manufacturer.
  1. The only fuels allowed shall be those listed fuels recommended by the manufacturer. The following are prohibited: trash, plastics, gasoline, rubber, naphtha, household garbage, material treated with petroleum products (particle board, railroad ties and pressure treated wood), leaves, paper products and cardboard.
  1. Users must follow the manufacturer’s written instructions for

recommended loading times and amounts.

  1. Lighter fluids, gasoline or chemicals to start the furnace are prohibited.
  1. Restricted to the Residential- Agricultural zone.
  1. Burning is not allowed from May 1st through September 30th.

Section 3.- Location

All outdoor heating appliancesinstalled shall meet the following requirements with respect to location.

  1. Must be one hundred feet (100’) feet from the edge of any road right-of-way.
  2. Stoves must be one hundred (100’) feet from any property line

Section 4.- ChimneyHeights

The following regulations pertaining to chimney/stack heights on any outdoor heating appliance.

A. For any outdoor heating appliance prior to March 2013 if located closer than one hundred (100) feet to any residence not served by the furnace, the stack must be three (3) feet higher than the eve line of that residence or follow manufacturer’s installations, whichever is more restrictive.