Present: Ruth Janke, Terry Hill, Tony Compo, Jason Paulson, Bill Gerard, Rhonda Peleski, David Pritchett

Chairperson Janke called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Board Room at the Town Hall.

Gerard made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Second by Compo. Motion carried.

Paulson made a motion to approve the current vouchers in the amount of $64,624.82 (Check #’s 42434-42482) to pay payroll and due bills and electronic payments in the amount of $ 6,639.32. Second by Hill. Motion carried.

An invitation to MNDOT’s District One Bicycle Plan input session on Sept 18 was received. Paulson will attend the session on behalf of the Town.

Work needs to begin on the Town’s MS4 ordinance regulating stormwater. Committee members will be Stangle, Pritchett, Joe Jurewicz, Peleski and Paulson.

Interviews were recently held for the recycling shed operator position. The recommendation from the hiring committee is to hire Cynthia Campbell. A motion was made by Gerard with a second by Hill to approve the hiring of Cynthia Campbell. Motion carried.

Brian Belich from Carlton County Sheriff’s Department was present to discuss replacing Deputy Tony Bastien as the Town’s designated patrol deputy. Deputy Bastien has accepted another position within the department. The position has been posted internally. Interviews will be held to fill the position. Discussion was held regarding amending the contract to include the stipulation that the deputy assigned be required to stay in the position for a minimum length of time.

A motion was made by Compo with a second by Gerard to set the time and date for the assessment hearing for the Rolling Acres Green Paving project for Thursday, October 19 at 7:00 pm. Motion carried.

Paulson reported that the LED lighting for the Town owned streetlights and at the business park will be completed this year.

A pre-construction meeting for the E. Stark road project will be held on Sept. 18. Weather permitting; the work should be done the week of Sept. 25.

Fire Chief Kyle Gustafson reported that the fire department will need to hire additional members.

Paulson reported that the leak in the roof at the Town Hall has been fixed.

Pritchett updated the Board on the recent work session held to discuss ATV use on Town roads. It was decided that the Town would wait to see what is done with the issue on the State level.

A motion to adjourn was made at 7:05 p.m. by Paulson with a second by Hill. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Rhonda Peleski, Clerk/Treasurer Ruth Janke, Chairperson

Town of Thomson