THURSDAY July7, 2016 7:35 PM to 10:57 PM
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Members Present: Chair Lohny Fredrick, Supervisors Carole Vawter and LeRoy Tietz, Treasurer Jon Schoenike, and Clerk Deborah Behl. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Public Notice: Clerk reported that agendas were posted on FridayJuly 1, 2016.
Public Comment: None.
Minutes: MOTION (Fredrick, Tietz): To approve the May 5, 2016 minutes. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.
Treasurer’s Report: MOTION (Fredrick, Vawter): To accept the Treasurer’s Report with a balance of $94.78in checking and $347,846.54in the interest account. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.
Summer Hill Court Speed Limit: Chad Reimer, N119 Summer Hill Court spoke to the Board about his concerns about people driving too fast on the dead end road in their subdivision. There are 16 homes on Summer Hill Court and many children. With no posted speed the limit is 55mph. Reimer asked the Board to consider posting a lower speed limit. The matter will be taken up with the Police Chief when he arrives.
New Operator License: MOTION (Fredrick, Tietz): to approve a new operator license for the period ending June 30, 2017 for Kayla A. Grunewald. Carried on voice vote 2-1 with Vawter voting no.
Temporary Class “B” License Lebanon Band: MOTION (Fredrick, Tietz): to approve Lester Nass as agent for the Lebanon Band. Carried on voice vote 2-1 with Vawter voting no. MOTION (Fredrick, Tietz): to approve two Temporary Class “B” Licenses for the Lebanon Band for their concerts on July 13, 2016 and August 10, 2016 for the Bandshell Concession Stand at the Lebanon Firemen’s Park N2025 County Road R, Section 8, T9N R16E, Lester Nass agent. Carried on voice vote 2-1 with Vawter voting no.
Land Use Issues – Babbitt/Otto: Jason Otto, 812 N. Water Street, Watertown asked for the Town’s support for the removal of the CSM restriction (for agricultural purposes only and no residential structures) on the Babbitt vacant land on Scofield Road just South of N1018, parcel #026-0916-1943-000. Otto would like to purchase the Babbitt land to construct a home. MOTION (Vawter, Fredrick): to forward to the county a favorable recommendation on the removal of the deed restrictions. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.
Wille Field Driveways: Reinhard and Raymond Wille, N2330 County Road R, were present to discuss their field driveways on Davidson Road, Section 4. Highway Superintendent Brent Boyd explained that Wille constructed two field driveways on Davidson Roadwithout driveway permits. The western one of these two located at 900 feet west of County Road R was not built according to the Town’s field drive standards especially as in regards to width. The eastern driveway located 1600 feet east of County Road R is too close to the crest of a hill and is definitely a safety issue. Raymond Wille explained why these driveways are beneficial and should be allowed. He asked for a speed limit or a tractor caution sign on the hill to help with safety. Agreement was reached that (a) the eastern field drive1600 feet east must removed, (b) Wille should add 10 feet onto the pipe on the western field drive at 900 feet to make it 31 feet wide, (c) the Town will move the gravel from the eastern field drive and add it onto the western field drive, (d) the Town will install a tractor caution sign on the east side of the hill. Wille also requested a narrow bridge sign on Davidson between the two driveways. Boyd will check on the specification for this sign and report back to the Board. MOTION (Fredrick, Vawter): to approve a driveway permit for Reinhard Wille on Davidson Road for upgrading the existing field drive at 1300 feet east of County Road R and installing a new field drive 900 feet east of County Road R Carried on voice vote with no negatives.
Police Report: Officer Kevin Schultz summarized the May police report. He introduced Russel Ebert, newly hired Emmet-Lebanon police officer. The speed limit on Summer Hill Court was discussed. Consensus of all that 30 or 35 mph advisory signs would be ok but before a final decision is made Chief Beal’s advice is needed.
THURSDAY July 7, 2016 7:35 PM to 10:57 PM
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Kohler Road – Heinlein Driveway: Larry Heinlein was issued a Driveway Permit on April 6, 2006 on Kohler Road south of LaFollette for his property located in the Town of Ashippun. Stipulation on the permit was for the owner’s contractor to meet with our Highway Superintendent to decide the width and culvert size. They also agreed to put in a turnout on their property east of Kohler,approximately one-half the distance from LaFollettee, to allow for two cars to pass. There also is a restriction on the deed to their property stating that the driveway access shall be limited to a single-family residence since Kohler Road is a limited access road. Consensus of the Board was that the stipulations still apply. Clerk shall notify the Heinlein attorney that the contractor must meet with Brent Boyd our Highway Superintendent before beginning any construction.
Election Voting Equipment: DodgeCounty will be changing voting systems and purchasing new voting equipment in 2017, replacing the year 2000 equipment we are currently using. The County has proposed to subsidize $6,200, a portion of the cost of each unit. The County will procure and pay 100% of the purchase cost initially. Each municipality must pay back the county any amount over the $6,200 subsidy, approximately $2,800. MOTION (Vawter, Tietz): to sign the Election Voting Equipment Agreement (County/Municipal Cost Share). Carried on voice vote with no negatives.
Salary Review Committee: MOTION (Fredrick, Vawter): to appoint Ruth Otto, Doris Nass, and Paul Davidson to a 2016 salary review committee to give recommendations to the Town Board prior to the 2017 Budget deliberations. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.
Highway Superintendent’s Report: Highway Superintendent Brent Boyd presented a Driveway Permit application from Jim Kulkee, agent for the David Lauersdorf Estate, for the construction of a field drive on Davidson Road across from Fargo Road. MOTION (Fredrick, Tietz): to approve a Driveway Permit for the David Lauersdorf Estate on Davidson Road across from Fargo Road. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.
Fire Department: Chief Brent Boyd would like to apply for a DNR grant for the new grass fire truck and equipment. But in order to get the DNR Grant, we must have the fire truck here by April of 2017. Funds to pay for this truck have already been accumulated by both the Fire Department and the Town. Put the purchase of the truck on the next agenda. More discussion held about the safety of “party barns”. Consensus of the Board was to have another meeting in July and to put the discussion of barn type entertainment facilities.
Park Committee: Brent Boyd of the Park Committee reported that the old log cabin is almost finished. Now the Historical society wants to place two old street lights near the cabin. Consensus of the Board was to allow this. Collection of park user fees was discussed. All teams have now paid.
Board Member Reports: An Ixonia softball league has asked to use the park ball diamond. Consensus of the Board was to allow this for a fee of $125. Clerk received complaints about construction in the road right-of-way of County Road MM in LebanonHeights, and about construction without permits on Hoard Road. Board directed Clerk to file violation complaints with DodgeCounty. Weed complaint on County Road MM and Poplar Grove Road received was referred to the Weed Commissioner. Clerk reported that we have received a check from our insurance company for damages to our ambulance resulting from the ambulance hitting a pole shed. There is a $2,000 deductible. The loaner ambulance is not covered in our policy.
Monthly Bills: Bills for the month were reviewed. MOTION (Tietz, Fredrick): to pay bills as presented in the amount of $120,877.00. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.
Future Agenda Items: Nothing else.
Adjournment: MOTION (Fredrick, Tietz): to adjourn. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.
Respectfully Submitted,
Deborah Behl, Clerk