First Grade – Room 20

Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Mecucci

Dear Families,

Welcome to Back-to-School Night at Alvin Dunn Elementary School. We are glad to have this opportunity to meet all of you. Thank you for taking the time to attend tonight. Throughout the night, we will explain the curriculum and instruction for first grade.

Balanced Literacy

Our main focus this year is balanced literacy. A balanced literacy program provides a strong balance of reading and writing in all areas of curriculum. As the night progresses, we hope this becomes more clear. Every child will read this year!

Our Schedule

(Subject to Variation)

8:45 - 9:00 Opening/Morning Message

9:00 – 10:30 Reading /Reading Group/Centers

10:30 – 10:50 Recess

10:50 – 11:30 Reading Groups Continued

11:30 – 12:15 Lunch

12:15 –12:45 E.L.D/Social Studies /Science

12:45 - 1:15 Writing

1:15 - 2:20 Math

2:15 -3:10 Spanish/Fine Art/ PE/Library

3:10 Dismissal

Special Times

Early Release Wednesday 2:10

PE Monday/Thursday 1:30-2:20

Classroom Behavior Plan

At Alvin Dunn Elementary, we believe in a strong behavior policy in order to provide a productive and safe learning environment. We feel good behavior starts when behavior is reinforced positively. In Room 20, the Classroom Behavior Plan is as follows:

Classroom Rules

1.  Do your best.

2.  Make good choices.

3.  Be respectful

Rewards for Following Classroom Rules

1.  Weekly Treasure Chest

2.  Friday/ Class Store

3.  Safari Suitcase

4.  Special IB Learner Attribute Chair

5.  Verbal Praises/ Notes home/Call home

6.  Whole Class Earned -Free Time

Rewards on Behavior Chart

1.  Purple = Extraordinary Effort = 10¢

2.  Pink = Terrific Effort = 5¢

3.  Green = Great Day = 1¢

Consequences on Behavior Chart

1.  Yellow - Warning

2.  Orange – Call Home

3.  Red (Strike 1) – Lunch Detention and Call Home

Red (Strike 2) – Call Home/Parent- Teacher conference

Red (Strike 3) - Meeting with Principal/Vice Principal


Tonight you are receiving your child’s S.A.F.A.R.I. (Students and Families are Responsible and Informed). This binder is a very important tool we use in our classroom. It is not only a communication tool that we use for the parents, but also a tool to help teach responsibility to our first grade students. This binder must come to school with your child everyday. They are responsible for remembering to bring it to school everyday.

There are 6 sections in the binder: Money Pouch, Weekly Newsletter/ Homework, Word Club, AR Log, Resources, Goals The sections are used for the following:

Money Pouch - Please place all lunch money, book fair money, field trip, or PTO related money in this pouch for your child. This will be a safe place for your child to place their money. It will be checked every morning.

Homework/Newsletter Section – This section will contain our weekly newsletter that contains a weekly behavior chart for your student, sight words, spelling words, and homework for the week. This newsletter will also be posted on our classroom webpage in case your child leaves their S.A.F.A.R.I. binder at school.

Word Club – This section contains all of the first grade word club words and information.

AR Log– This section contains an AR log in which your child will maintain a log of the Accelerated Reader tests they have taken at school and their scores.

Resources– This section contains special resources that the student may refer to during homework practice.

Goals– This section will contain goal sheets in which your child will keep track and monitor their own progress on according to the Common Core first grade standards for English Language Arts, Writing, and Math.

Dragon Envelope

Any other school information that is to be sent home will be placed in the Dragon Envelope every Wednesday. Please empty the contents of the Dragon envelope and return the envelope with your student the next day. The Dragon Envelope will also contain graded and corrected work for your student.


The students are assigned nightly homework which is due on Friday each week. The weekly homework consists of reading, sight words, math, spelling, and occasionally some special writing projects.

Students are required to read for at least 15 minutes a night. This is part of our balanced literacy program. Your child will receive a weekly reading log. Parents are to review the log to see what comprehension skills and strategies our class is working on. After your child has finished reading the book please ask them to retell the important parts of the story to you in their own words and initial a box. We hope you will start a nightly reading time for your family where everyone reads together.

Classroom Website

Our classroom website contains important information about our class. It is a wonderful tool that contains our newsletter, homework, and other important information. The classroom website also contains our back to school presentation, sight words, first grade standards, and useful websites for education. Please let us know if you need assistance!

Grading Scale

The school district has implemented a new report card this year. The report card uses a 4, 3, 2, 1 scale to represent your child’s academic growth scores. This scale directly correlates with the state standards. The report will also include your child’s progress in our Units of Inquiry for the International Baccalaureate Program. The growth scores are as follows:

4 = Advance/Working Beyond Grade Level Standards

3 = Proficient/Achieving Grade Level Standards

2 = Basic/Progressing towards Grade Level Standards

1 = Below Basic/Working below Grade Level Standards

Behavior scores will remain the same as on the previous report card (E, S, N, and U). The report card will also include your child’s progress in our Units of Inquiry for the International Baccalaureate Program. These grades will also be effort grades based ( E, S, N, and U)

I will be using these two formats to document your child academic and social growth. I will report this information to you on the mid-term progress report.

Supply List

Your child will be provided with many supplies throughout the year. However, there are a few items I would like each of them to have at the beginning of the year. Here is a list of supplies you can donate for your child.

●  Two glue sticks

●  One pack of expo markers (black only)

●  Back pack

●  Lunch box if necessary

In addition, we have posted a “Wish List” of extra items needed for our classroom. This list is posted on our white board. Please take a leaf if you would like to donate an item(s). All donations are greatly appreciated. We will update the list as needed.


We feel that it is very important to have parent volunteers in our first grade classroom. We have placed a help wanted list on the board for parents who desire to sign up tonight. We have also included a list of volunteer duties at the end of this packet. However, if there is a duty missing that you feel that you would like to donate your time to, please feel free to discuss it with us at your convenience. Each parent is a key player in the success of our learning environment!

Buddy Book Bags

Buddy Book Bags

Your student will receive a Buddy Book Bag containing reading books each Monday. Inside the Buddy Book Bag are reading books for your child to read to you at their independent reading level. The Buddy Book Bag is to be returned on Friday and your student will receive new books on Monday to be read at home.


Your student will be excused to go to the water fountain when necessary.

Please make sure your child brings a healthy snack for recess each day.


Let’s celebrate! We welcome birthday parties. However, the State of California has issued a new policy on the types of food being served in school. This policy mandates the elimination of sugar products given to children during school hours. Therefore, no cupcakes, brownies, cookies, ice cream etc. will be allowed for birthday parties. Instead, here is an appropriate list of food choices for a class party: granola bars, string cheese, yogurt, etc. In addition, pencils, stickers, or little party toys are a great idea for your child’s class party. These are just a few suggestions. For more information regarding the new policy, please visit the school office. Thanks for your support in this matter.

Parent Pick-Up

Please inform us of any changes to the way your child will be picked up after school. Students often become confused and do not remember what you tell them at home. You can simply leave a message with the office or leave a note in your student’s SAFARI binder in regards to any changes that may occur.

We hope this information is helpful. Attached are a few forms we thought would be of interest. We are excited about getting to know you and your child this year. Please feel free to set up and appointment before or after school or to give us a call (290-2121 x3120) if you have further questions or concerns throughout the year. This will be a wonderful year of learning for your child!


Heidi Ray

Shannon Mecucci