Note: This form is provided to preview the questions prior to beginning the on line submission process.
Please complete this form if you are interested in connecting with one or more PCORnet Collaborative Research Groups (CRGs), Clinical Data Research Networks (CDRNs), and/or Patient Powered Research Networks (PPRNs) to obtain scientific, investigator and/or patient/participant expertise. Please contact the PCORnet Front Door if you have any questions .
# / Question / Response1 / Request Date
Principal Investigator / Requester Information
2 / First Name
3 / Last Name
4 / Title
5 / Requesting Institution / Organization
6 / Email Address
7 / Phone Number
8 / Mailing Address
9 / City
10 / State
11 / Zip Code
12 / Would you like to provide a second contact for correspondence? / ☐Yes
If yes, please provide email address
13 / Does this request originate from a PCORnet CDRN (Clinical Data Research Network) or PPRN (Patient Powered Research Network)? / ☐No
☐Yes, CDRN
☐Yes, PPRN
If Yes, this request originates from a CDRN, select the CDRN. / ☐ ADVANCE
☐ LHSNet
☐ PaTH
If Yes, this request originates from a PPRN, select the PPRN. / ☐ABOUT
☐Community and Patient-Partnered Centers of Excellence forBehavioral Health
☐Health eHeart Alliance
☐Interactive Autism Network
☐Multiple Sclerosis
☐National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patient and Caregiver-Powered Research Network
☐NephCure Kidney Network
☐Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Data Network
☐Rare Epilepsy Network
14 / Is this request from a PCORnet Collaborative Research Group (CRG)? / ☐Yes
If yes, select CRG / ☐Cardiovascular Health
☐ Pediatrics
☐ Health Disparities
☐Other, define:
15 / Is this request from the PCORnet Coordinating Center request? / ☐Yes
Collaboration Request
16 / Select the type(s) of Network collaboration you are seeking. / ☐Clinical Data Research Network (CDRN)
☐Patient Powered Research Network (PPRN)
☐Collaborative Research Group (CRG)
17 / Select the areas you are seeking collaboration.
/ ☐Feasibility, Provide Detail:
☐CDM data request, Provide Detail:
☐Participant/Patient recruitment/enrollment, Provide Detail:
☐Participant/Patient engagement, Provide Detail:
☐Investigator expertise Provide Detail:
☐Participant/Patient expertise, Provide Detail:
☐Other, Specify:
18 / Will you be requesting data from the collaborating Network?(If data is being requested through PCORnet, the collaborator must meet current PCORnet standards for data use.) / ☐Yes
If yes, what type of data? / ☐ De-identified (aggregate)
☐Limited data set
☐ PHI with consent
19 / What stage is this project? (e.g., protocol development, implementation, recruiting)
20 / Describe the time period you are seeking collaboration? / ☐<1 month
☐1-3 months
☐3-6 months
☐>6 months
☐ Other, Specify:
Project Information
21 / Research Project Title
22 / Type of Study
Intervention Trials, which usually involve randomization at the participant/patient, physician, clinic, hospital, or systems levels, but could use non-random allocation of the intervention.
Retrospective Observational Studies that use existing data in cross-sectional or longitudinal analyses.
Prospective Observational Studies that involve collection of new data. / ☐Intervention Trial
☐Retrospective Observational Study
☐Prospective Observational Study
☐Other study type, describe:
23 / Area(s) being studied / ☐Pediatrics
☐ Health Disparities
☐Behavioral Health
☐ Autoimmune
☐Healthcare Delivery
☐ Renal
☐Rare Diseases, Specify:
☐ Other, Specify:
24 / Describe study population
25 / Describe the Primary Aims or research questions to be addressed
26 / Describe the Secondary Aims or research questions to be addressed
27 / Are you planning an interventional treatment that is assigned by the study team; not chosen by the provider/participant/patient? / ☐Yes
If Yes, what type? / ☐Drug
☐Medical Device
☐Other, specify
28 / Describe the intervention(s).
29 / Have you already obtained funding? / ☐Yes
If yes, who will be funding this study? / ☐PCORI
☐Other, Describe funding source:
If no, describe when and where you will seek funding.
30 / Is there anything else you would like to share about your request?
31 / I understand that this information will be distributed to PCORnet Clinical Data Research Networks (CDRNs), Patient Powered Research Networks (PPRNs), and applicable Collaborative Research Groups (CRGs) to communicate opportunities for collaboration. / ☐Yes
V. 9/26/2016