Pennsylvania Positive Behavioral SupportNetwork
(PAPBS Network)
School Profile DataDictionary
Explanation of pTrack Data to be Entered
In an effort to provide data supportive of sustaining and expanding the School-Wide Positive Behavioral Support and Interventions (SWPBIS)framework across the Commonwealth, we request that each SWPBIS school provide the following data relevant for a given academic year. These data will be used to analyze the impact of a SWPBIS framework on a variety of key outcome variables. The purpose of this School Profile Data Dictionary is to provide a detailed description of the data we are requesting.
- All School Profile Data are to be entered into the pTrack system. Please contact your PAPBS Network Facilitator for assistance in accessing this secure website.
- Data from any year can be entered into the system as long as the Academic Year indicated corresponds to the appropriate data in the same spreadsheet row.
Approval to conduct this data collection and subsequent evaluation has been granted by Indiana University of Pennsylvania's Institutional Review Board (Log No. 08-251).
First Step: Academic Year – select the appropriate academic year that corresponds to the data you will enter. This is an important first step.
●Building- Indicate the official, complete name of the school building for which data are submitted. Please avoid using acronyms as doing so makes it difficult to specifically identify the school.
●School Days - Record the number of schools days in which students were present. This number should EXCLUDE include professional work days in which students were NOT in the building. [Example: All schools in the Any School District had 184 days of school. Thus, 184 would be entered in this cell.]
●Students – Record the number of students enrolled in the building on December 1 of that academic year. This is the same number that is used for Penn Data reporting (December 1 Child Count). [Example: On December 1, 2010North Davis Middle School had a total of 600 students in grades 6-8.]
●CODR (Cumulative Office Discipline Referrals)Total– Enter the cumulative number of ODRs (Majors only) received by the office for that corresponding academic year. Schools that use SWIS are asked to enter the total number of CODRs into this spreadsheet for verification purposes. [Example: North Davis Middle School had 750Major ODRs.]
●CODRper 100 Students –This is the total number of CODRs per 100 students. This datum is calculated using this formula: [CODR Total / Students] X 100. If your school is using SWIS, these data can be accessed via your year-end report.
If this column does not automatically calculate: Divide the total number of CODRs for the year by the total number of students as of December 1and multiply that by 100. Formula = (CODR Total /Students) X 100. This should result in the number of CODRs per 100 Students. [Example: North Davis Middle School had 750CODRs for 600 students; 750/600X 100 = 125CODRs per 100 students.]
●CODR per 100 per Day - This column should automatically calculate, assuming you have previously entered data regarding School Days, Students, and Total CODR. This datum is used to compare ODR rates across schools of different sizes and school year lengths.
If this column does not automatically calculate: Divide CODR per 100 by School Days. Formula = CODR per 100 / School Days. This results in the number of CODRs per 100 Students per School Day. [Example: North Davis Middle School had 125 CODRs per 100 Students for 184 School Days. Thus, 125/184 = 0.6793CODRs per 100 Students per School Day.]
●Staff Attendance– The average daily attendance rate for all district-employed staff assigned to that building for the corresponding school year. This may or may not include paraprofessionals, non-instructional aides, itinerant professionals, and cafeteria workers depending on if these individuals are district employees. [Example: NorthDavis Middle School has 35 teachers, 4 paraeducators, 1 part-time school counselor, 1 part-time school psychologist, and 4 cafeteria workers. The average daily staff attendance rate for these 45 staff was 98.5% for the entire year.]
●Student Attendance Rate – The average daily attendance rate for all students for the corresponding school year. [Example: North Davis Middle School averaged 96% student attendance across the entire 2010-2011 school year.]
●Days of OSS Served – This is the cumulative number of school days for which students were disciplined via Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) during the corresponding school year. Note: This is not the number of times OSS was used as a disciplinary or administrative action. Rather, the datum requested here is the cumulative number of days of OSS for all students. [Example: The principal at North Davis Middle School suspended 3 students each for 2 days, 4 students for 3 days, and 10 students for 1 day. This would equate to a total of 28 days of OSS. (3 students X 2 days each) + (4 students X 3 days each) + (10 students X 1 day each) = 28.]
●Number of Students Expelled – This is the number of students expelled for one school year or longer during the corresponding school year. [Example: North Davis Middle School did not expel any students in 2010-2011, so a 0 would be entered here.]
●Students in LRE > 80% –This datum is the same as what school districts are asked to submit to PDE for Penn Data reporting purposes; however, the data submitted to PDE are district-wide data. We request LRE data forthe SWPBIS school(s) only. Penn Data Reports provide these data, as a percentage, for the district as a whole; however, please report the data, as a number, only for the SWPBIS building(s).
For this datum, record the number of students with IEPs who were placed in regular education classrooms for 80% or more of the school day as of the December 1 Child Count reporting period for that corresponding academic year. [Example: North Davis Middle School has a total of 40 students with IEPs. Of those 40, 25 received services in regular education classrooms for 80% or more of the school day. Thus, the number 25 would be reported.]
●Students in LRE 40-79% – This datum is the same as what school districts are asked to submit to PDE for Penn Data reporting purposes; however, the data submitted to PDE are district-wide data. We request LRE data forthe SWPBIS school only. Penn Data Reports provide these data, as a percentage, for the district as a whole; however, please report the data, as a number, only for the SWPBIS building(s).
For this datum, record the number of students with IEPs who were placed in regular education classrooms for 40-79% of the school day as of the December 1Child Count reporting period for that corresponding academic year. [Example: North Davis Middle School has a total of 40 students with IEPs. Of those 40, 10 received services in regular education classrooms for 40-79% of the school day. Thus, the number 10 would be reported in this spreadsheet cell.]
●Students in LRE 40% – This datum is the same as what school districts are asked to submit to PDE for Penn Data reporting purposes; however, the data submitted to PDE are district-wide data. We request LRE data forthe SWPBIS school only. Penn Data Reports provide these data, as a percentage, for the district as a whole; however, please report the data, as a number, only for the SWPBIS building(s).
For this datum, record the number of students with IEPs who were placed in regular education classrooms for <40% of the school day as of the December 1Child Count reporting period for the corresponding academic year. [Example: Of those 40 students with IEPs at North Davis Middle School, 5 received services in regular education classrooms for less than 40% of the school day. Thus, the number 5 would be reported in this spreadsheet cell.]
●Referrals to Special Ed – The total number of initial referrals for special education eligibility determination requested from the first to the last school day of the corresponding school year. [Example: North Davis Middle School generated 10 referrals for special education evaluation during the school year, plus 3 in the summer before that given academic year. The 3 from the summer before the corresponding year would not be reported. Therefore, the reported datum for this category would be 10.]
●Newly Identified Special Ed – The number of those students initially referred for special education eligibility determination who were declared eligible for special education services. That is, record the number of students for whom a new, initial IEP was written in the corresponding academic year. [Example: Of those 10 referrals at North Davis Middle School, 5 students were found to be eligible for Speech/Language Therapy, 1 student was found to be eligible for Learning Support, and 1 student was found to be eligible for both Speech/Language Therapy and Learning Support. Thus, 7 out of 10 referred students were found to be eligible for an IEP of some kind. The datum that would be reported in this category would be 7.]
●Students Placed Outside Neighborhood School – This is the number of students in the corresponding academic year who were placed in educational settings OUTSIDE of the regular school building and corresponds to what schools already submit to PDE, Penn Data Category "B". [Example: North Davis Middle School placed two students in Separate Day School Settings (e.g., alternative education) and one student in a Residential Facility – APS. This datum would then be reported as 3.]
●Students w/ OOS Placement that are ED – This is the number of students in the corresponding academic year identified as Emotionally Disturbed (ED) who were placed in an out-of-school (OOS) setting. These data correspond to what schools already submit to PDE, Penn Data Category "B". [Example: Given the example above, only one of the students North Davis Middle School placed outside the regular school building was a student with ED. Therefore, this datum would be reported as 1.]
●Collaborating Mental Health Agency - The titles/names of the community mental health agencies, if any, who are collaborating with the school on implementing SWPBIS.We would like to recognize private providers and community mental health agencies for their work in this project as well.Try to avoid using acronyms as this makes it difficult to specifically identify the agency / agencies involved. [Example: North Davis Middle School collaborates with two mental health agencies: Hopeful Hearts, Inc. and Family Care Agency. The titles/names for both of these agencieswould be indicated in this cell.]
PA PBIS Network School Profile Data Dictionary – Spring 2014 update Page 1