UNIT TITLE: Network Applications
FHEQ LEVEL: 4 / ACADEMIC SCHOOL: Media Arts and Technology
UNIT DESIGNATION: Traditional / Delivering School: Media Arts and Technology
Date validated: March 2013 / Date modified: N/A
Unit delivery model: CD / Max Student No: N/A


Students are required to attend and participate in all the formal scheduled sessions for the unit. Students are also expected to manage their directed learning and independent study in support of the unit.



The subject of computer networking involves either hardware, in the form of network devices such as routers, or software, in the form of network operating systems and applications. It is important for networking specialists to have knowledge of both aspects. This unit is designed to cover the latter. Knowledge of network administration is essential for a network specialist. It is also useful to have knowledge of how network applications work. Modern operating systems can be administered by the convenience of graphical user interfaces or wizards, but when batch operations are required, for example adding a large number of users to a system, these wizards may be inefficient. In this case batch scripting or simple computer programmes can provide a more efficient answer. Some server systems also function more efficiently without the overhead of a windows environment, and knowledge of operating system shell or command scripts is essential in this case.

This unit aims to provide an introduction to these concepts. Some concepts may be seen as directly relevant to the needs of business, whereas other concepts will provide essential underpinning for other units, such as the Network Operating Systems unit at Level 5, and eventually informing final year project ideas.


On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

K1 Locate and organise relevant information and evidence from a wide range of secondary sources.

Cognitive Skills

C1 Evaluate information and use this to investigate problems and evidence solutions.

Practical and Professional Skills

P1 Deploy a range of specialised technical skills at a basic level, with some guidance.

Transferable and Key Skills

T1 Communicate information, data and ideas effectively, referencing sources accurately.


Network Operating Systems

Compare and contrast the basic features of various network operating systems, such as Windows versus Linux.

Users and File Systems

Introduction to basic user level security, file systems and security.

Operating System Applications and Administration: configuration and administration of important network operating system services and features, for example directory services and distributed file systems.

Introduction to Command Line Scripting and simple Programming: basic concepts of shell and command line scripting in the automation of operating system administration. Introduction to the concept of the command line operating system. Introduction to simple programming concepts relevant to computer network applications.

Network Applications and Graphical User Interfaces: introduction to the use of graphical user interfaces (GUI) in operating system administration. Investigates basic concepts of network applications. Basic concepts of GUI design and development.


A real world case study will be introduced that will illustrate the relevance of the subject to the needs of business and industry. During preparation sessions students will study the customer requirements within the scenario and under guidance they will investigate solutions. Once they have a basic understanding of the theory and practice of the solution they will implement this for the customer in a practical workshop. Some of the workshops may not necessarily be directly linked to the case study, but rather provide underpinning of concepts that would be of value in the context of more advanced scenarios as students progress through their degree. A student-centred approach will be adopted in which students will realise the implementation of solutions for themselves by means of directed learning.

Throughout the year students will also work and research on a topic of their own choosing from a provided list of topics. This topic may directly relate to the main case study or to more conceptual or theoretical objectives relating to the subject. The outcomes of this work may either be a theoretical or a practical solution related to the theme of their topic. Towards the end of the year students will showcase the outcomes of their work in a presentation session.

To support learning on this unit, students will encounter a range of learning opportunities involving classroom and lab based activities supported by additional materials and resources on the myCourse Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).


The first summative assessment is based on a Personal Learning Record. The record contains evidence of preparation in the form of background research and outcomes from practical activities for a series of topic areas that links background theory and practical work undertaken with the requirements of the real world scenario where appropriate. There will be a one-to-one formative PLR review mid-way through the year to provide targeted formative feedback to students to build their confidence and provide reassurance that they are on track.

For the second summative assessment, students will engage in research on a topic throughout the year. They will showcase and present the outcomes of their work to the tutor and other students during a presentation session towards the end of the year. They will be assessed on the suitability of their solutions to meet the objectives of their chosen topic. The solutions may relate to a particular scenario, for example an investigation or basic implementation of a directory service, or to a concept such as a simple script or sample computer programme that can be applied to network administration. Solutions may be practically or theoretically demonstrated.


AE1 weighting: 60%

assessment type: Personal Learning Record

length/duration: N/A

online submission: Yes

grade marking: No

anonymous marking: No

AE2 weighting: 40%

assessment type: Presentation

length/duration: 10 minutes

online submission: No

grade marking: No

anonymous marking: No

Aggregation of marks

The marks for each element of assessment will be aggregated to produce an overall mark for the unit.

Re-assessment Arrangements

AE1: Complete a new series of laboratory tasks and document them in a personal learning record. Laboratory access may be required to obtain data and other evidence to support personal learning record entries.

AE2: Re-work presentation slides and supporting material.

Unit Author: Neville Palmer

Date of version: March 2013