Questions by South Carolina with some from Missouri-Rolla

1.He didn't cast a shadow and he once split the moon with his finger. The first rose sprang up from his sweat and trees, animals and poisoned meat all talked to him at one time or another. His birthday on 12 Rabi I became a holiday for which many famous poems were written. Although Gabriel took him to Heaven on the winged horse Buraq and introduced him to the other prophets, only he was allowed to enter the divine presence. FTP, name this man who consummated his marriage to Ayesha when she was nine and claimed his only miracle was bringing the Koran into the world.


2.Known as Sai Zhen Zhu in Chinese, she once chased away a dog that had dug up the body of a baby girl and reburied the child, a scene which appears in her most famous work. She translated The Water Margin into English as All Men are Brothers and The Spirit and The Flesh contains biographies of her missionary parents. FTP, name this author of The Living Reed, Mandala and The Good Earth.

Answer:Pearl Buck

3.It threatened several Gambian tribes with extinction before the 1925 London Conference began its near-eradication. It now affects many women and children who gather water and wash clothes in riverside brush. The skin of late-stage patients is so sensitive that even the slightest touch brings screams and hallucinations begin when the parasites reach the brain. Sufferers then fall into lethargy. FTP, name this disease spread by the tsetse fly.

Answer: Answer: African Sleeping sickness or African Trypanosomiasis

4.A close friend of Little Turtle, he developed a lexicon which allowed basic communication in 600 Indian languages and dialects. His linguistic studies allowed him to first deduce Indians originally came from Asia and he sent smallpox vaccine with Lewis and Clark to protect the natives they encountered. The first president inaugurated in Washington, his greatest opponent was his Federalist kinsman John Marshall. FTP, name this man under whom Monroe and Livingston made the Louisiana Purchase.

Answer:Thomas Jefferson

5.Massachusetts fishermen accepted them as payment in the tropics, so the first mill to process them was built in Dorchester in 1765. Columbus had found natives eating them, but didn't bring any back; however, the shrewder Cortez had his own plantation, on which he said he "grew money." British critics allege that even today the Ivory Coast, a leading producer, uses child slave labor in their industry. To be useful, these products of the family Sterculaceae must be fermented before the seeds are removed. FTP name these misnamed seeds of an evergreen tree, used to make cosmetics, medicine and chocolate.

Answer:Cocoa beans or cacao

6.It can be broken at the atomic scale for up to two seconds in accordance with fluctuation theory, but Maxwell's demon can't break it because a radiation source is needed to illuminate. Although work can always be done to change to an equilibrium state, a system in equilibrium can't do work to change itself without a net effect on the environment, making a perpetual motion machine impossible. FTP, name this idea that differences in temperature move inexorably toward equilibrium.

Answer:Second Law of Thermodynamics

7.The birthday cake is thought to have been developed to celebrate her birthday on the 6th of every month. Its candles represent the moon, which the Greeks also called by her name. Athenians sacrificed 500 goats a year to her in thanks for victory at Marathon, but she sent a boar to ravage the land of King Oeneus when he failed to placate her. The daughter of Zeus and Leto, she accidentally killed her lover Orion and placed him in the sky with his dog Sirius. FTP, name this goddess of the hunt known as Diana to the Romans.

Answer:Artemis or accept Diana early

8.He learned the printer's trade publishing the newspaper at Turnwood plantation, where he once sat on a fencepost watching Sherman's troops march past and often listened to the tales told in the slave cabins. He used Mr. Billy Sanders of Shady Dale as the spokesman for ordinary Georgia folk in many of his books, but he is better known for stories which first appeared in the Atlanta Constitution. FTP, name this author of Uncle Remus books.

Answer:Joel Chandler Harris

9.He admired Communist China because it was close to his own ideas about having children raised by the state and professionals and lamented that a communist revolution in America was unlikely. He argued that man is just another animal whose free will is largely controlled by previous actions and experiences. Huxley and Burgess both assumed the correctness of his ideas of conditioning, but by the 60s it was obvious that he was largely wrong. FTP, name this American psychologist whose book Walden II describes a community run on behaviorist principles.

Answer:Burrhus Frederick Skinner

10.He has declared that Shakespeare was a 16th century Arab named Sheik Zubayr bin William. Said to be a Barbara Cartland fan, he appreciates the moral tone of her work. He owns a controlling stake in Zimbabwe's state oil company and refineries and gained his current position by leading the overthrow of King Idris in 1969. He took a ship full of goat carcasses on his 2002 African tour, during which he tossed U.S. dollars from his armored car windows. FTP, name this Libyan leader.

Answer:Colonel Muammar al Qaddafi/Gaddafi

11.Its first, unofficial edition was published in Ukrainian, but most copies were destroyed by Russian occupation forces. Seven Commandments, most expressing animosity to humans, are the basis of life there. Boxer, the horse whose mantra "I will work harder" comes from Jurgis Rudkis in The Jungle, is sent to the glue factory when exhausted. FTP, name this George Orwell novel in which Snowball and Napoleon lead the overthrow of Farmer Jones.

Answer:Animal Farm

12.Renowned for a lost mitre and morse set fashioned for Pope Martin V, Donatello and Paolo Uccello both served as assistants in his workshop. He and Filippo Brunelleschi were the only two finalists in the competition which brought him fame, but his training as a goldsmith gained him the commission. FTP, name this Quattrocento creator of the Gates of Paradise for the Baptistery of the cathedral of Florence.

Answer:Lorenzo Ghiberti

13.It is alternately illuminated by opposite poles of the sun for 82 years each. Its surface is mostly nitrogen and shows seasonal frost deposits. It also has a thin atmosphere of nitrogen and methane and Voyager found smooth "ice lakes" and cantaloupe-textured terrain. There are also 8-kilometer high plumes of liquid nitrogen which probably derive from molten heat generated by its capture, something which also explains its retrograde orbit. FTP, name this satellite which will one day collide with Neptune or form a ring system after disintegration.


14.The supplier of arms for the Moroccan expedition against Songhai, a German traveler's reference to the blackness of her teeth is the first known association of sugar consumption and tooth decay. Not coincidentally, she banned all mirrors from her court So popular that her Accession Day became a festival known as Holyday, she hand-picked such fine ministers as William Cecil, Lord Burghley. FTP, name this English queen who wore gowns that exposed her breasts to show her virgin status.

Answer:Elizabeth I

15.While having tea with Japanese prime minister Inukai Tsuyoshi, he was nearly assassinated by a group of military officers. Thought to have been greatly influenced by Mei Lan Fang, who popularized Bejing opera in the West, Mao Ze Dong was a big fan and his movies, including A Countess from Hong Kong, remain wildly popular in China. Three months after burial his body was exhumed and later found reburied ten miles away. FTP, name this star of The Kid, City Lights and The Gold Rush.

Answer:answer: Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin

16.Christianity worships man, not God, so it is a kind of atheism. Mystery, miracle and prophecy are frauds. The Bible is not a revelation. "My mind is my own church," as God reveals Himself through creation and man's conscience. Religion is the greatest tyranny. Those are the main ideas of what was called the "atheist's Bible," but its author claimed that he wasn't an atheist. FTP, name this book which popularized deism, the first part of which Thomas Paine had published in Paris in 1794.

Answer:The Age of Reason

17.Son of the archbishop of Tasmania, his World War I experiences made him hate trench warfare and parade drill. He grew to love speed and decisiveness, disobeying orders in order to take command of the Eighth Army two days early. Eisenhower liked him enough to assign him to the American 1st Army for a while, almost causing Patton and Bradley to resign. His greatest victory was a foolish assault launched before American allies could assist. FTP, name this British commander who planned Market-Garden and led the attack at El-Alamein.

Answer:Bernard Law, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein

18.It accounts for architects putting heating ducts near the floor and explains why people should stay low to avoid hot, noxious gas from fires. When its originator made one of the first balloon flights in 1783, he made use of the volume increase and density decrease as the balloon was heated to make it rise. The molecular explanation for it says that temperature rises causes molecular speed and average kinetic energy to increase, leading molecules to force container walls out. FTP, name this idea that density of a gas is inversely proportional to temperature.

Answer:Charles's Law

19.In South Africa, it sold more copies of any book other than the Bible. Its protagonist's attempts to restore his family echo that country's struggle to rebuild itself. In it a man goes to Johannesburg to look for his son, Absalom, and finds the boy wanted for the murder of Arthur Jarvis. His son is hanged and his sister is a whore, but he names his new grandson Peter, as he will be the rock on which his family is rebuilt. FTP, name this Alan Paton work about Stephen Kumalo.

Answer:Cry, the Beloved Country

20.Shatar, its form of chess has a dog (the “shepherd's friend”) for a queen and a camel for a bishop. It had a horse post until 1949, with feathers attached to urgent letters. A 1918 census revealed 100,000 Chinese living there, but there were only 247 left in 1947. It didn't join the United Nations until 1961 because both the U.S. and Taiwan opposed its entry. With winter temperatures below -30 Celsius, its capital, Red Hero, is the world's coldest capital city. FTP, name this Asian country whose capital was once called Urga and is better known as Ulaan Bator.

Answer:Answer: Mongolia

21.Evolving 400 million-years-ago, they have 20,000 eye facets and terrible vision. However, they can taste with their feet. One type was known only from Triassic fossils until a live one was seen near a vent on the ocean floor. There is no good method for guessing their ages, since they molt 25 times a year when young and very rarely after age ten. Females can mate only after shedding claws and releasing a hormone to prevent males from eating them. FTP, name these animals, most types of which have no claws and which are most abundant off the coast of Maine.


22.After World War I, he led the "outlawry of war" movement which resulted in the Kellogg-Briand Pact. His article "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology" marked the beginning of functional psychology, but his magnum opus was his 1925 Experience and Nature, which summarized his philosophy. Evolutionary biology and psychology caused him to abandon the Hegelian notion that ideas mirror the order of the universe; instead, they are just tools to solve problems. FTP, name this philosopher who with William James and C.S. Peirce founded pragmatism.

Answer:John Dewey

23.The pure synthetic form has been a substitute for gasoline in Indy 500 race car engines since 1965. However, this substance made through destructive distillation is used mostly for rendering a closely related compound unfit to drink. Highly toxic because it oxidizes to formaldehyde, drinking it has resulted in many deaths. Because it rapidly destroys the optic nerve, the first symptom of poisoning by it is blindness. FTP, name this simplest alcohol, with formula C H3 OH , also known as wood spirit.

Answer:Methyl alcohol or Methanol or Wood Alcohol

24.Robert Solow found growth of it was the highest contributor to American economic growth from 1909 to 1949 and it was mostly due to advance of technology, leading to the suggestion that accrual of human capital is most crucial for its growth. Almost all growth of Asian tiger economies is not due to increases in it, but rather to increased inputs of labor and capital. Since 1973 it has grown slowly in OECD countries. FTP, name this amount by which output would increase as a result of improvements in methods of production with all other inputs unchanged.

Answer:Total Factor Productivity


1.FTPE name these 1918 Allied commanders.

a)He promised that all Teddy Roosevelt’s sons would serve in the A.E.F. he commanded. He was once mistaken for a sergeant by the Allied commander, but finally won a battle on his own at St. Mihiel.

Answer:General John “Black Jack” Pershing

b)He was famous for his counter-attacks, but hurt by association with Joffre. The British pushed for him to be commander of the Allied armies and he is the only Frenchman to be an honorary British field marshal.

Answer:Ferdinand Foch

c)Commander-in-chief of the B.E.F after French’s dismissal, he was soiled by association with bloodbaths at the Somme and Third Ypres. Lloyd George tried to fire him, but it was politically impossible. One of the best Blackadder lines is “This is it, boys, the big push to move” [this General’s] “liquor cabinet six inches closer to Berlin.”

Answer:Sir Douglas Haig, 1st Earl of Haig

2.Answer these questions from inorganic chemistry for 10 points each.

A. First systematically used in formulas and calculations by Stanislao Cannizaro, this is the ratio of the average mass of an element's atoms to some standard.

Answer: Atomic weight

B. Gilbert Lewis first distinguished these two types of bonds, one of which links oppositely charged atoms by transfer of one's valence electrons and the other of which involves two or three nuclei sharing the same electrons.

Answer: Ionic and Covalent

C. Also called after its discoverer, Joseph-Louis Proust, this law states that compounds always contain elements in the same ration, regardless of how prepared.

Answer: Law of definite proportions

3.Answer these questions about a psychologist FTPE.

The first to break with Freud, he repudiated the theory of libido. He was first to emphasize social and interpersonal factors which Freud thought unimportant and called his school Individual Psychology.

Answer:Alfred Adler

Although he didn’t coin the term, Adler thought this involved hiding behind a deficiency or pretending to suffer from inadequacy to avoid real failure. It stops further development and leads to passive withdrawal.

Answer:Inferiority Complex

This is especially obvious in the first two children of a family, who must strive for a place. Their natures are often very different because they try to capitalize on each other’s weaknesses.

Answer:Sibling Rivalry

4.Answer these questions about a certain author for ten points each.

1. A waspish columnist for the San Francisco Examiner, his often dark and ironic stories were collected in such volumes as Tales of Soldiers and Civilians and Cobwebs from and Empty Skull,

Answer: Ambrose Bierce

2. This Bierce story concerns a deaf boy who thinks the titular battle is a fantastic game until he finds his village burning and his mother dead.


3. In 1906 Bierce published The Cynic’s Wordbook, a compilation of his sardonic definitions. In 1911 it was retitled this name, the one we know for it today.

Answer:The Devil’s Dictionary

5. Identify these works of opera by old men from a brief description for 15 points or a more detailed one for 5 points.

15-Verdi's first comic opera, it premiered at La Scala in 1893 when he was 80.

5-Based on two Shakespeare plays, it depicts the title character being bamboozled by Alice Ford and Meg Page.