TOSSUPS – RUTGERS et al.SWORD BOWL/PENN BOWL 2006 (UTC/Penn/Oklahoma/Drake)

Questions mostly by Jason Keller with a few from Virginia Tech, the Tennessee alums, & your genial quizmaster

1. This sitcom is the most recent to regularly feature Ann Morgan Guilbert, who played the title character’s absent-minded grandmother Yetta and was sometimes accompanied by Sam, a guest-starring role for Ray Charles. Renee Taylor appeared as Sylvia, a typical Jewish mother who lives in Flushing, is often found eating, and impatiently waits for her daughter to marry her employer, Broadway producer Maxwell Sheffield. FTP, name this CBS offering which starred Fran Drescher.

Answer: The Nanny

(NOTE: At tossup’s end, the moderator is encouraged to do his/her best impersonation of Fran Drescher laughing.)

2. Catherine tells the protagonist of this drama, her daughter, the news of the recent battle at Slivnitza and her fiancé’s heroism, but she later hears another account which paints Sergius as a Don Quixote tilting at windmills. That account is given by the Swiss mercenary Bluntschli, who is fleeing from the Russian armies and ridiculed by Raina Petkoff for carrying chocolates instead of ammunition, though he later wins her heart. FTP, name this romantic comedy whose title is taken from the first line of Virgil’s Aeneid, written by George Bernard Shaw.

Answer:Arms and the Man

3. According to legend, he is first man to fashion a map of the world, and also the first to posit a theory of human evolution. He claimed that the first living beings were fish with a thorny skin, which he gave a name meaning “the bark of a tree,” an image he also used to describe the sun’s surrounding of the Earth, and though he believed that humans were descended from aquatic life, he disagreed with his teacher, who stated that water is the primary substance of the universe. FTP, name this student of Thales, who argued that “universal mass” or apeiron was the essence of all things.

Answer: Anaximander

4. The first phase involves the formation of an endiolate intermediate, which becomes a beta-ketoacid upon the addition of carbon dioxide, which becomes two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate after reacting with water. The 3-PG is converted into 6 moleclues glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, one of which exits, while the rest are converted to RuBP which is needed for the initial carbon fixation. FTP, name this three-step cycle, sometimes called the “dark” reactions of photosynthesis, which is responsible for the production of sugars from carbon dioxide.

Answer: Calvin-Benson cycle (prompt on “dark reactions” before the word “cycle.”)

5.(UTA) His mother, Hedwige of Saxony, was the daughter of King Henry I (the Fowler) of Germany and the sister of Emperor Otto I. He wanted to become a lay abbot, and in 980 arranged to move the relics of St. Valery to Amiens Cathedral. After the death of Louis V in a hunting accident there was not a direct heir to the throne of France, thus ending the Carolingian line. FTP, name this man elected king of France in June 987.

Answer:Hugh Capet

6. In 1334, he was appointed as chief architect of the Duomo, but he is better known for his painting. Among his surviving works are the Ognissanti Madonna and the Crucifixion in Florence’s Santa Maria Novella, which distinguishes his style and use of three-dimensional space from that of Duccio. FTP name this early Renaissance painter and student of Cimabue most famous for his fresco cycle depicting the life of St. Francis of Assisi and his Arena Chapel cycle.

Answer:Giotto di Bondone

7. This story ends with the narrator’s departure as another man starts to talk about a cow with one eye and no tail. Simon Wheeler has already related a story about Andrew Jackson, a dog who wins fights by grabbing the other dog’s hind legs until they give out, and the title animal, whom a stranger feeds bird shot to win forty dollars from Jim Smiley. FTP name this 1867 short story, which first brought Mark Twain to prominence.

Answer: The Celebrated (or The Notorious) Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

8. This experiment fails with high-velocity electrons, as the electrical potential is velocity dependent. The original setup consisted of an electron beam, which passed between two charged plates and was deflected onto a nickel crystal, and it was found that the beam was scattered in the manner that was predicted by Bragg’s equation for X-ray diffraction. FTP, name this experiment conducted by two Bell Labs physicists, which provided evidence of the wave nature of the electron.

Answer:Davisson-Germer experiment

9.(UTA) This is an important concept in understanding the incidence of indirect taxation, marginal concepts as they relate to the theory of the firm, distribution of wealth and different types of goods as they relate to the theory of consumer choice and the Lagrange Multiplier. It is also crucially important in any discussion of welfare distribution: in particular consumer surplus, producer surplus, or government surplus. FTP, what is this term from microeconomics defined as the ratio of the incremental percentage change in one variable with respect to an incremental percentage change in another variable


10. Among the mistakes made by the losing side in this battle were mistaking pirates dressed in red uniforms as allies and a failure to bring ladders to the battle site. They failed to negotiate a mud rampart near the Rodriguez canal which the American army had constructed, and a crude frontal attack resulted in over two thousand casualties including the death of the British leader Sir Edward Pakenham. FTP, name this battle of the War of 1812, a victory for Andrew Jackson which was actually fought two weeks after the war ended.

Answer: Battle of New Orleans

11. The appearance of warts and discoloration of this organ, which on average is between 38 and 48 millimeters in diameter, is associated with its hyperkeratosis. Normal bumps on it are Montgomery’s glands, which lubricate it, and near its center are fifteen to twenty pores which are the ends of the lactiferous ducts. FTP, name this pigmented ring of darkened skin which surrounds the human nipple.

Answer:areola or areole [do not accept nipple – if they ask why, reread the measurements in 1st line]

12. The territory of this name in United States is governed by three counties in California and includes the islands of Anacapa and San Clemente. Each island in the European group of this name is governed by an individual legislature known as the States, except for Sark’s, which is known as the Chief Pleas, though British Parliament may extend acts to them by Order-in-Council. FTP give the common name of these archipelagos, one of which includes Santa Catalina, and the other of which is divided into the bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey.

Answer: Channel Islands

13.Born to a Jewish family in Czechoslovakia, his family fled to Singapore to avoid a Nazi invasion; then, to avoid a Japanese invasion of Singapore, fled to India, where he received an English education. In the early 1960s he worked as a drama critic for Scene, writing under the pseudonym William Boot. His first works were for theatre, but he would branch into film as well, writing the screenplay for Jerome K. Jerome's Three Men in a Boat as well as Empire of the Sun and recently paired with George Lucas to help clean up the script for Revenge of the Sith. FTP, identify the playwright, better known for writing the screenplay for Shakespeare in Love, as well as the plays The Real Thing and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.

Answer:Tom Stoppard

14.He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on January 11, 1815, and after the failure of his father’s business ventures immigrated in 1820 with his family to the country with which he is most associated. In 1843, he was elected as alderman of Kingston, Ontario, and by 1847 was appointed Receiver General of Canada. FTP, identify this man considered the “Father of the Confederation” who, in 1867, became the first Prime Minister of Canada.

Answer:Sir John A. MacDonald

15.(VT) The most commonly-used English version of this work was translated by Norman Kemp Smith. Initially published in 1781, it is divided into two parts: Transcendental Aesthetic and Transcendental Logic. Its author saw the work as one that not only bridged the gap between rationalism and empiricism, but also one that could counter Hume's radical empiricism. The former was achieved by explaining how knowledge based on reason can be used to construct knowledge based on experience. FTP, name this “first critique” of Immanuel Kant.

Answer:Critique of Pure Reason

16. Among the tests presented to one character in this story are the removal of her first two children from Saluzzo to Bologna to be raised by the marquis’s sister, and a forged order from the Pope which granted Walter permission to remarry. Walter has arranged these tests because he does not trust Griselda, the woman he married, but she remains true to him, and the narrator lauds her for her patience and humility. FTP, name this Canterbury Tale in six parts, narrated by a man who, according to the host, has not said a word since the travelers left the inn.

Answer: The Clerk’s Tale

17. John Abt was this organization’s Chief of Litigation in its first incarnation, while its second incarnation only lasted until 1945 when the Production and Marketing Administration assumed its functions. In 1936 Congress passed the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act to serve some of its purpose, because it originally was allowed to tax manufacturers, which the Supreme Court found to be unconstitutional in U.S. v. Butler. FTP, name this New Deal program created in 1933 to encourage diversified farming.

Answer:Agricultural Adjustment Administration [accept AAA]

18. At the 1995 Macerata summer festival, tenor Fabio Armiliato was accidentally shot in the leg during the final act of this opera, and broke his other leg five days later during the second act when his crutch gave out. Those scenes cover the torture and execution of a man who was aiding in the escape of the fugitive Carlo Angelotti, the painter Mario Cavaradossi. FTP, name this Giacomo Puccini opera, which ends with the title character throwing herself from the Castel Sant’angelo.

Answer: Tosca

19. Its most common compound with potassium can be administered to nuclear disaster victims to prevent the body’s absorption of cesium-137 and some of its radioisotopes. Its 131 isotope is a beta emitter which has been used in chemotherapy, and because this element is present in thyroxine, it is also used to treat thyroid problems. FTP, name this least reactive halogen, which, when dissolved in a mixture of ethanol and water, is known as a tincture and used to disinfect wounds.

Answer: iodine

20. He is born to a native woman who is first introduced as Chief Grey Wolf, the leader of uprisings in Alta California. His grandmother, White Owl, takes him into the wilderness to complete a rite of passage into adulthood, during which he passes a fox, which White Owl claims is his totemic symbol. He then travels to Barcelona, and takes his most famous moniker after studying fencing under Manuel Escalante and being initiated in La Justicia. According to a recent novel by Isabel Allende, this is some of the backstory surrounding, FTP, what hero, the alter ego of Don Diego de la Vega?

Answer: Zorro (accept Diego de la Vega before it is mentioned)

21.(UTA) The name's the same. A Roman emperor elected by the army in 363 AD upon the death of Julian. A somewhat antiquated collective term, contrasting with the terrestrial planets, for such heavenly bodies as Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. FTP, name this term, also the generic adjective for referring to the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Zeus or to its namesake fifth planet from the sun.


22.(UTA) In 1914, he found himself stranded in Australia but managed to use his time developing his “participant-observation” technique, which entailed enmeshing himself in the language and culture of an aboriginal people. These field studies took place in New Guinea and the Trobriand Islands. FTP, name this pioneering anthropologist who wrote Argonauts of the Western Pacific.

Answer:Bronislaw Malinowski

23.Immediate causes of this regime’s demise include the oil shock of 1973 and the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest, which alerted rebel captains to begin the Carnation Revolution. Its last prime minister, Marcelo Caetano, and president Americo Tomaz were unable to agree on policy, and residents were unhappy with its attempts to retain Guinea-Bissau, Angola, and Mozambique as colonies. FTP, name this autocratic Portuguese regime, the brainchild of Antonio Salazar which ruled for forty years starting in 1933.

Answer:Estado Novo

BONI – RUTGERS et al.SWORD BOWL/PENN BOWL 2006 (UTC/Penn/Oklahoma/Drake)

Questions mostly by Jason Keller with a few from Virginia Tech, the Tennessee alums, & your genial quizmaster

1. Name these Britney Spears songs from lyrics FTPE.

(10) “Too high, can’t come down, losing my head spinning ‘round and ‘round… Do you feel me now?”


(10) “I must confess that my loneliness is killing me now. Don't you know I still believe that you will be here…”

Answer:Baby One More Time

(10) “Its time that I learn to face up to this on my own. I've seen so much more than you know now. Don't tell me to shut my eyes…”

Answer:I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman

2. FTPE, stuff about a Presidential address, and we don’t mean 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue:

A. (10) Set forth in a Dec. 1823 address to Congress, it was prompted by a minor quarrel with Russia over the Pacific Northwest and by concerns that the Holy Alliance would seek to restore colonial control over newly independent Latin American nations.

Answer:Monroe Doctrine

B. (10) This 1904 declaration asserted that the U.S. could oppose European intervention in the affairs of Latin American nations, and intervene itself if American interests were not sufficiently protected.

Answer:Roosevelt Corollary

C. (10) The Roosevelt Corollary took the place of this 1902 statement, made by an Argentinian foreign minister, that no foreign nation, including the United States, could use force to collect debt in the Americas.

Answer:Drago Doctrine

3. (UTA) Name these popular gas laws from their descriptions

1. Volume varies inversely with Pressure, when the amount of particles and temperature are constant.

Answer:Boyle’s Law

2. Volume varies directly with the number of moles of gas particles when pressure and temperature are constant.

Answer:Avogadro’s Law

3. Volume varies directly with temperature, when pressure and amount of particles are constant.

Answer:Charles’ Law

4. (UTA) FTPE, identify these types of paints.

1. A heavy, opaque watercolor paint, sometimes called body color, it produces a less wet-appearing and more strongly colored picture than ordinary water color. Examples of paintings that use it include Van Gogh’s A Corridor of Asylum and Paul Klee’s Temple Garden, both located at the New York Metropolitan Museum.

Answer:Gouache (pronounced “gwahsh”)

2. Any type of paint involving an emulsion of oil and water, it was used commonly before the invention of oil paints. The traditional emulsion was often egg-based. Exmaples of it include Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus and Da Vinci’s Madonna and Child.


3. Synthetic paint with pigments dispersed in a synthetic vehicle made from polymerized acid esters, the most important of which is polymethyl methacrylate. First used by artists in the late 1940s, their use has come to rival that of oil paints because of their versatility. They can be used on nearly any surface, in transparent washes or heavy impasto, with matte, semi-gloss, or glossy finishes.


5. (VT/YGQM) FTPE name these Stephen Crane short stories.

Four shipwreck survivors: the injured captain, an overweight cook, a strong oiler, and a journalist, are stranded on rough seas in a small vessel.

Answer: “The Open Boat”

It centers on a group of people stranded at a vacation spot who pass the time with a poker game.

Answer:“The Blue Hotel”

Conflict is averted between the ornery drunk Scratchy Wilson and Jack Potter, the marshal of the titular Texas town.

Answer: “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky

6. VISUAL BONUS: [hand out attachment] Here’s a small snippet of Java code. Answer these questions about it FTPE.

A. (10) Method q uses this algorithmic technique because it calls itself.

Answer: recursion

B. (10) For a sufficiently small nonnegative integer n, method q will return what type of number?

Answer: the nth Fibonacci number