ACF Fall 2006
Tossups by Drake A (Quentin Roper, Brendan Byrne, Sarah Arlien, Zack Kertzmann), MIT B (Chris Kennedy, Grace Li, Bobby Liu, Kristen Sienzant, Geoffrey Thomas, and Jason Trigg), Georgia Tech B(Taylor Kulp)
1. His name derives from a word meaning "herdsman", and his body was buried after two turtle-doves flew down showing the process of burial. His eldest son built the first city mentioned in the Bible. The decline of his "firstlings of his flock and of the fat" led to his most famous act, and after his most famous act, he wore a sign of protection that promised that if he was killed, his death would be avenged sevenfold. FTP, name this first-born son of Adam and Eve who murdered his brother Abel.
2. He worked for Bruno Paul starting at the age of 19, and he also spent four years working in Peter Behrens' studio, but he never received any formal training in the field he is most commonly identified with. He was Director of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology for twenty years, and during that tenure he designed the nearby Farnsworth House, which provoked controversy, but he is better known for collaborating with Philip Johnson on the SeagramBuilding. FTP, name this architect, the last director of the Bauhaus School and the originator of the term “less is more.”
ANSWER: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
3. Precursors to this event occurred in 1894, in response to the formation of the Bell and Union parties and a tax strike in Sasun, and again in 1896 after the occupation of the national bank by members of the “loyal millet.” It is often held to have started on April 24 with the arrest of two hundred prominent community leaders, and the most widely accepted numerical description of it is based on fieldwork done by future historian Arnold Toynbee during his career in the British Foreign Office. Discussion of it is suppressed today by Article 301, which has led to the persecution of Hrant Dink and Orhan Pamuk. The main thrust of this campaign occurred under the pretext of a deportation to Syria and Iraq and resulted in six hundred thousand deaths. FTP, name this World War I-era campaign by the Ottoman and Turkish governments against a minority population.
ANSWER: the Armenian genocide [or Medz Yeghern; if some moronic Turkish nationalist gives an answer like “the random deaths of a lot of Armenians that Turkey wasn’t responsible for,” you can prompt him, but he’s not right until he says the word genocide]
4. With Lebesgue, this man's name denotes a lemma which states that if a function oscillates rapidly about zero, its integral will be small. With Cauchy, his name describes a set of equations necessary for a complex function to be holomorphic, and his namesake surface is a one-dimensional complex manifold. This man may be most famous for formulating one of the most well known unsolved problems in mathematics – whether the real part of any nontrivial zero of his eponymous zeta function has real part one-half. FTP, name this German mathematician whose namesake sums also approach his namesake integral.
ANSWER: Bernhard Riemann
5. A woman obsesses over the newspapers used to wrap the baby born on her nursery floor in one of his stories, another of which takes place primarily at the After the Show Retreat. In addition to “Swaddling Clothes” and “After the Banquet” his stories include “Death in Midsummer” and one about the suicide of an army lieutenant and his wife. He also wrote dramas such as Twilight Sunflower and The Damask Drum, but better known are novels like The Sound of Waves, which followed Forbidden Colors and a novel about the conflicted student Kochan. Other characters created by this author include the priest Mizoguchi and Honda, the protagonist of his most famous tetralogy. FTP name this author of The Temple of the Golden Pavilion and The Sea of Fertility who committed seppuku on public television.
ANSWER: Yukio Mishima
6. He was inspired by Ludvig Lindeman to create four Symphonic Dances and one of his frequent walking expeditions led to the cycle The Mountain Maid. His other works include Lyric Pieces and The Holberg Suite, and his only concerto completed was the Piano Concerto in A minor, which was similar in style to Robert Schumann's. His most famous work contains Anitra’s Dance and The Hall of the Mountain King. FTP, name this Norwegian composer of Peer Gynt.
ANSWER: Edvard Grieg
7. This quantity can be defined as the derivative of internal energy with respect to volume at constant entropy. It can be measured by Kiel probes, and structures sensitive to it in the body include Ruffini endings and Pascinian Corpuscles. The radiation variety is calculated as one over c times the energy flux, and it was recently found that the absolute form of this quantity can be negative, explaining transpirational pull. Gay-Lussac's Law says that, at constant volume, it is directly proportional to temperature, and Boyle's Law deals with its relation to volume. FTP name this state function often measured in Pascals, defined as force per unit area.
ANSWER: Pressure
8. At the urging of John Greenleaf Whittier, this man attempted to pay the fine that would release William Lloyd Garrison from prison, but Arthur Tappan rushed to pre-empt him from doing so. The first attempt to indict Aaron Burr for treason failed due to the efforts of this defense attorney, who gained further prominence in the Burr fallout when he won a special election to replace Burr associate John Adair in the Senate. He was allowed to take his seat despite being only twenty-nine years old and thus Constitutionally ineligible. In 1809 he journeyed to Indiana, where dueling was legal, to face off against Humphrey Marshall, and he fought another duel in 1826 with John Randolph, who opposed this man’s efforts to pass the Missouri Compromise. His supporters, known as the “Infant School,” followed him to the new National Republican party, which collapsed after his 1832 defeat in a presidential run against Andrew Jackson. FTP, name this Kentucky Senator and three-time presidential loser whose conciliatory efforts such as the 1833 Compromise Tarriff led him to be dubbed the Great Compromiser.
ANSWER: Henry Clay
9. Asterix and Obelix discovered the key to reverse aging here. Its “factor” was the subject of the second NES G.I. Joe game, and Sophia Hapgood accompanied Indiana Jones to this place in a LucasArts game that explores its “fate.” One place known by this name was built by the Asurans, and another is located in the Pegasus Galaxy, where it was besieged by the Wraith before an Earth team discovered it and made Dr. Elizabeth Weir its administrator. This placename also appeared in the title of two major films of 2001, one in which Bobby and Elizabeth Garfield meet Ted Brautigan, played by Anthony Hopkins, which is named for “hearts” in this place, and another an animated feature about Milo Thatch, which dubs it the “lost empire.” FTP, identify this mythical locale, the setting of a Stargate: SG-1 spinoff and the namesake of a Donovan song explaining how it sunk long ago.
ANSWER: Atlantis
10. With Albert Hunold, this man co-founded the Mount Pelerin Society, which was dedicated to the preservation of free societies. His Abuse of Reason project criticized social scientists' misuse of natural science principles, a practice he called "scientism." He wrote a critical review of Keyenes's A Treatise on Money, and Keynes returned the favor for this man's Prices and Production. His trade cycle theory was popular during the Great Depression, but he is most famous for a work in which he argues that socialist ideals lead to tyrrany, and that Nazi Germany and the USSR were on the titular journey. FTP, name this Austrian who shared the 1974 Nobel Prize in Economics with Gunnar Myrdal, the author of The Road to Serfdom.
ANSWER: Friedrich August von Hayek
11. Gerard de Nerval’s poem “El Desdichado”takes its title from the motto of a character in this work, and Charles Chesnutt’s House Behind the Cedars is a retelling of it. Hilarity ensues when two characters try to ask Gurth and Wamba for directions, but they are led down the right path by the title character. That character and a moneylender then travel to Ashby de la Zouche, where they meet the Black Sluggard. After leaving Ashby de la Zouche the title character and his party are captured and imprisoned in Torquilstone castle, where Brian des Bois-Guilbert attempts to force Rebecca to convert to Christianity. However, the Black Sluggard teams up with Robin Hood and storms the castle. The title character then fights a duel to rescue Rebecca and ultimately marries his true love, Rowena. FTP name this novel about a disinherited knight by Sir Walter Scott.
ANSWER: Ivanhoe
12. At the age of twenty-three, he wrote a biography in the form of a letter to a physician, explaining why he turned to scholarship. In a biography that came after A Kind of History of My Life, he described the initial success of his Political Discourses. Also in that later biography, My Own Life, this thinker mentions a trip to France, where he wrote a three-part work that did not receive the approval of Joseph Butler. His ideas were criticized in Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, written by Thomas Reid. His most famous work, which attacked the self-love theory, contained sections including "Of the Reason of Animals" and "Of Miracles," and awoke Kant from his "dogmatic slumber." FTP, name this Scottish philosopher and author of An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.
ANSWER: David Hume
13. Howard Barker discussed the aftermath of this battle in Scenes from an Execution, and the Fontana dei Quattro Mori in Marino commemorates it. It reversed the outcome of the Battle of Preveza fought forty-four years earlier, and it was followed by a brief campaign of expansion which captured Tunis. The Marqués de Santa Cruz’s reserve forces helped annihilate the defeated side after this event, whose immediate cause was the siege of Famagusta and capture of Nicosia during a war over Cyprus, whose surrender two years later reversed this battle’s practical impact. The king of one country involved in this event appointed Luis de Requesens responsible for controlling the temper of the military commander, whose other lieutenants included Alessandro Farnese and Andrea Doria. FTP, name this battle in which Pius V’s Holy League fleet commanded by Don John of Austria sailed to the Gulf of Corinth and defeated Ali Pasha in 1571.
ANSWER: Battle of Lepanto
14. These molecules stimulate the production of protein kinase R, which acts to inhibit eIF2. First discovered in 1957 by Alick Isaacs and Jean Lindenmann, the beta 1 a type has been approved as the drug Avonex to treat multiple sclerosis. The alpha type can be used to treat genital warts and hairy cell leukemia, as well as Kaposi's Sarcoma and some forms of hepatitis. Also coming in gamma, tau, and omega types, they are primarily secreted by leukocytes, fibroblasts, and lymphocytes. Triggered by the presence of double stranded RNA, FTP name this class of proteins that most notably stimulates defensive protein production in cells infected with viruses.
Answer: Interferons
15. This was the name of the post-independence Italian political party led by Count Cavour, while an American version helped the centrist credentials of Republicans Jacob Javits and John Lindsay, though it usually endorses Democrats in New York. Another party by this name supported an end to the purchase of military commissions, the legalization of unions, and the introduction of the secret ballot. That party lost the Unionist faction in 1886, and was split by supporters of John Simon and Herbert Samuel in the 1940s. Its name came into use under John Russell’s administration, and it merged with the Social Democrats in 1988 to form what is currently the third-largest party in Parliament after a long decline following an earlier factional dispute between Herbert Asquith and David Lloyd George. FTP, give the common name of the party which governed Canada under Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien, and the British party led by William Gladstone.
ANSWER: Liberal Party
16. This process was first observed by Jan Ingenhousz in 1785. It corresponds to a Fokker-Planck Equation with no deterministic term and constant stochastic term, and it is generally modeled as a Wiener Process, while the Langevin formula can govern the average displacement. It is formally equivalent to the macro-scale diffusion equation with constant diffusion coefficient, and its namesake first observed it occurring for a pollen particle in water. Described by Einstein using the kinetic theory of gas, FTP name this seemingly random motion of a particle in a fluid, the namesake of a Scottish biologist.
ANSWER: Brownian Motion
17. Jacques Loeb was the first to induce this artificially in 1900, but the phenomenon had been discovered by Charles Bonnet in 1745 while he was studying the habits of aphids. Gregory Pincus, in experiments on rabbit fertility in 1963, was the first to produce this effect in mammals. It occurs in whiptail lizards, though they still display courtship behavior among all females, and it is most notably demonstrated by the birth of male hymenopterans. Recently produced in mice by mutating one egg to simulate a sperm for another, FTP name this form of asexual reproduction in which an egg develops without fertilization.
ANSWER: Parthenogenesis
18. In one work by this man the title characters assault a man with checkered dish towels and clowns’ slapsticks, while another play features Betty, Yetta, and Henry trapped in a house due to the title weather phenomenon. A German teacher is being treated for prognathism by an unnamed dentist in his novel Local Anesthetic, which was followed by From the Diary of a Snail. The title character of another novel allows himself to be caught by nine fishing feminists whom he helps to wrest control of the world from men, while another title character is given as a pet to the narrator as a Christmas gift and appears in his eschatological dreams. In addition to The Flounder and The Rat this author is known for a trilogy that begins with the story of the dwarf Oskar Mazerath. FTP name this author of Cat and Mouse and The Tin Drum.
ANSWER: Gunther Wilhelm Grass
19. As a child the protagonist of this novel plays with Shelby and Eleanor, who call her Alphabet. She complains about her first husband’s big belly, mule-foot toenails, and aversion to washing his feet before bed. Tony and Coker help build her second husband’s store, where she works with her hair covered by a kerchief. While there after that man dies she meets a man who entertains her with his guitar and checker games, with whom she eventually goes on de muck picking beans. However, a rabid dog bites him in the face and she shoots him in self-defense, after which the protagonist returns to Eatonville. FTP name this novel about Janie Crawford by Zora Neale Hurston.
ANSWER: Their Eyes Were Watching God
20. In this work, the title figure has her hand on her breast, and her right foot rests on two pillows. In the right background of this painting near the lush pink drapery , there is a miniature man unfolding a scroll in front of an unfinished line of columns without capitals. In the left foreground, angelic figures watch the titular figure seated on a very luxurious chair with green and red pillows at her feet. The title figures elongated fingers hold back her shawl, and her eyes focus on the very alien-looking child in her lap. FTP, name this Mannerist painting by Parmigianino, whose titular figure has an extended feature.
ANSWER: Madonna with the Long Neck (or Madonna of the Long Neck or Madonna del Cullo Longo)
TB. M43, also known as De Mairan’s Nebula, is found in this constellation, along with the Flame Nebula, the Horsehead Nebula, and this constellation's namesake nebula. The two latter structures are found in Barnard’s loop, and all of these objects are part of its namesake Molecular Cloud Complex. The trio of stars Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka form its most famous structure, and its alpha and beta stars form parts of the Winter Triangle and Winter Circle. Found on the celestial equator, FTP name this constellation containing Rigel and Betelgeuse that is also known as The Hunter, with a famous belt.
ACF Fall 2006
Bonuses by Drake A (Quentin Roper, Brendan Byrne, Sarah Arlien, Zack Kertzmann), MIT B (Chris Kennedy, Grace Li, Bobby Liu, Kristen Sienzant, Geoffrey Thomas, and Jason Trigg), Georgia Tech B(Taylor Kulp)
1. Name the member of the Russian Five given a list of works, FTPE.
[10] The opera Mademoiselle Fifi and the chamber music piece Kaleidoscope.