Topicsin Mathematics

Policies and Information


A)Graphing Composition Notebook

B)Pencils & erasers

C)4 AAA batteries for the calculators.
D)Tissues or a small bottle of hand sanitizer
  1. Grading:

A)Exams60%Usually 3 per six weeks given on odd days

B)Quizzes30%About 3-5 per six weeks, announced or unannounced

C)Daily10%Homework – Read homework policy below

III.Tutorials: Shepherd: Thurs6:45 AM or by appointment

McConn: Tues 6:45 AM or by appointment

IV.Make-up:Exams are made up at a time agreed to by the teacher and student

Quizzes are made up immediately upon your return to school. Usually done after school or during a study hall or activity period

Daily work due on the day of a quiz or test. No exceptions! Late work will NOT be excepted


Contrary to popular belief, homework is not assigned to keep you off the streets, from watching TV, or as some subversive plot to babysit you. Homework is one of the best and most immediate ways to see if the two of us communicated effectively. By doing the homework and checking it the next day, both of us get immediate feedback to how well the material got transferred from me to you. It is an evaluation process for the two of us. We also believe that there are times you cannot do every homework assignment every night due to scheduling issues. Therefore, homework is not due for a grade until the day of a quiz or test (occasionally there may be an exception to this but it will be announced in class if there is). This gives you time to get help, see a tutor, complete an incomplete assignment, etc. However, there are some pitfalls to be careful of. WARNING: DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! Don’t be of the mindset that thinks you can do 5 or 6 assignments the night before the test; this is just not a good idea. It is also important that you are ORGANIZED. Every homework assignment should be dated with the DATE on the syllabus that it was ASSIGNED; not completed. Your homework should be done in your composition notebook. When you walk into the room on the day of a quiz or test, you will need to turn in your composition notebook. If you do not date your assignment(s) or date them incorrectly, you will probably turn in the wrong assignment(s) and receive a zero(s). Once you turn in the assignments, we will hand you the test. The more time it takes you to gather your homework, the less time you have for testing. If you are checking your grades online (which we encourage you to do), please be aware that your daily grades are not recorded until after the test. Late work will NOT be accepted.


A cumulative test will be given each grading period and will be utilized as the retest for all tests given during that grading period as well as a separate major grade. This cumulative test will NOT be eligible for any retest. If the student’s cumulative test score is higher than the original failed test grade or grades, it will then replace the failed test(s) as a replacement up to a maximum grade of 70. In order for a student to qualify for the benefits of these Retesting Procedures, the student must maintain an average of 70% or greater for the OTHER category of assignments, calculated before any potential dropped grades done at the teacher’s discretion.

To contact us, Shepherd 281-237-5160 or email me at

McConn 281-237-5029 or email me at