Sparkling Start: / Crime scene set up – children look for clues linked to Highwayman / Mastery
Questions: /
- Aleena and Harris each have a pizza. Aleena eats 60%, Harris eats 3/4 . Who eats the most – how do you know?
- 90 people were asked what their favourite colour was. 75 chose red. What fraction of people chose red?
- Clare reads 150 pages of her 500 page book. She says, “I have 350/500 pages left to read.” Can she write this as a percentage out of 100? Explain why.
- Blake is working out how much money he can spend on his dad’s birthday present. He wants to spend 60% on a camera and on a t-shirt. Explain to Blake why this is not possible.
Genres / Fiction:
The Highwayman Poem / Non-Fiction:
Biographies / Book Art: / Yes / No / Learning Journey / Yes / No
English (Inc SPAG) / Maths / Science
Similes, metaphors, personification
Apostrophes for possessions
Commas for clarity
Time prepositions
Past/present tense – progressive
Modal verbs
Fronted adverbials
National Curriculum Objectives/Expectations:
Use relevant strategies to build their vocabulary
articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions
Give well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives for different purposes, including for expressing feelings.
in writing narratives, considering how authors have developed characters and settings in what pupils have read, listened to or seen performed
Selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning
In narratives, describing settings, characters and atmosphere and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action
Précising longer passages
Learning Journey:
Poem in style of Highwayman
Poetic styles
Vocabulary work using the poem
Changing the stanzas of the poem into narrative
Character descriptions/profile
Writing a love letter in role as one character to another.
Biography of famous highwayman
Text immersion using biographies
Identify organisational and language features of a biography
Use language features of a biography
Research a highwayman
Drama – role play scenes from life of a highwayman
Plan a biography – box up
Write a biography
Edit and improve a biography
Publish a biography / IE ideas- knowledge, skills and understanding/ revision units:
Adding and subtracting fractions with the same and different denomindators
Multiplying and diving fractions
Read, write and order decimal and percentages
4 operations (+-x÷ with remainders) mental and written methods
Counting forwards and backwards in different amounts
National Curriculum Objectives:
Recognise the per cent symbol (%) and understand that per cent relates to “number of parts per 100”, and write percentages as a fraction with denominator 100, and as a decimal fraction
Solve problems which require knowing percentage and decimal equivalents of 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, 2/5, 4/5 and fractions with a denominator of a multiple of 10 or 25.
Learning Journey:
Follows objectives above
Focus on conversions and equivalence.
Children to be able to identify / Objectives:
Key skills - Investigative Skills
Planning different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary
Taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision
NC Knowledge and Understanding
Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating
Give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic
Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda
Learning Journey:
To plan a fair test using a planning house – investigate the changes in materials (soluble)
Quiz: Baseline EPGS twinkl quiz
Termly:EPGS assessment
(headstart) / Review:
Review expectations grid and teach the gaps.
Children to identify own targets based on missing ticks from the grid. / Follow-up Assessment:
End of unit writing pieces ticked off using expectations grids. / Assessment:
Weekly: Times table tests
Arithmetic tests
Quiz:Baseline and (headstart)
Termly:End of term test (headstart) / Review:
Baseline assessments reviewed and teaching adapted accordingly. / Follow-up Assessment:
End of unit assessments for Fractions, Decimals and percentages (headstart) / Assessment:
Baseline test for materials and their properties / Review:
KWL grids
Gaps in knowledge identified and planning/teaching adapted. / Follow-up Assessment:
End of unit assessment for materials and their properties
Guided Reading Focus / Computing: / P.E:
Classic stories linked to authors for biographies
Focus on vocab – linked to previous topic of Victorians.
Jungle Book
Black Beauty
Railway Children / Objectives:
Sound and music
Manipulate the music video to Fleetwood Mac (Everywhere)– linked to the Highwayman.
Learning Journey:
Listen/watch video – pick out key scenes from the poem
Create a story board
Design main characters in form on basic cardboard puppets.
Create a stop/start animation in small groups to retell the poem of The Highwayman. / Objectives:
Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
Learning Journey:
Look at the skills of running for distance and speed – how they are different
Jumping for distance
Throwing for distance
Take part in different athletic events – record progress over the course of the half term.
Biographies – linked to classic authors (Classics resource book)
Look at sequencing, time adverbials, author intent,
Rudyard Kipling
Anna Sewell
E. Nesbit
Geography/History: / French: / RE:
The changing power of monarchs using case studies such as John, Anne and Victoria
Changes in an aspect of social history, such as crime and punishment from the Anglo-Saxons to the present or leisure and entertainment in the 20th Century
*a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066
* changes in an aspect of social history, such as crime and punishment from the Anglo-Saxons to the present or leisure and entertainment in the 20th Century
Learning Journey:
Georgian period – linked to Highwayman
Look at how times have changed – clothes, food, social structure / Objectives:
Where I live, compass direction, describing buildings on the high street (JR 5)
Dictionary skills
List of animals in mixed order
Learning Journey:
Learn the names of shops on the High Street
Link to pictures of what they sell
Learn compass directions
Ask for directions
Names of common pets
Be able to say I have …….
Link colours to different animals. / Objectives:
Why are certain people, places and times sacred?
Learning Journey:
Who is sacred in Christianity
Which places are sacred in Christianity
Where in the world are these sacred places located?
Easter art
Non - religious ideas for Easter – eggs/chocolate etc…
Art/DT: / Music: / PSHCE:
To improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture witha range of materials
Learning Journey:
Using Highwayman as a stimulus, create a painting with atmosphere using colours and black paper for characters. / Objectives:
Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playingmusical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression
Use and understand staff and other musical notations
Appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded musicdrawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians
Learning Journey:
Continue to learn to play the recorder (Miss Blezard)
Use Miss Day’s Composer of the Month PowerPoints to learn about a famous composer and complete the suggested activities – Beethovan
Look at Fleetwood Mac video for “Everywhere” linked to Highwayman (English) / Objectives:
To understand the importance of rules (in society)
To know what stealing is and understand factors that influence people to steal
To know what an election is and be able to say who govern Britain
Learning Journey:
Who is in charge of the country – look at the make up of our government
How do we choose who runs the country?
What is stealing, examples of stealing – why do people steal?
Dealing with stealing.
Active Independent Learning Challenges
Year: / Term: / Theme:
Challenge Type / Key Skills Promoted / Challenge / Subject Links
6 / 1, 4, 5 / Plan an investigation in to solubility of different materials. / Science
4 / 1, 4, 6 / Research the life of a famous Highwayman to write a biography / Literacy/Computing/History
1 / 2, 5, 12 / Create a picture using modal tones linked to the Highwayman and use silhouettes to depict scenes from the poem. / Art/Literacy/History
3 / 1, 3, 4, 10, 12 / Plan a trail for the Highwayman from the poem / Literacy/Drama/History
8 / 1, 2, 6, 8, 12 / Create a stop/start animation linked to the Highwayman / Computing/Literacy
2 / 2,7,8 / Take part in athletics competition and design own challenges to help develop throwing, catching and jumping skills. / PE
At Brackenhill Active Independent Learning is……
exciting, challenging and of high quality. It allows children to take risks and increases their confidence. Opportunities are underpinned by Key Skills which develop strategies for life-long learning. Children are encouraged to take their learning further through practical exploration of ideas, indoors and outdoors, in order to maximise progress so children reach their potential. The adult’s role is to facilitate - guide, question and stretch their learning. / Challenge Types / Key Skills
1 / Make it! / Creative / 1 / Communication
2 / Get Going! / Physical – Fine and Gross Motor Skills / 2 / Creative Thinking
3 / Say it! / Communication and Presentation / 3 / Empathy
4 / Find it! / Information and Research / 4 / Enquiry
5 / Solve it! / Problem Solve to Identify a Solution / 5 / Evaluation
6 / Prove it! / Enquiry and Investigation / 6 / Information Processing
7 / Feel it! / Social Understanding / 7 / Managing Feelings
8 / Do it! / Plan, Design, Make, Evaluate / 8 / Motivation
9 / See it! / Observe, Classify and Report / 9 / Problem Solving
10 / Reasoning
11 / Self
12 / Social Skills