SUPERPAVE Digest 372

Topics covered in this issue include:

1) Field performance of Superpave and PG Binders

by Steve Goodman <>

·  To: "Superpave Discussion Group (E-mail)" <>

·  Subject: Field performance of Superpave and PG Binders

·  From: Steve Goodman <>

·  Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 15:14:56 -0400

Good day everyone,

I just received a call from a gentleman asking for Superpave performance

data. Our C-LTPP project does not have any SPS-9 sites, and it seems that

there is a shortage of SPS-9 data in the DataPave 2.0 CD (particularly for

the Canadian sites). I heard that NCAT did some sort of performance survey

of some of the SPS-9 sites, but I have seen no report.

Are any of the States monitoring the performance of their Superpave sites

and are there any reports that have been prepared? Other than Westrack,

there doesn't seem to be much performance data available. Maybe I'm just

looking in the wrong places. I would appreciate any reports on Superpave

field performance sent to me (electronically or in hardcopy) to my address


By the way, I heard that a CD-ROM with all of the Westrack data will be

available soon. Any idea when that will be? Thanks very much.



Stephen Goodman, B.A.Sc.

Technology Transfer Manager

Canadian Strategic Highway Research Program (C-SHRP)

2323 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, Ontario K1G 4J8 Canada

Tel: (613) 736-1350

Fax: (613) 736-1395



SUPERPAVE Digest 373

Topics covered in this issue include:

1) Re: Field performance of Superpave and PG Binders


·  To:

·  Subject: Re: Field performance of Superpave and PG Binders

·  From:

·  Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 17:52:06 EDT

·  CC:

Check with Curtis Berthelot at the University of Saskatchewan. He's out of

town right now, but you can check his papers in the last 2 or 3 CTAA

proceedings until he gets back in a couple of weeks.