technical specifications


(Reference to Paragraphs 1.3.43and 1.3.98of theBID TERMS)

For the preparation of the TECHNICAL PROPOSAL, the QUALIFIED BIDDERS must comply strictly with the contents of this Annex. In this regard, the QUALIFIED BIDDERS must assume the obligations of the CONTRACTED PARTY, on the understanding that anyone of them shall be declared the AWARDEE.


1.1For COMPLIANCE MONITORING, the CONTRACTED PARTY shall give access to its facilities to authorized personnel by FITEL at its request. For this, the CONTRACTED PARTY must present an access protocol as part of their FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. This protocol will relate solely to the infrastructure, facilities in the nodes, buildings, roads for laying fiber optics, among others, pertaining to the FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL presented. FITEL will review the access protocol and decide on their approval together with the mentioned technical proposal, and it may propose amendments to the protocol it deems necessary.

1.2To prepare document No. 3 of paragraph 7.1 of the Basis, TECHNICAL PROPOSAL, the BIDDERS must review and consider the Peruvian APPLICABLE LAWS and regulations governing the telecommunications and related sectors related to the implementation of fiber optics networks.

1.3The CONTRACTED PARTY is responsible for managing the actions to negotiate agreements regarding the sharing of infrastructure with utility companies; as well as, obtaining permits, rights of way, rights of passage and use that are necessary to install poles and infrastructure that is necessary for the deployment of the TRANSPORT NETWORK; it must be considered that in the case of utilities, the CONTRACTED PARTY shall inform FITEL of the agreements entered with those companies.

1.4All references herein to "Paragraph", "Sub-paragraph" and "Appendix" should be understood as referring to the paragraphs, sub-paragraphs or Appendices to this Annex, respectively, unless specifically stated otherwise.


2.1The CONTRACTED PARTY will submit within thirty (30) calendar days from the signing of the FINANCING AGREEMENT for approval of FITEL, the GENERAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL for the implementation of the TRANSPORT NETWORK, according to the established in paragraph 10.

2.2The CONTRACTED PARTY must submit the FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL, according to the Construction Schedule of the TRANSPORT NETWORK as shown in the following table. The content of the FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL resides in paragraph 10of this Annex.

Table N° 1: Construction Schedule of the TRANSPORT NETWORK and FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL

Construction Schedule of the Transport Network / Delivery of the FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL
Deadline / Distribution, Connectionand Core Nodes / Aggregation Nodes
  1. Start of facilities
/ Month5 / -
  1. Completion of first step
/ Month12 / 63 / 06 / Month 4
  1. Total delivery of the TRANSPORT NETWORK
/ Month 15 / 51 / 06 / Month 9
Total / 114 / 12

Prepared by: FITEL, 2015.

The schedule presented in Table No. 1, if applicable, shall comply with what is offered by the CONTRACTED PARTY in regard to the time for the INSTALLATION STAGE.

In order to carry out the disbursement corresponding to the completion of the first step of the TRANSPORT NETWORK, the CONTRACTED PARTY must have implemented all the Nodes (Aggregation, Distribution, Connection and Core) and the optical fiber associated with these nodes, so that the SUPERVISOR verifies the functionality of what has been implemented. To fulfill each delivery, the installed nodes must have as a minimum optical fiber connection with the requested aggregation node, with the links having to be able to operate according to the technical quality features requested in this Annex.

2.3FITEL will have a term not to exceed thirty (30) DAYS for evaluation and, if applicable, for the approval of the GENERAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL and another thirty (30) DAYS for the FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. FITEL may place observations on the proposal, having the CONTRACTED PARTY ten (10) DAYS to rectify the established observations.

2.4Each QUALIFIED BIDDER must submit in Document No. 3, the TECHNICAL PROPOSAL, the Preliminary Schedule of the TRANSPORT NETWORK, taking into account what is described in the preceding paragraphs and in Table No. 1. Also, this schedule must include all compliance time limits stipulated herein.

2.5The CONTRACTED PARTY shall forward the FINAL SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE TRANSPORT NETWORK, printed and in electronic format (developed in project management software coordinated with FITEL), as part of its GENERAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL and shall replace the Preliminary Schedule of the TRANSPORT NETWORK presented in the bid. For this presentation, the FINAL SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE TRANSPORT NETWORK will include at least

•Start and completion date of activities related to the installation of the TRANSPORT NETWORK, if applicable contemplating the effect of advance facilities offered during the bid by the CONTRACTED PARTY.

•Milestones of all time limits specified in this Annex as well as those covered by the FINANCING AGREEMENT for compliance with all activities related to the INVESTMENT PERIOD FOR THE TRANSPORT NETWORK.

In addition, as part of the presentation of each FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL, the CONTRACTED PARTY shall present the final SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE TRANSPORT NETWORK, similarly to that indicated in the first paragraph of this paragraph, which shall additionally include as a minimum:

•Advance of implementation of the FINAL SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE TRANSPORT NETWORK, compared to the previously submitted.

•Date of start and completion of specific activities for the implementation of the installations to be made, corresponding to the submitted FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL.

•Weekly detail of scheduled installations by district, corresponding to the FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL.

•Details of key personnel responsible for each activity or deliverable, and their roles. With regard to field staff, it must detail the amount and distribution of resources for the fulfillment of the installations per the timeline. All of this in relation to the submitted FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL.

2.6The disaggregated and detailed costing of the ECONOMIC PROPOSAL for the implementation of the TRANSPORT NETWORK must be provided by the CONTRACTED PARTY thirty (30) DAYS after the signing of the FINANCING AGREEMENT (see Appendix No. 6).


3.1Basic Requirements

3.1.1QUALIFIED BIDDERS should develop, propose and describe a network architecture that maximizes the capabilities and performance of their systems and equipment, complying with the TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS of the TRANSPORT NETWORK. To this end the QUALIFIED BIDDERS must attach the data sheets for the optical fiber and the active equipment proposed in Document No. 3, TECHNICAL PROPOSAL.

3.1.2QUALIFIED BIDDERS shall also describe the locations and configurations of the nodes and links associated with the TRANSPORT NETWORK in Document No. 3 of paragraph 7.1 of the BID TERMS, TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. In the case of the GENERAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL and the FINAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL, the CONTRACTED PARTY shall include support information for these.

3.1.3The CONTRACTED PARTY must implement a router and redundancy that performs the functions of an edge and core router, which must be located in the NOC and this in turn, in the capital of the Cajamarca region (urban center of that locality)

3.1.4The CONTRACTED PARTY shall implement the TRANSPORT NETWORK with redundancy mechanisms, forming logical rings and physical rings by various routes, establishing routes to two (02) different aggregation nodes (if possible). THE CONTRACTED PARTY undertakes to implement at least four (04) physical rings containing at least twenty-six (26) nodes of Appendix No. 1 – B, List of optical nodes with physical redundancy by various routes, avoiding exceeding the latency value indicated in paragraph 5.

The CONTRACTED PARTY can suggest improvements in the design of the nodes and layout of the TRANSPORT NETWORK, which will be evaluated by FITEL, who will ultimately determine its implementation; this will be done within a period of thirty (30) DAYS from the presentation these suggested improvements.

3.1.5The Connection Nodes and Distribution Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK must be prepared in a way so that operators of the public telecommunications services may interconnect their networks.

3.1.6The CONTRACTED PARTY will acquire and complete, if appropriate, the legal delivery of clear title of all the areas or facilities necessary for the installation of the different nodes, MAINTENANCE CENTERS and NOC of the TRANSPORT NETWORK, except in cases referred to in paragraph 3.2.3. Therefore the CONTRACTED PARTY cannot lease property. The purchasing of land or lots must be completed during the INVESTMENT PERIOD OF THE TRANSPORT NETWORK.

3.2Aggregation Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK

3.2.1The CONTRACTED PARTY should consider that each Aggregation Node of the TRANSPORT NETWORK will be located in the respective provincial capital (within the urban area). Each Node must have a router to group all the traffic from the Distribution Nodes and route it to the Distribution Nodes of the RDNFO or towards the router indicated in paragraph 3.1.3 above.

It has been considered that some Aggregation Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK co-locate in Connection Node of the RDNFO (see Table No. 2).

3.2.2The effective bandwidth of the uplinks between the Aggregation Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK and the Distribution Nodes of RDNFO must have an initial capacity of 1 Gbp/s and must be increased according to demand.

3.2.3The CONTRACTED PARTY may co-locate the equipment of the Aggregation Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK in the Nodes of the RDNFO shown in Table No. 2. Otherwise, the CONTRACTED PARTY undertakes to implement the appropriate interconnection link to those Nodes for which the mentioned Aggregation Node must meet the specifications set forth in Paragraph 3, Section V of Appendix No. 3, with regard to the Distribution Node.

Table Nº 2: Nodes of the RDNFO


Source: FITEL, 2015.

3.3Distribution Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK

3.3.1The CONTRACTED PARTY should consider that the Distribution Nodes of TRANSPORT NETWORK are to be located in each district capital (within the urban center), according to the list shown in Appendix No. 1-A and will interconnect with each other forming redundant optical rings by means of different physical paths in accordance with the provisions in Paragraph 3.1.4. Each Node must contain a router that will the function to add all the traffic coming from another Distribution Node and / or Connection Nodes and route it to the Aggregation Nodes.

The physical routes that serve to link the Distribution Nodes must be connected to the Aggregation Nodes through different physically routes. Exceptionally, a Distribution Node can be connected to an Aggregation Node in a neighboring regional capital.

3.3.2The effective bandwidth of the uplinks between the Distribution Nodes and the Aggregation Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK must have an initial capacity of 1 Gbp/s and must be increased according to the demand.

3.3.3The CONTRACTED PARTY must take necessary measures so that, with increases in demand, there is availability of electrical and optical ports and bandwidth to connect with the operators of public telecommunications services.

3.4Connection Nodes, if the case may be, of the TRANSPORT NETWORK

3.4.1The Connection Nodes make it possible to extend the capabilities of Distribution Nodes to the towns that are not district capitals.

3.4.2The CONTRACTED PARTY must take into account that the Connection Node of the TRANSMISSION NETWORK will be located in the city (within the urban area) set out in Appendix No. 1. Each node must consist of a switch that will add all the traffic from clients (public telecommunications services operators) to the Distribution Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK.

3.4.3The effective bandwidth of the uplinks between the Connection Nodes and Distribution Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK must have an initial capacity of 1 Gbp/s and must be increased according to the demand.

3.4.4The CONTRACTED PARTY must take the necessary measures to that, with increases in demand, there is availability of electrical and optical ports and bandwidth to connect with the public telecommunications services operators.

3.4.5The CONTRACTED PARTY must install and equip the Connection Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK outlined in Appendix No.1..

3.5Amplification Nodes

If necessary, the CONTRACTED PARTY may deploy the TRANSPORT NETWORK using Amplification Nodes. The Amplification Node must be located in the Nodes of the TRANSPORT NETWORK.



The CONTRACTED PARTY must consider the appropriate measures to obtain all permits, licenses, approvals, etc. required by the authorities at the local, regional, or national level or required from other competent authority for the INSTALLATION STAGE. Exceptionally, upon written request from the CONTRACTED PARTY, FITEL will assist to obtain such permits, licenses, approvals, etc.

4.2Rights and Easements

The CONTRACTED PARTY must take the appropriate steps to obtain all the rights, easements and use permits required from private landowners and local, regional, national authorities or other competent authority that are required for the construction of the TRANSPORTATION NETWORK during the INSTALLATION STAGE. Exceptionally, upon written request from the CONTRACTED PARTY, FITEL will assist to secure those rights of way or use permits.

4.3Technical Standards, Building Codes and Compliance

4.3.1The CONTRACTED PARTY is responsible for complying with national and international technical standards applicable in the field of telecommunications, electricity, civil works and related sectors for the installation of the TRANSPORT NETWORK..

4.3.2E The CONTRACTED PARTY must install all systems, equipment and outside plant, in accordance with applicable national and international standards and best practices in the industry, in that order.

4.3.3The CONTRACTED PARTY is responsible for compliance with regulation applicable to the construction at the local, regional and national level, especially as indicated in the current National Building Regulations and National Electrical Code.

4.3.4The CONTRACTED PARTY must meet all applicable safety standards and best practices in the industry to ensure the safety and integrity of all goods and personnel associated with the construction of the TRANSPORT NETWORK.

5.SERVICE LEVELS (Service Level Agreement - SLA)

5.1The CONTRACTED PARTY must design and implement the TRANSPORT NETWORK, so as to ensure availability of the links [1]of the fiber optic network with a variety of routes linking the Distribution Nodes with the Aggregation Nodes ninety nine point ninety nine hundredths percent (99.99%), measured on an annual basis. These Distribution Nodes are listed in Appendix No. 1-A.

5.2The availability of the links [2]of the fiber optic network without diversity of routes for the Distribution Nodes will be ninety nine point nine-tenths percent (99.9%) measured on an annual basis. These Distribution Nodes are listed in Appendix No. 1-A.

5.3The CONTRACTED PARTY must design and implement the TRANSPORT NETWORK, so as to ensure availability of the links [3]of the Connection Nodes of ninety nine point six-tenths percent (99.6%) measured on an annual basis..

5.4The average latency of the TRANSPORT NETWORK must be less than thirty (30) ms. The latency is defined as the amount of time it takes a packet to travel from its origin to its destination and vice versa, ie, "there and back". This indicator will be measured between Nodes.

5.5The monthly average packet loss throughout the TRANSPORT NETWORK must be less than zero point three tenths percent (0.3%). This indicator will be measured between Nodes.

5.6The average jitter of the TRANSPORT NETWORK must be less than ten (10) ms. This indicator will be measured between Nodes.

5.7The maximum jitter in the TRANSPORT NETWORK must be less than twenty (20) ms.. This indicator will be measured between Nodes.

5.8The CONTRACTED PARTY shall ensure that the transmitted optical signals have an accuracy of ± 20 ppm.

5.9The TRANSPORT NETWORK is synchronized using signals from the RDNFO.


6.1Use of the Power Company Infrastructure

Para For the use of power company infrastructure, the CONTRACTED PARTY is responsible for ensuring the adequacy (make-ready) of high and medium voltage towers as well as the posts, before the optical fiber is installed. It also requires defraying the costs associated with repairing these problems. For further details see Paragraphs9.6.5and9.6.6.

6.2Road Network / Purpose-Built Posts

The posts to be installed as part of the TRANSPORT NETWORK shall be of centrifuged reinforced concrete, twelve (12) meters in height or different heights (duly documented). The CONTRACTED PARTY must design routes, obtain permits and rights of way from the relevant authorities and install posts according to the industry best practices. These posts must meet all regional, national and international anchoring requirements (setback), and the respective construction codes and standards. These posts must be made only of centrifuged reinforced concrete and designed for a service life of at least twenty (20) years.

6.3Underground Pipeline

If the CONTRACTED PARTY is required to build pipeline systems in some areas, such ducts must be designed to meet the local conditions using the industry best practices. In addition, all local and national building codes and standards must be followed.


7.1If the CONTRACTED PARTY hires subcontractors to perform certain functions associated with the implementation, the CONTRACTED PARTY is responsible for the implementation of the TRANSPORT NETWORK. FITEL reserves the right to request relevant information in order to perform its functions.

7.2All sites, whether or not staffed, that are equipped with backup power facilities must have the ability to remote monitoring the state of the power supply (eg active / inactive mains electrical supply, active / inactive generator, active / inactive UPS). Backup generators on such sites must have undergone full operating tests (activation / transition of the generator and generator on / off), such tests must be carried out and to be monitored remotely, without the need for human intervention, although they can be performed manually on sites that are staffed.