Topic Two – Religion and Planet Earth.

Key Words.

Creation – idea God created the world from nothing

Stewardship – humans have a duty to look after the world

Sanctity of life – all life is special or sacred and humans have a responsibility to look after it

The Origins of Life.

The Big Bang Theory – scientific account.

About 20 billion years ago there was nothing. There was a huge explosion, this caused a cloud of dust and gas, the cloud settled to form the universe. On Earth there wasn’t any land or sea, just a very hot kind of mud – scientists call this ‘primeval soup’. Proteins and amino acids – the basic elements of life – were in the primeval soup, some of these got fused together, creating the first simple forms of life. These developed into more complicated life forms. Then they developed into insects, then fish and bird-like creatures. From these came reptiles and then mammals. Finally humans about 5 million years ago.

Religious accounts.

Christianity – at the beginning of time God created the world from nothing. It took six ‘days’ and after its completion God was pleased with it. The creation included the world – land, sea, vegetation, sun, moon, stars and all life on it – fish, birds, animals. Humans were the final creation.

Sikhism – God created the world, everything comes from God and without God nothing exists. God maintains life, so that it continues to exist.

Stewardship – all religions believe in this – ‘looking after’ the world, shows respect to God, as it belongs to Him. It is a duty all humans have. In Sikhism it is an act of worship. Sikhs believe in reincarnation – humans live on earth for many lives.

Awe & wonderment – seeing beauty in the world eg waterfall, and feeling privileged to have witnessed something so special, it amazed you. It inspires humans to think of God and His power.

World Problems.

  1. Climate change and global warming. Human activity has speeded the climate heating up. Due to burning fossil fuels. Means hotter, drier, more extreme weather, ice caps melting, sea levels rise, more floods. More diseases. Answer – use sustainable energy eg wind, wave.
  2. Pollution. Human activity causing too much of something leading to an imbalance in the environment eg traffic = air pollution, leads to acid rain. Water pollution by pesticides, litter etc. Pollution causes global warming.
  3. Destruction of natural habitats. Deforestation for farming or building. Animals lose habitat and die out. Trees give oxygen and take in carbon dioxide so we can breathe. Leads to loss of plants in Rainforest and extinction.
  4. Use & abuse of natural resources. Natural resources – vegetation, minerals & fossil fuels we are using them at a fast rate, they are running out. We use them for technology & life style. They also pollute the world – we need to find greener alternatives.
  5. Modern Living. Each person puts big demands on the planet and pollutes it. Fossil fuels, emissions, waste, pesticides, landfill sites, clearing rainforest – we need to resolve these problems.

Looking after the World.

Earth Summits began in 1972, every 10 years attended by all Governments, they try to get agreements between countries to tackle world environmental problems. 2002 Kyoto agreement – set targets for cleaner fuels & reducing carbon dioxide emissions. If countries stick to it, it will reduce global warming.

Sustainable Development.

Finding technology that all nations can use and will not run out or harm the environment eg hydroelectric energy.


To protect the environment.

Example declare an area a nature reserve & protect the animals inside eg. orang-utans in Borneo. Conservation holidays are becoming popular.

Sikh views about the environment / Christian views about the environment
Gift from God for humans to care for. It came into being by God’s will. We can see & hear God in nature, humans should respect all life & don’t be wasteful. Stewardship. God is in nature, so damaging the environment shows lack of respect to God. Sewa (service) includes the natural world. It is for future generations. In India langars use solar panels for energy. “in nature we see God, and in nature we hear God speak”. Adi Granth. / God created the world & humans have stewardship – Genesis. Respect for life is all creation. God can be seen in His creation. We are responsible individually and collectively as a whole. Humans will face God on Judgement Day & account for their actions. Christians believe in environmental work to heal the world. “ the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it”. Genesis / Bible.

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