UKS2: Topic: Comparing People & Places Block F: Alps
Learn fascinating facts about the awesome Alps. Make models and use maps to help investigate the key features of the Alps. Learn about the countries around these mountains and study their fascinating cultures. Invite visitors into the classroom to share your learning.
Block F: Comparing People & PlacesAwesome Alps
[4 Sessions] / Main outcome: Geography
Other outcomes: DT
By the end of this block you will have achieved the following outcomes: / · Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities
· Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography in a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country. And a region within North or South America
· Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography including climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes
· Describe and understand human geography including types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water
· Select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks accurately
· Select from and use a wider range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities
· Evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work
· Understand and use mechanical systems in their products (for example , gears, pulleys, cams, levers and linkages)
Session 1 Geography and DT
Alps from Above
Study aerial maps and use Google Maps to become familiar with the heights of the mountains; recognise some of the features of the Alps, including recognising some glacial features; make a group model of the Alps from modroc. / Children will:
· Learn facts about the Alps, including where they are located
· Study aerial maps and use Google Maps to become familiar with the heights of the mountains
· Be able to recognise some of the features of the Alps, including recognising some glacial features
· Make a group model of the Alps from modroc
Session 2 Geography and D&T
The Natural Alps
Recognise vegetation and climate of the Alpine mountains and compare to life in the foothills; paint and decorate the group model to reflect the vegetation and climate. / Children will:
· Recognise vegetation and climate of the Alpine mountains and compare life in the foothills
· Paint and decorate the group model to reflect the vegetation and climate
Session 3 Geography and D&T
Living in the Alps
Be familiar with the countries containing the Alps, including the languages, foods and capital cities; understand more of the lifestyle of those people living in these countries; include examples of settlements on the Modroc model, including some features of tourism. / Children will:
· Be familiar with the countries containing the Alps, including the languages, foods and capital cities
· Understand more of the lifestyle of those people living in these countries
· Include examples of settlements on the Modroc model, including some features of tourism
Session 4 Geography and D&T
Build a ski lift
Explore a section of the Alps involved with ski tourism, including the hotels, shops and cable cars; plan, design and make a ski button lift model with working mechanisms to take a person to the top of a mountain on the Modroc model; invite visitors into the classroom to see the Modroc models. / Children will:
· Explore a section of the Alps involved with ski tourism, including the hotels, shops and cable cars
· Plan, design and make a ski button lift model with working mechanisms to take a person to the top of a mountain on the Modroc model
· Invite visitors into the classroom to see the Modroc models
Session 1
Provided: Presentations covering: What can we find out about the Awesome Alps & How to make an Alpine mountain range.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Food associated with countries bordering the Alps (E.g. pretzels, cheese, and spicy sausage), Internet access to google maps, cardboard, paper, tape, scissors, Modroc.
Session 2
Provided: Presentation on How to paint an Alpine mountain range.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Paint (browns, greens, white), paintbrushes, tissue paper, PVA glue, white air-drying clay, sponge or green modelling sponge for trees.
Session 3
Provided: Presentations covering: The countries that the Alps run through; Alps Jigsaw; How to make settlements for an Alpine mountain range.
You will need: Access to the Internet and Google maps; Newspapers or cloths, air-drying clay, felt tips, PVA glue.
Session 4
Provided: Presentations covering: Exploring Chamonix using Google maps & How to make a ski lift on the Alpine mountain range.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Modroc mountain models, air-drying clay or balsa wood wheels, art straws, knife, clay tools, and string.
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