AP U.S. HistoryFORTUNAName: ______

Period: ______Date: ______

Chapter 14; Forging the National Economy

Antebellum: 1790-1860 (Pp 305-339)

Antebellum Dfn: Pre-Civil War

1) Westward Movement:

a)Emerson’s Essay:Self-reliance

b) James Fenimore Cooper: Book –Last of the Mohicans

c) Herman Melville: Book –Moby Dick

d) What is “Rugged Individualism”Self-reliance, able to take care of oneself w/o the government to help. Western attitude.

2) What is “Ecological Imperialism” Shape the environment to fit our needs

3) Who was George Catlin – 1832Painter, Propose the 1st National Park (Yellowstone).

4) How has the total population increased – (See Chart P.309)

a) 1790 3.9mc) 1840 17.0m

b) 1820 9.6md) 1860 31.4m

5) By 1860 there were 33 states.

6) In 1790 2 cities held more than 20K people, but by 1860 there were43.

7) Describe some problems that urbanization created: Overcrowded, sewage, impure H2O, lighting, crime – blamed immigrants.

8) During the 1840s & 1850s what were the 2 major immigration groups:

Germans andIrish

9) From 1831 – 1900 how many Irish came over (See Chart P.310) 3.8m

10) Why did immigrants come to America from Europe:

a) Cheap Land/Jobs

b) Transoceanic Steamship (reduced trip from 2 months to 12 days).

c) American Letters

11) Why did theIrish specifically come over in 1840s:1845 Potato Famine

a) Who emigrated? i) under 35 yrs;ii) poor; iii) men;iv) Catholics

v) manual laborers;vi) women as domestic servants. High mortality rate.

b) Where to? To cities on east coast; especially Boston.

c) Discriminated Against. Why? i)poor;ii) Catholic;iii) portrayed as drunkardsReaction: Construct parish schools.

d) NINA No Irish Need Apply

e) Race RiotsIrish & African American; Job competition

f) Ancient Order of Hiberians: Semi-secret Irish society helps immigrants.

g) Molly Maquires:Irish miners’ union - violence

h) Tammany Hall: NYC Political Machine run by Boss Tweed – helped immigrants assimilate

12) German48ers Largest immigrant group (1820 to 1920).

a) Between 1830 to 18601.5mGerman immigrants came to America

b) Why? 1)For farms – cheap land

2)Political freedom; liberal pro-democracy

Note: Bismarck does not unite Germany until 1871

iii) Wealthier than Irish

iv) Where to? Mid-west especially WI, PA, TX

where they est. modelfarms

c) German contributions to America included: Conestoga wagon, KY rifle, Christmas Tree, Beer.

d) Education: Pro-public schools; introduced Kindergarten

e) German position on slavery: Abolitionists.

f) German’s were criticized b/c: Partied on Sunday, Drank beer.

13)What is a Nativist: Anti-immigrant: Anti-catholic

14) Describe American attitudes toward Roman Catholics: Anti-catholic; feared loyalty to

Pope. Maria Monk:Awful Disclosures

a) Catholic Reaction: Create Catholic School system

15) By 1840 Catholics ranked5th; but by 1850 they ranked 1st

16) 1849 -- “Order of the Star Spangled Banner” a/k/a Know Nothings

Goals:1) decrease immigration

2) deport alien paupers

3) anti-catholic

17) 1st Industrial Revolution (Market Revolution) 1840s + (Inventors/People):

a) Samuel Slater “Father of the Factory System” – stole the plans of factory machinery for spinning cotton thread

b) Eli Whitney interchangeable parts

c) Elias Howe invents sewing machinePerfected by Singer

d) Samuel Morse Telegraph (unites west)

e) Farmers: (South)

Eli Whitney 1793 cotton ginResult: increases speed to separate seeds

Actually increases the need for slavery. Makes plantation system profitable again.

B) Farmers: (West)

1) John Deere Steel Plow

Increases Farm production

2) McCormick Reaper

Problem: Increased supply results in decrease in price + Increased debt for machines.

f) Patent Office: Protect & encourage inventions;

g) Limited Liability: Corporations only liable up to corporate not personal assets

18) Workers & Wage Slaves

a) Factory System decreased relationship between employer and employee

b) Define Employee “Wage Slave” Northern factory workers

Poor Working Conditions:i) Long Hours; ii) poor heating & lighting

iii) poor ventilation iv) child labor

Workers Demands:i) increase pay; ii) improve working conditions

iii) decrease hours iv) public education; v) end debtors prisons

c) Unions were forbidden by law toform unions to raise wages

d) How did Jacksonian Democracy aid the worker: Gave the working class the right to vote

& influence pro-worker; anti-rich laws.

e) Martin Van Buren established: 10 hour work day for Fed. Employees

f) Owners reacted to strikes by: Owners used “scabs” (strikebreakers or replacement workers) Usually immigrants.

g) Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842) (IL State Case)Unions are not illegal conspiracies provided their methods were honorable and peaceful.

h) Political Machine (Party Bosses -- Controls the Party)

i) help immigrant assimilate

ii) indoctrinate immigrants into democratic party

iii) increase political patronage

19) Women held few professions except:teaching, nursing, domestic servants, some

factory workers.

a) Working women wereSingle(marital status)

20) Define “cult of domesticity” (See Handout).

21) How did industrialization affect the family: Families grew smaller

22) Define “Domestic Feminism” Asserted role & power of women to have fewer children in the family.

23) Describe how child rearing changed: More child-centered families; less corporal punishment.

24) This area became the nation’s new “bread basket” Trans-Alleghany (OH-IN-IL)

where the principal crop wasCorn& principal livestock Hogs

25) Transportation & Communication (Links 3 sections together)

a) 1790s -- 1800s Creation of Turnpikes 1st inLancaster, PA

b) What slowed western road building: States Righters

c) 1811 construction began on Cumberland Road a/k/a 1st National Road

which stretched fromCumberland, MD to Vandalia, IL (591 MILEs)

d) What was Fulton’s folly: Steamboat

e) How did the steamboat change shipping: decreased travel time from Europe from 2 months to 12 days

26) Clinton’s “Big Ditch” 1817 - 1825 From Albany to Buffalo. Erie Canal.Decreased shipping costs from $100 to $5. Note: State improvement

27) Another name for the railroad isIron horse

28) Railroads. By 1860 -- 30,000 miles.

29) What is a Pullman Car (1859) Sleeper Cars

30) Cyrus FieldOrganized joint venture w/ Canada to develop

Transatlantic Cable 1866 linking Europe to

the US.

31) Clipper Ships (Sleek, fast) (1850s). (Sleek, fast ships – transport goods across ocean)

32) Mark Twain’s bookRoughing It about Westward Travel

33) Pony Express: est. in 1860 to carry mail over 2K miles

34) What about Buffalo: Erie Canal will make Buffalo a hub – grow to the 9th largest city. Major grain port.

35) What stimulated the “Transportation Revolution” Desire of the East to tap the West.

Effects: Finished goods were able to be sent up western water ways, uniting the West and South. Commerce and communications would greatly improve. This also aided division of labor, which led to specialization of goods in different regions.

Ex.) South raised cotton to export to New England and Great Britain.

36) Southerners who would secede saw the Mississippi as a “silver chain” that linked West

to East but overlooked “man made links that increasingly bound the upper Mississippi Valley to the East in intimate commercial union” Southerners would have to fight the North as well as the bonds of an interdependent continental economy.

37) Define Market Revolution: Transformed a subsistence economy of scattered farms and tiny workshops into a national network of industry and commerce.

a) How did Chief Justice Taney’s decision in the Boston Charles River Caseaffect American capitalism?

Taney’s decision opened new entrepreneurial channels (corporations) and encouraged greater competition. ( limited liability)

b) What effect did the Market Revolution have on self-sufficient households?

Self-sufficient households began to disappear; many people began to seek jobs in the mills. (Few crops were planted) Money was used to buy factory made goods.

c) Social Mobility – Explain myth vs. reality: Belief that people easily could rise from poor to rich – Reality very little social mobility.

Compare to Europe: Still better than Europe

THEME: A division of labor between the sections developed w/ ea. Section specializing.

South: CottonWest: Grain & LivestockEast: Manufacturing

Question?Why did manufacturing develop in the North & not the South?

1) Northern soil & climate less favorable to farming

2) Dense population w/ cheap immigrant labor

3) Seaports & shipping already established

4) Rivers available to turn machinery

Question?What effect did industrialization have on wealth distribution?

1) Overall increased the wealth of the nation.

2) Increased wages of workers at a steady pace (1% per year for 20yrs).

3) Increased the gap between rich and poor. The rich became very rich.

ie). Astor $38 million.

Wealth = Political Power. Jacksonian Democracy is an attack on this wealth and the corrupting influence on politics. He sees the national bank as the prime example.