On-line registration recommended via the meeting website


Please write carefully, or type, as this information will be used to produce your conference badge and entry in the participants list.

I am a HUGO Member Student/Young Scientist* (see notes below)

Mr Ms Dr Prof Other

Family Name:

Given Name:

Job Title:








All fields are mandatory

Yes / No I intend to submit an abstract (delete as appropriate)

Tick this box if you do not wish your name to appear in the HGM2006 conference delegate list.

Tick this box if you require notification of acceptance of your abstract before you can pay your registration fee.

Help us plan future HGMs by telling us your fields of interest (tick up to 3)

Clinical GeneticsDevelopment/Differentiation


Genome VariationGenomics

ProteomicsStructural Biology

Informatics/ComputingPopulation Genetics

Special discounted rate available to Students/Young Scientists
To obtain this special rate, you must submit an official university certificate or letter with your registration to the HUGO Secretariat confirming your status. This documentation must come from your supervisor; departmental head, or graduate school officer (as appropriate)

Young Scientist is defined as: a person who is no more than three years beyond the granting of their PhD by 31 January 2006

Student/Young Scientist rate registration DOES NOT include a ticket for the conference dinner, but does include all other benefits


Registration feeincludes: access to all scientific sessions: daily coffee breaks and lunches: welcome reception: conference dinner*: meeting bag and conference materials.

All registration fees charged in UK£ (GB Pounds Sterling)

‘Early Bird’ (up to and including 24th February 2006)

HUGO member £325.00

Non-HUGO member £455.00

Student/Young Scientist* £110.00

Standard (from 25th February 2006)

HUGO member £400.00

Non-HUGO member £525.00

Student/Young Scientist* £150.00

No concessions

Day registration (Available on site only) £185.00

Conference Dinner Tickets £ 55.00 each

I require …………. extra conference dinner tickets at £55 each


  • Registration fees may only be paid in UK£ (UK Pounds Sterling)
  • Please see below for detailed instructions on payment methods


I will pay by Credit Card: Cheque: Bank Transfer:


Please make your cheque payable to: HUGO (London)

Cheques MUST be UK £ Sterling and drawn on a UK bank

You MUST write the name/s of the delegate/s on the reverse of the cheque and send cheque with form/s to the address above.

Bank Transfer

Bank Details:National Westminster Bank

Great Portland Street Branch

London W1A 1GA, UK

Account Number:86438964

Bank Sort Code:60-09-15

Account Name:HUGO London (No 3) a/c

Reference: Delegate/s Name/s HGM2006 Registration Fee

Bank transfers MUST be net and free of all bank charges.

Bank transfer reference MUST include delegate name/s

Credit Card Payment

I hereby authorise HUGO to debit my: VISA MasterCard Amex

Card No :

Security code number:

Expiry Date (Month/Year):/

Name of Cardholder (as written on card):

CHANGES AND CANCELLATIONS: Cancellations received before 28th February 2006 will be eligible for a full refund, less a £35 administration fee. Cancellations received on or after 28th February 2006 will be 100% NON REFUNDABLE. All changes and cancellations will also be charged a £15 per transaction processing fee regardless of date received

SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME: Some of the scientific sessions at HGM2006 will run concurrently. To help us plan the most effective use of space at the meeting, please tick below the three symposia and four workshops that you think you are most likely to attend. This is in no way a commitment to attend.


Large Scale Genomic Projects


Genetics in Disasters

Genes and Cognition Defects

Genetics of Senses

Genetics and Diseases of Colour: Melanocyte Biology and Pathology

Genetics and Sex


Twin Studies

Genomics and Identity (Ethics)

Genetic Epidemiology

Comparative Genomics


Genomic Variation and Diversity

New and Emerging Technologies

Genetics of Immune System Disorders


Transcriptome, Expression Profile, Non-coding RNA

Cancer Genomics

Genomics of Complex Disorders


Genes, Chromosomes and Diseases

EU Workshop on International Co-operation