For step-by-step help in completing this document, please see the accompanying annotated learning plan.

Modality: Reading and Writing

Topic: Historical place – Baghe/Hammame Feen e kashan

Trip to Iran; Participating in Nowruz Festival: / Week 2
Day 9 / Grade Range of Learners: / 7-8
Total Number of Minutes: / 90 (10 minutes break) / Targeted Performance Level: / Advanced Low
WhatCan-Do statement(s) from the curriculum template does this lesson address?
  • I can read and understand the main ideas of a short article related to topics such as: a memorable experience, special food (Haft Seen); picnic places (Park Eram, Emam Squre , and Tehran Zoo); famous historical places (Bagh-e-Beheshtr, See o Se Pol, Chahar Bagh, , Chehel Setoon, pole Khajoo, and Menar Jonboon) to visit during Nowruz; famous people (Shaikh Bahaee, shah safavee, and shah Abbas, Jalaludding Rumi Balkhi); and how people usually spend their time during Nowruz (Sizdah Be-dar). (Interpretive Reading).
  • I can read posting and write responses about different traditional practices and products related to Nowruz celebrations such as: famous Persian restaurants, a typical Nowruz day; picnic places (chahar Bagh School, Si-o-Se Pol, , and Hasht Behesht); food (Sabzi Polo ba Mahee,Reshte Polo, Beryounee , Ghayme, Samanoo, kookoo sabzi) historical places (Chehel setoun, Musume of Isfahan, Menar Jonban, Fire temple of Isfahan, Ali Gholi Hammam, shah Mosque, and Jameh Mosque of Isfahan); and famous people ( king Shah Abas, Amir Kabir, and Ferdosee , and Hafiz) (Interpersonal Communication for Reading and Writing).
  • I can write a short article or a letter about Nowruz celebrations (Sizdah Be-dar); visiting historical places (Chahar Bagh school, Takhte Jamshed, Hasht Behesht, Se o se pol, Menar Jonban , and Hammame feen e kashan); preparing Nowruz special dishes (Haft Seen, Sabzee polo, Samanoo, Beryounee); and identifying important historical figures and their characteristics (King Shah Abbas, Amir Kabir, Ferdosee, Hafiz, and Mawlana Jalaludding Rumi Balkhi). (Presentational Writing).

How will you capture the learners’ energy and commitment for this lesson?
The teacher will play a couple of clips from YouTube for a minute or so to spark the curiosity of learners about the topic.
What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this episode? / STAGE 2
How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of this episode?
Learning Targets
What specific can-do addresses this episode? / Culture, Content & Language
What do learners need to know to meet the can-do? / Checking for Learning
How will you know that learners have met the learning target for this episode?
I can understand questions and provide answers bout Baghe/Hammame Feen e kashan as a historical place in Iran (Interpretive Reading). / Vocabulary: Kashan, resort,Solyaman spring, the most important, desert
کاشان، تفریحگاه، چشمه سلیمان، با اهمیت ترین، کویر،
Grammatical structure: Action verbs, expressing opinion, present, past, and future tenses, interrogative words, passive voice, sequence expressions, compound words.
Language Chunks: Garden/Hammame Feen e kashan is located in Kashan …has ....Desert climate…, in the resort around...... Feen’s historic garden, famous Feen bath… in this garden ..., ... the water of this garden, …from Solomon springs…, the most important district in this city ...
باغ یا حمام فین کاشان در کاشانقرار دارد.منطقه کویری....، در تفریحگاه اطراف ...،باغ تاریخی فین ...، حمام فین کاشان در این باغ ... ، ،... آب این باغ ...،از چشمه سلیمان ، ... با اهمیت ترین منطقه این شهر...
Cultural Knowledge: Students learn about Traditional, historical building as a reflection of the personality and history of the people; they also learn about different habits/behaviors associated with bathing such as public bath and …Dalak e Hammam…of the people of that region/country/.
دانش آموزان اداب و عادات مربوط به استحمام مثل حوض های مخصوص برای شستشو، کیسه کشیدن، دلاک، حمام های عمومی مردانه و زنانه از قدیم و حمام های خصوصی در زمان معاصر را یاد می گیرند.
Content: HistoricalPlace / Learners will provide answers to the teacher’s questions by completing a reading comprehension test about the article.
Learning Targets
What specific can-do addresses this episode? / Culture, Content & Language
What do learners need to know to meet the can-do? / Checking for Learning
How will you know that learners have met the learning target for this episode?
I can write what I have read in an article about Baghe/Hammame Feen e kashan history(Interpretive Reading). / Vocabulary: Professor, research, prominent, author, Prime Minister, the time
استاد، پژوهش ، سرشناس، نویسنده، نخست وزیر ، وقت
Grammatical structure: Action verbs, expressing opinion, present, past, and future tenses, interrogative words, passive voice, sequence expressions, compound words.
کشته شدن
Language Chunks:interviews with aUniversity professor..., a prominent Iranian..., , author of the book ... he said ..., Hammame feen kashan is located in the Feen Garden...
مصاحبه با استاد دانشگاه...سرشناس ایران...، اودرباره پژو هش های ...، نویسنده کتاب ...، او گفت...، حمام فین کاشان در باغ فین قرار دارد... امیر کبیر ... نخست وزیر وقت... کشته شد.
Cultural Knowledge: Students learn about Traditional, historical building as a reflection of the personality and history of the people; they also learn about different habits/behaviors associated with bathing such as public bath and …Dalak e Hammam…of the people of that region/country/.
دانش آموزان اداب و عادات مربوط به استحمام مثل حوض های مخصوص برای شستشو، کیسه کشیدن، دلاک، حمام های عمومی مردانه و زنانه از قدیم و حمام های خصوصی در زمان معاصر را یاد می گیرند.
Content: HistoricalPlace / After reading the article, learners will write three things they found out about the topic, two things they found interesting, and one question they still have about the topic
Learning Targets
What specific can-do addresses this episode? / Culture, Content & Language
What do learners need to know to meet the can-do? / Checking for Learning
How will you know that learners have met the learning target for this episode?
I can write a summary about what I’ve read in an article about Baghe/Hammame Feen e kashan history. (Interpersonal Communication for Reading and Writing). / Vocabulary: Tehran University, continues, tower, a central courtyard, World Heritage Property,
دانشگاه تهران، ادامه،برج، حیاط مرکزی، ثبت جهانی، جوی
Grammatical structure: Action verbs, expressing opinion, present, past, and future tenses, interrogative words, passive voice, sequence expressions, compound words.
ادامه دادن، وجود داشتن
Language Chunks: A University professor... continued ... wrote ... a central courtyard, …abundant water ... It made the garden green and beautiful... there are tall towers around the garden … recorded as a UNESCO World heritage ... jooyha in the garden ...
استاد دانشگاه...در ادامه...نوشت، یک حیاط مرکزی...، آب های فراوان...این باغ را سرسبز و زیبا کرده...برج های بلند...در اطراف باغ وجود دارد... به ثبت جهانی یونسکو رسیده است... جوی های داخل باغ...
Cultural Knowledge: Students learn about Traditional, historical building as a reflection of the personality and history of the people; they also learn about different habits/behaviors associated with bathing such as public bath and …Dalak e Hammam…of the people of that region/country/.
دانش آموزان اداب و عادات مربوط به استحمام مثل حوض های مخصوص برای شستشو، کیسه کشیدن، دلاک، حمام های عمومی مردانه و زنانه از قدیم و حمام های خصوصی در زمان معاصر را یاد می گیرند.
Content: HistoricalPlace / Learners will write a summary of their findings and share it with classmates through a Facebook posting.
Learning Targets
What specific can-do addresses this episode? / Culture, Content & Language
What do learners need to know to meet the can-do? / Checking for Learning
How will you know that learners have met the learning target for this episode?
I can present on a topic related to Baghe/Hammame Feen e kashan in Nowruz. (Presentational Writing). / Vocabulary: Kashan, recreation, springs, the most important, desert, Safavid Bath, known as
کاشان، تفرجگاه/ تفریحگاه، چشمه سلیمان، با اهمیت ترین، کویر، حمام صفوی، معروف به
Grammatical structure: Action verbs, expressing opinion, present, past, and future tenses, interrogative words, passive voice, sequence expressions, compound words.
Language Chunks: Garden/Hammame Feen e kashan is located in... Desert area, in the resort ...... Feen historical gardens, known as Feen Safavid bath in the garden ..., Nasser al-Din Shah ..., ... the weather of the garden. ., soleyman springs, the most important area of the city…
باغ یا حمام فین کاشان در کاشان.... قرار دارد.منطقه کویری....، در تفریحگاه اطراف ...،باغ تاریخی فین ...، حمام فین کاشان معروف به حمام صفوی در این باغ ... ، ناصر الدین شاه... ،... آب این باغ ...،از چشمه سلیمان ، ... با اهمیت ترین منطقه این شهر...
Cultural Knowledge: Students learn about Traditional, historical building as a reflection of the personality and history of the people; they also learn about different habits/behaviors associated with bathing such as public bath and …Dalak e Hammam…of the people of that region/country/.
دانش آموزان اداب و عادات مربوط به استحمام مثل حوض های مخصوص برای شستشو، کیسه کشیدن، دلاک، حمام های عمومی مردانه و زنانه از قدیم و حمام های خصوصی در زمان معاصر را یاد می گیرند.
Content: HistoricalPlace / Learners will write a summary of their findings through different activities and post it on the program’s created Facebook page. Other students will read the posting and write comments.

Add additional learning episodes as needed by copying a learning episode box.

What supplies and materials will you need to successfully implement this learning plan?
  • Computer, pencil, and paper
  • Authentic images, video clips, and texts
  • Markers and crayons
  • Authentic objects
  • Flashcards
  • Flip charts

Did all learners meet the learning goals of the lesson? What will you do to adapt for those who are not learning? What might you do in subsequent lessons?
As soon as the lesson is completed, the teacher will ask the following questions to evaluate the instruction and identifythe areas for improvement:
  • Did the activities work?
  • What are the areas that need to be improved?
  • Did the time work well?
  • Did students have an enjoyable learning experience?
  • Did the lesson engage all students?
The teacher will adjust his or her lesson, activities, and practices accordingly.

While only Stage 1 and Stage 2 are required for STARTALK purposes, programs are encouraged to use Stage 3 as a planning tool in ways that best meet the needs of their instructors.

What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know?
Do the learning activities allow learners to move from input to shared/guided practice and then to independent application of new learning? Do all activities make the best use of instructional time to maximize student learning and take an appropriate amount of time considering the age of the learner? Do the learning activities provide variety to enable a lively pace for the lesson?
What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the learning targets from Episode 1?
The teacher will check student’s background information about the topic. He or she will then introduce some key words/concepts through images. Later, learners will complete a reading comprehension test about the article and show how much they have learned. / TIME:
20 min
What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the learning targets from Episode 3?
Leaners will read an article about the topic. They will then write three things they found out about the topic, two things they found interesting, and one questions they still have about the topic. / TIME:
20 min
What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the learning targets from Episode 3?
Learners will work in small groups and share their three findings with each other through a Facebook posting. They will also post comments and answer each other questions about the topic. / TIME:
20 min
What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the learning targets from Episode 3?
Learners will work independently and write a summary of their overall findings from the reading and group activities and post it to the program Facebook page. Other students will read postings and comment. / TIME:
20 min
References: TBA

Add additional learning activities for each episode as needed.


Revised 2016